How to cook pancakes from crucian caviar. How to cook ravioli: pancakes from fish caviar

Fish caviar is very valuable and useful product. Red and black sturgeon is considered a delicacy all over the world, its prices are incredibly high (especially for black sturgeon), and not everyone can afford to buy such goodies outside the holiday. Another thing is the caviar of river fish, it is in a different price category, which does not at all beg for its benefits.

Beneficial features:

  • a storehouse of vitamins: A, E, D, B, C. Contribute to strengthening the immune system, the rapid recovery of the body after an illness. Strengthens blood vessels, bone tissues, normalizes metabolic processes, promotes cell rejuvenation;
  • it is a source of quickly and easily digestible protein, consisting of unique amino acids;
  • the product has a double iodine content (several times higher than in a fish carcass or fillet);
  • caviar is rich in Omega-3 and minerals, which in combination slow down the aging process, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stimulating the brain.


  1. High-calorie product (123 kcal / 100 g). Therefore, they should not be carried away, especially for people who are overweight or have a tendency to be overweight. Make it a rule - moderation;
  2. May cause severe allergic reactions. It should be introduced with great care into the diet of lactating women (or refrain from eating), children from 3 years of age. Do not tempt fate for people with severe allergic reactions to fish products.

simple recipe

How to cook pancakes from fish caviar:

  1. Break one chicken egg into a small bowl;
  2. Peel the onion and finely chop with a knife (grate) to the consistency of gruel;
  3. Combine the onion mass with the egg, add a pinch of spices and salt, mix thoroughly;
  4. Add to the bowl the main ingredient, gutted or rubbed through a sieve, sea roe or river fish while stirring, add flour;
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Scoop up the caviar mass with a tablespoon or a small ladle and pour into boiling oil so that small pancakes form;
  6. Cover the skillet with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then turn the pancakes over, toasted side up. Cover and bring to readiness (10 minutes);
  7. Divide pancakes with hot heat on plates.

River fish caviar fritters


  • 0.6-0.7 kg of fresh whole river fish ovaries;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 glass oatmeal fast food Extra;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil.

The duration of cooking caviar fritters is about 1 hour. Calories: There are 270 kcal per 100 gram serving.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Boil 1 and 1/4 cups of water in a ladle, add extra flakes, stir, bring to a boil, cover and set to swell;
  2. Separate the eggs from the films, working with a knife or fork, as if scraping out the contents, from the dense film shell of the ovary;
  3. Peel the garlic cloves, pass through the garlic and add to the caviar;
  4. Put in the base of the fritters oatmeal from a ladle, salt;
  5. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, cool and beat in a separate bowl;
  6. Gradually introduce protein foam into the total mass;
  7. For density, add flour mixed with soda into the caviar mass;
  8. Warm up olive oil on a frying pan. With a tablespoon, spread the complex dough into hot vegetable fat. Close the pancakes with a lid so that they are properly baked from the inside. After 7-10 minutes, turn the products over and steam under the lid for about 10 minutes.

Recipe for pancakes from carp caviar

The prescription must have:

  • 0.8-1.0 kg of fresh carp caviar;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • a pinch of seasoning for fish;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt without a slide;
  • 50-70 milliliters of vegetable oil for frying;
  • bunch of parsley.

The amount of time for cooking egg fritters is proportional to the volume of the initial products, one batch is fried for about 10-15 minutes. Calorie output: per 100 grams 201 kcal.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The most significant criteria when choosing a fish delicacy is its freshness and maturity. This is very easy to determine by the appearance of the raw materials and by the smell. Raw materials can be considered mature if individual eggs are clearly visible in the films. From a cloudy, jelly-like mass, one cannot cook good and delicious treat for family and friends. A "smelling" product is hazardous to health;
  2. Sometimes caviar bags become a pleasant find in the belly of a fish, then, for further use, you should remove them very carefully, without breaking the shell of the film bags, so that fish bile does not get into the valuable product;
  3. Film caviar bags are called yastyks. Before cooking, they are washed well in cool water, and the contents are cleaned (for each type of delicacy raw material obtained from various freshwater and marine fish own cleaning methods). The yastyks themselves are not poisonous, but are very rough and can add bitterness or an unpleasant aftertaste to the dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Delicate, fragrant and airy with a fried crust will not leave any fish lover indifferent. Any caviar, both sea and river fish, is suitable for their preparation. Most often they are prepared from the caviar of carp, carp, silver carp, pike, catfish, that is, from large fish, in which there is plenty of it.

Today I will show you how to quickly and tasty cook pancakes from silver carp caviar. Despite the fact that raw caviar has a not very aesthetic appearance, pancakes from it turn out a beautiful golden yellow color.

Ingredients for fritters from silver carp caviar:

  • River fish caviar - 400 gr.,
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Spices and salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Caviar or caviar fritters - recipe

Put silver carp caviar or any other caviar in a bowl. Remove all thick films and membranes from it. By the way, silver carp caviar has, well, a lot of coarse veins, so I additionally rubbed it through a colander with large holes.

Put sour cream in a bowl with caviar and onion, grated on a fine grater.

Beat in an egg. If you need to cook lean without an egg, then it is most often replaced with two tablespoons of semolina. Add salt and spices.

Mix the mass thoroughly with a fork. A blender is not suitable for making eggs, as it will simply kill the already tender eggs.

Pour in wheat flour and mix again.

The consistency of the dough for the eggs in terms of density should be the same as for ordinary pancakes. Try not to be ready dough lumps of flour.

Take a tablespoon of dough and spread small pancakes in a hot pan with sunflower oil.

They fry very quickly. Literally in a matter of minutes, the bottom is covered with a golden crust. As soon as you notice that the bottom is completely cooked, turn them over to the other side.

The photo shows that the finished silver carp roe turned out airy due to eggs and sour cream. They are immediately served hot to the table along with light salad or sauce. And as a sauce, sour cream, ketchup and even Tartar sauce are well suited to them. Fresh caviar can be frozen in the freezer for long-term storage. During defrosting, such caviar will be a little watery, but no less than delicious pancakes. Enjoy your meal. I also recommend cooking

If you bought or caught a carp, and there was caviar in it, you are incredibly lucky! This means that you can cook a very tasty delicacy - carp caviar. In this recipe, we cook pancakes from carp caviar, perhaps the most delicious for this dish. But you can take another caviar. The recipe will not change from this 🙂

Carp caviar fritters: ingredients

  • Carp caviar of medium size
  • One egg
  • Bulb
  • Greens
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Fritters from carp caviar: preparation

The amount of caviar in this recipe is from one medium-sized carp. If you have more caviar, increase the amount of other ingredients.

Although the carp is not very large, it turned out to have decent caviar in it! Rinse the caviar and add very finely chopped onion, if there is a blender, chop into a pulp. Then we put salt, pepper, egg and finely chopped parsley and dill. It is possible without greens, but with it it is tastier and more aromatic!

Now we need to mix the ingredients and beat with a fork. Just not a blender! And not a mixer! Whisk gently with a fork until smooth.

frying pan with vegetable oil warm up well and spread the future pancakes from carp caviar with a spoon.

Fry on one side, turn over, muffled the fire a little and fry the second side. No need to cover! Fritters from carp caviar do not need to be stewed, they will be perfectly fried even without a lid.

Beautiful, juicy, delicious pancakes from carp caviar are ready! Surely you have already tried hot pancakes piping hot 🙂 Well, how? Awesome!

Caviar is not only the main ingredient for snacks on the festive table. It opens up new culinary possibilities for connoisseurs home cooking. This is a wonderful product that has a large range of exclusive dishes. Sauces, pastries, first and second dishes, casseroles, pickles, cutlets, pancakes are made from it. In addition, regular consumption this product will replenish the body with many useful substances(fluoride, calcium, vitamins A, PP and group B), and you will always have strong and healthy teeth, bones, nails and beautiful hair.

But the high cost of this product does not allow you to often have it on the table, if only on holidays. However, this does not at all apply to river fish caviar, which is not inferior in usefulness to red or sturgeon caviar. Therefore, if you want to please your loved ones with an unusual, tasty and healthy dish, then the eggs will be a wonderful solution - small pancakes or cutlets from fish caviar.

Now eggs are cooked extremely rarely. Although the recipe is very old, one might even say - classic. My mother used to cook them often as a child, but now I remembered them by accident. I bought river fish and when cutting it I found a sufficient amount of caviar. At first I thought to pickle it, and then I decided to remember the past and make pancakes from fresh caviar. In addition to this method of obtaining caviar, it can be purchased separately in those places where fresh fish(carp, carp, perch, pike, carp, silver carp) and cook delicious meatballs from fish caviar. If too little caviar was taken out of the fish and you plan to replenish its stocks next time, then take care of its proper storage. Freeze the caviar by placing it in the refrigerator for a couple of days under a film or sending it to freezer in a plastic container.

Cooking eggs from fish caviar is very quick and easy. They turn out appetizing, bright, beautiful and very tasty. But in their preparation there is one small nuance. If you cook them yourself, without adding any ingredients, then just fried caviar it will be thick enough. Therefore, all kinds of juicy products are added to the dough: sour cream, cream, mayonnaise, twisted onions or cabbage, etc. These components of the dish dilute the dryness of the fish caviar, and the cutlets will become more tender and soft.

Fish caviar eggs, recipe with photo


Caviar of any fish - 300 g
Eggs - 1 piece
Sour cream - 3 tablespoons (or cream)
Vegetable oil - for frying
Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon (optional)
Salt, pepper, seasoning for fish - to taste


1. To make cutlets from fish caviar, you need to properly prepare the caviar itself. Remove all partitions, capillaries and films from the caviar. Place it in a sieve and rinse under running water. Let's leave it in it so that all the liquid is glass. After we transfer to a bowl for kneading minced meat and add sour cream.

2. Fill soy sauce, beat an egg, season with spices and salt.

3. We will beat the caviar with a blender until a homogeneous smooth mass so that all the eggs break as best as possible. If there is no such device, then before adding the rest of the ingredients to the caviar, grind it through a sieve or pass it through a meat grinder a couple of times.

4. Set the pan on the stove, splash a little vegetable oil, heat it well. Since the dough is very liquid, it will not work to form pancakes with your hands. Therefore, we take a tablespoon and pour the dough into a hot frying pan. It will spread over the surface, taking a round shape.

5. Pancakes are fried very quickly, literally 2-3 minutes on each side in medium heat. Therefore, do not move away from them, so as not to burn. As the dough is fried, it will change color, acquiring a beautiful and appetizing bright orange hue.

6. Serve ready-made eggs to the table with sour cream, garlic or fish sauce, or with all sorts of sauces. You can use cutlets from caviar of river fish both warm and chilled.

Carp caviar has useful properties. But at the same time, it is not very popular and does not often appear on the table. But in vain. It contains many useful minerals that are very necessary. human body. Caviar is inexpensive, so a pancake dish is affordable for average citizens of our country. Pancakes from carp caviar - diet dish which will appeal to all fish lovers. If there is no caviar in the market or in the store, pancakes can be prepared on the basis of caviar of another type of fish.

delicious pancakes can be prepared on the basis of crucian caviar. Their preparation will take no more than 20 minutes. It is important to note that crucian caviar does not cause allergies, even if there is an allergy to fish. But for those who suffer from allergic reactions, it is better to test the reaction before eating by eating a small piece.

Immediately before preparing the base for pancakes, caviar must be cleaned of excess veins and films.

The amount of ingredients for pancakes can vary. For those who do not like to mess around with pancakes for a long time, you can use the simplest recipe. But even he will allow you to cook delicious pancakes that the whole family will admire.


It is important to note that the ingredients for making pancakes, especially from fish, must be fresh and of high quality. In no case should you buy expired or discounted caviar. It is important to remember that fish can be poisonous.

Ingredients for fritters:

  1. Fish caviar - 250 gr.;
  2. Egg - 1 piece;
  3. Flour - 2.5 cups;
  4. Salt - at your discretion;
  5. Sunflower oil - 6 large spoons.

Before mixing the ingredients, the caviar should be washed very well. Fritters can be served with sour cream and herbs.

Nutritious pancakes from fish caviar

Volume preparatory work before cooking pancakes depends on the type of caviar. For example, silver carp caviar has many films and veins. If there is no time for its manual removal, caviar can be rubbed through a sieve. It should have large holes.

Depending on individual taste preferences, fried onions, sour cream or butter can be added to caviar.

Fish pancakes can also be lean. To do this, instead of eggs, a couple of spoons of semolina are added to the caviar composition. It is important not to overdo it with semolina, as it can "hammer" the taste of caviar.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rinse well and clean the caviar.
  2. Add an egg or semolina. Mix.
  3. Slowly add flour to the mixture, stirring constantly.
  4. The mixture should be salted to taste. You can use soy sauce instead of salt.

Fritters are fried in a preheated frying pan, greased with a thin layer sunflower oil. Pancakes are fried quickly, following the appearance of a golden crust. If you need to get rid of excess fat, pancakes are blotted with a paper towel.

Tender caviar pancakes

It is known that caviar is very nutritious and healthy. But at the same time, it is a dietary product. In addition, fresh caviar is inexpensive, which significantly saves the budget.

Fish pancakes can be served for breakfast, as a second course for lunch or dinner.

Fritters can be added different sauces and seasonings. Pancakes acquire an excellent taste if added to the composition lemon juice. Do not mix the composition with a blender, it will disrupt the structure of the eggs.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rinse the caviar. Remove veins.
  2. Add sour cream or butter.
  3. Diversify the composition of seasonings.
  4. Add flour.

Fritters should be in consistency, like plain dough for fritters. Fish pancakes can not only be fried, but also baked. It is very tasty to serve pancakes with rice. Pancakes can be made from caviar of sea or river fish. Delicious pancakes are obtained with the addition of fish chips. You can make pancakes from caviar of carp, crucian carp, carp or silver carp.

Diet pancakes from carp caviar (video)

Caviar fritters are a nutritious dish. It contains many trace elements and vitamins that positively affect the state of the whole organism. Fish pancakes can be made in less than 30 minutes. It is very important to mix the ingredients correctly. The caviar mixture should not be too liquid, but should not be thick in consistency either. Serve pancakes with sour cream and herbs or with a slice of lemon. To prepare fritters, you can use river fish caviar, then the dish will turn out not only tasty and healthy, but also economical.

Fish caviar fritters recipe (photo)