Dried eggplant pilaf. Vegetarian pilaf

Two of my friends from our large company “pleased” me (in quotes, of course) about their health problems - you can’t eat fatty foods, you can’t eat fried foods, you have a strict diet. But what about pilaf, kebabs and other delicacies that we regularly prepare on our hikes? This gave me the idea to look and try what a completely dietary pilaf would look like, for example, from chicken breasts, prepared without a drop of oil and without frying the food? What might come of this? I've been nurturing this idea for a long time, but I just never got around to it.

Yesterday, I finally went to get some chicken and started the experiment. I didn’t make it specifically from chicken breasts, this is not important in my case, the main thing is the opportunity itself and what will come of it?

Chicken - 500g.
Rice - 500g.
Two medium onions.
Two medium carrots.
Salt, spices.

Wash and soak the rice in hot water for about 1.5 hours.
I cut the chicken into small pieces, put it in a deep saucepan, filled it with water to the surface of the contents and put it on the fire. When the water boiled, I removed the foam.

After that, I put onions and carrots on top.

I simmered for about 15 minutes until the carrots went limp, then stirred, added salt and spices (pepper, cumin, barberry).

The zirvak did not simmer for long, about 20 minutes, because... It's not meat, it's chicken, so it doesn't get overcooked at all.

After the water has evaporated, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes.

The result was a very light pilaf. For color, in principle, you can add a whisper of turmeric or Imeritan saffron, or more carrots. And so, in general, it turned out very well. I ate it with great pleasure. And with lean beef, I think it will be even tastier.

Summary: has a right to exist. It's quick and easy to prepare. Tasty.

  • Lenten pilaf with raisins
  • Meatless pilaf with champignons

Lenten pilaf is not at all rice porridge with carrots and onions, as most people are accustomed to believe. Without meat, if you carefully study any recipe you like, you can cook very tasty dish, which will also turn out to be very useful. Such food will wonderfully diversify the diet of those who are on a diet and are tired of a monotonous diet. And this dish can easily be included in children's menu, since it does not contain excess amounts of animal fat.

Lenten pilaf is a godsend for dinner after a hot summer evening, when the body requires nourishing and at the same time light food. It can be served at holidays as an excellent side dish. In order for the rice to turn out crumbly, you need to know some secrets and adhere to the correct cooking algorithm. If you want to learn how to make tasty and healthy pilaf without meat, then carefully study the recommendations described in this article, and you will definitely succeed.

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Pilaf with onions and carrots: the fastest recipe

This recipe will really appeal to those of you who are used to saving time and at the same time want to eat delicious and healthy food. It will become indispensable for people involved in sports. This dish is excellent option, if you adhere to fasting or are a supporter of the principles of vegetarian nutrition. The recipe for pilaf is very simple, and if everything is done correctly, the taste of rice and vegetables will exceed all your expectations.


  • medium sized carrots - 3 pieces
  • rice - 2 cups
  • sunflower oil - 200 milliliters
  • salt, spices - to taste

Cooking method:

In the case of lean pilaf, special attention should be paid to the choice of rice. The fact is that if in the version with meat it is not the main ingredient, then here the quality of the entire dish as a whole depends on its taste. You should not buy rice that is called parboiled, since heat treatment has already made it, so to speak, neutral. Better pay attention to cereals with white round grains. Certainly, long rice It will also work, but it may not turn out crumbly.

So, here is the recipe for how to prepare healthy vegetable pilaf. Rinse the rice thoroughly; the water drained from it should become clear. Then soak it and set it aside for an hour and a half. At this time, peel and wash the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings. Try not to do this too thinly, because it is important that it fry as little as possible during the cooking process. But carrots, on the contrary, need to be cut into strips the thickness of a match so that they can be stewed faster. We can say that the secrets of proper chopping of vegetables, which the lean pilaf recipe provides, have already been revealed to you.

Now you need to choose the right vessel in which to prepare this dish. If you have a cauldron or pan with thick walls, take that one. In addition, the container should be spacious so that the water does not “run away”, but gradually turns into steam, thanks to which the rice is cooked. Pour into the cauldron vegetable oil, and when it warms up well, add the onion cut into half rings and cook over high heat. It is very important to avoid excessive frying or burning. So stir the onions constantly until they become translucent and slightly golden.

Then place the carrot sticks in the cauldron and continue cooking until they become soft. There is no need to fry, so don’t stop stirring your vegetable zirvak. When it has simmered sufficiently, you can strain the rice. Pour boiling water into the cauldron; for this amount of ingredients you will need about 3 cups. Now add salt and season the gravy. Make its taste rich in spices; zirvak should be salty. Now place the rice in the cauldron and cover with a lid.

It's time to move on to the secrets of temperature conditions, thanks to which pilaf will never turn into porridge. So, the recipe calls for cooking the dish in 12 minutes. The first 3 of them are on high heat, then 7 more are on medium, and the final 2 minutes of the process are on low. All this time, steam should not escape from the cauldron. Therefore, if the lid does not fit very tightly, place a towel on top.

After 12 minutes, remove the pilaf from the stove, but do not open it. He must, as they say, “get there” or “rest.” But after 20 minutes you can admire the result of your labors. If desired, add finely chopped garlic to the dish or sprinkle a plate of pilaf with herbs when serving. If you did everything correctly and did not violate the cooking recipe, the rice will surprise you with its crispness and excellent taste. And if it didn’t work out the first time, then what’s stopping you from improving your culinary skills and trying again?

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Lenten pilaf with raisins

This recipe, judging by the number of ingredients indicated in it, is designed for a large company. It can be an excellent side dish and complement the holiday menu. This pilaf can be a hearty and tasty meal for unexpected guests, since it is prepared quite quickly and simply, and every housewife usually has all the necessary ingredients. By the way, the recipe for such a dish will also appeal to those who like to relax in the lap of nature and at the same time eat deliciously without extra effort and financial costs. And if you want to cook this pilaf for dinner for a small family, then simply reduce the amount of ingredients. Just do it so as not to upset the proportions.


  • rice - 1 kilogram
  • raisins - 150 grams
  • large onions - 3 pieces
  • carrots - 500 grams
  • sunflower oil - 250 grams
  • black cumin - 2 teaspoons
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - 2 teaspoons

Cooking method:

Peel and wash the vegetables. Chop the carrots into strips no thicker than 3 millimeters, and the onion into half rings. Take a cauldron, pour oil into it and put it on the fire to warm up. When the first smoke appears, add the onion to the bowl and fry it until slightly brownish. Please note that the color of the pilaf will depend on the quality of the onions. Then add the carrots and cook until soft. To ensure that the vegetables in the cauldron are cooked evenly, do not forget to stir them (at least 3-5 times during the entire frying period).

When the zirvak is brought to the desired condition, add about 2 liters of cold water to it, add salt, ground black pepper and cumin. The taste of the gravy should be salty and rich. Place pre-washed and drained raisins into the cauldron as well. Rinse the rice in warm water, draining it until it becomes translucent and place it on top of the vegetables and raisins. This recipe does not include the now customary soaking of cereals. Level the layer of rice, and turn the heat under the cauldron to maximum so that all the water leaves the surface.

Now you need to do as Uzbek housewives usually do. Collect the rice from the edges to the center in a mound and use a knife to make holes in it, reaching to the very bottom of the cauldron. Let the remaining moisture boil away. Then cover the cauldron with a towel and a lid on top and turn the heat to minimal. This will prevent steam from leaving the cauldron quickly, so the rice will cook properly. Typically, the process takes about half an hour. After this time, the pilaf needs to be mixed and placed on large dish. Serve it with salad, and it's better to wash it down green tea. Bon appetit!

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Meatless pilaf with champignons

Housewives who have at least once cooked pilaf with mushrooms will say with confidence that they are an excellent substitute for meat. It is important to choose high-quality rice, do not skimp on seasonings and vegetables, and endure everything required proportions and preparation steps. Then your loved ones will appreciate the dish you served for dinner and will probably ask for more. Despite the fact that the recipe for lean pilaf with mushrooms is simple, the taste of this dish is rich and rich. And how to achieve this, read below.


  • long grain rice - 900 grams
  • large onions - 3 pieces
  • large carrots - 3 pieces
  • champignons - 800 grams
  • sunflower oil - 300 milliliters
  • garlic - 2 small heads
  • mixture of spices (paprika, coriander, hot red pepper) - to taste
  • black cumin
  • salt - to taste

As usual, start with the vegetables: wash and peel them. Remove all peels from the garlic. Chop the carrots thin strips, onion - in half rings. Wash the mushrooms and cut them fairly large, preferably into halves. If they are very large, then - in smaller pieces. Rinse the rice very thoroughly and then soak in cold water for 30 minutes.

Take a cauldron, heat vegetable oil in it and start preparing zirvak. To do this, fry the onion over medium heat until golden brown, then the carrots until soft. Add salt and spice mixture. After this, add the champignons to the cauldron and increase the heat. Fry the mushrooms for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. They should absorb the aroma of the spices. Then pour 1.5 cups of boiling water into the cauldron, put the garlic in it and leave the zirvak to cook over medium-low heat for about 20 minutes.

When this time has passed, taste the gravy and add salt if necessary, taking into account that no more salt will be added to the rice. Don’t forget to remove the garlic from the zirvak, because it has already given off all its aroma. Strain the rice cereal and place it in an even layer on top of the vegetables and mushrooms. Carefully, so that the ingredients do not mix prematurely, add water. It should barely cover the rice. Make the fire under the cauldron maximum. Water, rising from below, will pass through all layers of the future pilaf and steam it, so to speak. If the rice is steaming unevenly, the recipe allows you to stir it with a spatula. But this must be done very carefully so as not to catch the zirvak.

When you notice that the cereal has become transparent and the water has dropped to the level of vegetables and mushrooms, cover the cauldron with a lid. Before this, gather the rice from the edges into a mound and stick the garlic into it, sprinkle everything on top with cumin, and turn the heat to minimum. To prevent steam from escaping too quickly, cover the cauldron with several towels. After 30 minutes the pilaf is ready. Stir it and quickly serve it on a large beautiful platter.

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Vegetarian pilaf with red beans

Those who are at least a little familiar with vegetarian cuisine have often come across dishes that include legumes in the recipe. And this is quite natural, because thanks to their use it is possible to prepare a very satisfying and Tasty food. Lenten pilaf with beans is considered a traditional Indian food. It is very useful, unusual and looks very appetizing, so it will decorate any table, both festive and everyday. The recipe for this dish is so simple that even a person without special culinary talent can easily master it.


  • long grain rice “Basmati” - 500 grams
  • red beans - 350 grams
  • carrots - 300 grams
  • large onion - 1 head
  • garlic - 1 head
  • raisins - 100 grams
  • sunflower oil - 50 grams
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method:

Beans must be soaked overnight in cold water. This will allow her to cook faster later. Rinse the rice thoroughly and also leave in cool water, although only for 30 minutes. During this time, wash and peel the vegetables. As always, for pilaf, cut the onion into half rings, and for carrots, the recipe calls for very unusual way grinding. It needs to be grated, and even on a fine grater. This is necessary to give the pilaf a beautiful color.

Take a thick-bottomed pan and pour into it sunflower oil, then layer the strained beans, grated carrots, onion half rings and raisins. Add salt to each layer. As you can see, the recipe does not prescribe any pre-frying of the ingredients; there are practically no spices. Therefore, the dish can well be called dietary, because there is also negligible amount of vegetable oil in it.

When you have laid all the products in layers in a cauldron or pan, carefully spread the rice on top of them, do not forget to drain the water from it first. Stick the garlic into it, disassembling the head into cloves, but without removing the skin. Now pour boiling water over the future pilaf so that the rice is covered by about 2 fingers. Cook for 40 minutes over medium heat without stirring.

After the specified time, use a wooden spatula to connect the layers together and place the vegetarian pilaf with beans on a large dish. Serve with vegetable salad. As you can see, you can cook pilaf even without traditional zirvak. If you doubt that it will turn out well, be sure to try this recipe, and as a result, you will be very surprised at how tasty this simple rice dish can be.

In our country, the observance of Orthodox religious fasts has recently become increasingly popular. Some people really find in this a way of spiritual cleansing, while others, under such a plausible pretext, are trying to get rid of excess weight and simply use a significant deterrent. But in both the first and second cases, people are faced with the monotony of their menu. Agree, inventing masterpieces from a very limited list of products is incredibly difficult. Almost every familiar recipe includes meat or fish.

Therefore, lean pilaf, which can be easily prepared following the examples described above, will certainly become signature dish your, for some period, meager diet. It was also appreciated by vegetarians who, due to their convictions, generally refuse meat and fish products. Therefore, you shouldn’t sigh sadly once again, choking on your boring oatmeal. It’s better to choose the recipe you like and start preparing delicious, albeit lean, food.


Pilaf is a traditional oriental dish. In his classic composition includes meat, rice, vegetables, fat and a large number of spices. Fresh pilaf is incredibly aromatic and tasty, but those losing weight often refuse to eat it, fearing the huge amount of calories. Meanwhile, the dietary version of this dish is no less tasty and does not threaten your figure at all.

Depending on the ingredients nutritional value dishes range over a fairly wide range. The traditional version using fat tail fat contains about 300 kcal per 100 g, and the light version – 200. But you can enjoy pilaf with mushrooms without a doubt, it contains only 92 calories per standard 100 g.

At first glance, pilaf seems quite simple to prepare, but this is misleading. To cook something delicious classic dish you need to know all the nuances and follow all the rules, because to obtain it, 4 types of heat treatment are used: frying, stewing, boiling and simmering.

To prepare low-calorie pilaf you need to use dietary recipes, carefully select ingredients and observe proportions. So, the main differences are as follows.

To prepare the traditional version of the dish, incredibly high-calorie fat tail fat is used. In dietary pilaf, it can be replaced with vegetable oil; it does not contain as many calories and, due to its consistency, its consumption is much lower, which means that less quantity can be used for cooking.

Traditional meat for pilaf is pork and lamb. These types are very high in calories, especially when combined with fat tail fat. For a lighter version of a rice-based dish, you can use rabbit, veal, turkey or chicken. This meat is considered lean and does not require a large amount of oil for frying, as it cooks extremely quickly.

Those who want to keep the calorie content of this dish to a minimum can add mushrooms or even beans to the pilaf instead of meat. The taste will not suffer at all from this, but the calories on the plate will be an order of magnitude less.

Another ingredient in classic pilaf that can affect the overall calorie content of the dish is vegetables. You can add more carrots and onions, this will only improve the taste of the dish. You can also add to non-calorie pilaf green pea, corn, asparagus and any other vegetables that are popular in the family. Of course, the resulting dish cannot be called pilaf, but there is no doubt that it will be tasty and aromatic.

And, of course, spices play a big role in burning fat; it’s not for nothing that pilaf is so richly flavored with them. Jeera, golden turmeric, fragrant berries barberry is classic set, those losing weight can also add cayenne pepper to the dish. And don’t forget about the fat-burning properties of garlic; it’s not for nothing that this product with a specific smell appears in all versions of the recipe.

In addition to the ingredients, the method and time of preparation also plays a role. The most dietary heat treatment– stewing in a slow cooker, you can even do it without using oil or with a minimal amount of it. This method will be of interest to those who are used to counting points while following the Kremlin or a similar diet. For the rest, a saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom or a classic cast-iron cauldron is quite suitable.

So, to prepare low-calorie pilaf you will need: 200-250 g chicken fillet or any other lean meat, 200 g of rice, preferably steamed; the oiled version is not suitable, as it already contains fats. 2 small onions, 2 medium-sized carrots, 5-6 pieces of dried apricots, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, better than olive oil, without a pronounced odor, garlic, salt, pepper, spices for pilaf: turmeric, cumin, barberry.

The first stage is preparing all the ingredients for cooking. The meat must be thoroughly washed, all visible fat removed from its surface, as well as, if any, veins, bruises, etc. Cut into cubes measuring 2*2 cm. Peel the vegetables and cut into small cubes. Rice should be thoroughly washed 2-3 times in room water. The drained water should be almost transparent with a slight milky tint. After this pour the rice cold water and set aside for swelling.

The second stage is preparing zirvak. It is necessary to put a cauldron or pan on the fire, let it heat up, but not get hot, then pour in vegetable oil. Add half the spices and chopped onion to it, simmer until it becomes transparent, but not golden. Then add carrots and dried apricots and fry for another 5 minutes. Then you need to put the meat, cut into pieces, into the cauldron.

It is important to be careful; hot oil and wet fillet combine to create scalding splashes. Stirring lightly, fry the mixture until the meat is browned. Then you need to add a glass of boiling water to the cauldron and leave to simmer over low heat. The resulting golden-colored aromatic mixture is zirvak – the main ingredient.

The third stage is the actual preparation of pilaf. Next, put the washed rice into the container and carefully level it with a spoon. Liquid should appear on its surface if this traditional pilaf, dietary recipe does not imply this. Next, water is carefully poured in in a thin stream, trying not to damage the structure of the rice and not to mix the layers, because this is one of the main conditions for preparing a delicious oriental dish. Water should cover the cereal by 1-2 cm.

The fire is made maximum until it boils, after which it is reduced to a minimum and the cauldron is covered with a tight-fitting lid. After 15 minutes, you can open the lid slightly and check the readiness of the pilaf. At this stage, garlic is added to the cauldron. If there is not enough water, you can add a little boiling water, but if there is excess liquid, you need to help it evaporate by removing the lid and increasing the heat. Stir rice and meat only after turning off the heat and partially cooling the dish.

Of course, such pilaf cannot be called traditional, and some will even call it rice porridge with chicken and vegetables. It doesn’t matter what you call this dish, the main thing is that it is tasty, aromatic, healthy and contains only 180 kcal per 100 g finished product. And if you reduce the amount of oil, then even less.

Diet pilaf is an excellent dish for those who are losing weight or maintaining weight. At proper preparation it contains a minimum amount of calories, and taste qualities on high. And what’s important is that pilaf, in any cooking method, gives you a long feeling of fullness.


Two of my friends from our large company “pleased” me (in quotes, of course) about their health problems - you can’t eat fatty foods, you can’t eat fried foods, you have a strict diet. But what about pilaf, kebabs and other delicacies that we regularly prepare on our hikes? This gave me the idea to look and try what a completely dietary pilaf would look like, for example, from chicken breasts, cooked without a drop of oil and without frying the food? What might come of this? I've been nurturing this idea for a long time, but I just didn't get around to it.

Yesterday, I finally went to get some chicken and started the experiment. I didn’t make it specifically from chicken breasts, this is not important in my case, the main thing is the opportunity itself and what will come of it?

Chicken - 500g.
Rice - 500g.
Two medium onions.
Two medium carrots.
Salt, spices.
Wash and soak the rice in hot water for about 1.5 hours.

I cut the chicken into small pieces, put it in a deep saucepan, filled it with water to the surface of the contents and put it on the fire. When the water boiled, I removed the foam.

After that, I put onions and carrots on top.

I simmered for about 15 minutes until the carrots went limp, then stirred, added salt and spices (pepper, cumin, barberry).

The zirvak did not simmer for long, about 20 minutes, because... It's not meat, it's chicken, so it doesn't get overcooked at all.

After the water has evaporated, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes.

The result was a very light pilaf. For color, in principle, you can add a whisper of turmeric or Imeritan saffron, or more carrots. And so, in general, it turned out very well. I ate it with great pleasure. And with lean beef, I think it will be even tastier.

Summary: has a right to exist. It's quick and easy to prepare. Tasty.


When you talk about pilaf, what immediately comes to mind? Oriental, spices and herbs, something incredibly tasty and aromatic, but at the same time very fatty and high in calories. Those who have tried pilaf cannot remain indifferent to it. But some people watch their figure and count calories, while others have problems with the digestive system and liver that do not allow them to eat such fatty and heavy foods... But if you really want to, you can always find a way out. Let's try to prepare a dietary version of this delicious dish!

Dietary pilaf: recipes

First, let's look at how to properly prepare dietary pilaf, and not just rice porridge with vegetables. There are 2 main types of preparation of pilaf: Uzbek and Caucasian (Azerbaijani). The difference is that the Uzbek one is prepared in one container, all the ingredients are added sequentially and soaked in each other’s fat and juices. In the Azerbaijani method, rice and meat are cooked separately and mixed before serving. This method allows you to cook a less fatty dish.

The calorie content of the dish depends on what the dietary pilaf will be prepared from. The classic recipe uses pork or lamb and always fat tail fat. The second main ingredient is white polished rice.

1. Main secret dietary pilaf

Would you like a recipe for dietary pilaf? Replace fatty pork and lamb with lean chicken, turkey or rabbit, heavy fat tail fat with any vegetable oil that you use in the kitchen, preferably without a strong odor. And you can choose healthier rice - brown or steamed white. Don't forget about vegetables - the more vegetables in your dish, the fewer calories and more vitamins there are. And remember about spices, you can’t cook pilaf without turmeric, cumin, barberries, garlic and hot pepper– they not only create richest taste and aroma, but also help our body process fats and burn calories.

2. Correct placement of ingredients

The main subtlety in preparation proper pilaf– this is the sequence of laying out all the components. Meat, rice and vegetables are thoroughly washed. The meat is cut into cubes 2-3 cm thick, the vegetables are chopped. The dishes must have thick walls and a bottom. You can cook pilaf in a slow cooker, using a minimum of oil - this will further reduce its calorie content.

3. How to prepare zirvak

Pilaf begins with the preparation of zirvak - oil is poured into a cauldron (saucepan, deep frying pan), the onion is stewed until transparent, the remaining vegetables and spices are added, the meat is laid out last and fried well while stirring. Then pour in about a glass of boiling water, add a little salt and simmer everything. Zirvak is ready.

4. Cooking process

Carefully pour rice on top, level it and carefully add water, which should cover the rice by 2-3 cm. The main thing is not to mix the layers, the rice should remain at the top, the meat and vegetables at the bottom. This will prevent the dish from burning, while allowing the rice to be completely saturated with all the juices and flavors, while remaining crumbly and not sticky. Cover the cauldron tightly and leave the pilaf on low heat for about 15 minutes, after which you need to open and immerse a couple of cloves of garlic in the middle of the dish, preferably with thick skin, peeling only the thin husk - this way the garlic will give off its aroma to the dish, but will not spread in the pilaf . Add salt to the pilaf, cover again, and cook until done. If the rice is damp and the liquid has boiled away, you can add a little water. You need to stir the pilaf once - after the heat is turned off, before serving.

5. The main thing is proportions

The best recipes for dietary pilaf are very diverse in composition, but they are all prepared according to the same scheme. Try to adhere to this proportion: for 1 part of rice, take 2 parts of meat and 2 parts of vegetables (onions, carrots, if desired, you can add dried apricots, raisins, green peas, parsnips, Bell pepper, corn, asparagus and others). Meat can be successfully replaced with mushrooms, shrimp or even legumes - the dish will be tasty, healthy and light.

This pilaf recipe is perfect for fasting days, for vegetarians, as well as for those who want to try dishes from Turkish cuisine.

This dish will take 40 minutes to prepare. To do this, we will need a medium deep frying pan in which we will cook the pilaf.

For the pilaf itself you will need:

  • 2 medium eggplants,
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 carrot,
  • 3 small tomatoes
  • 1 cup of any rice you have at home
  • vegetable oil, salt and special spice for pilaf or separately (a pinch of ground black pepper, ground red pepper, saffron, dried oregano, turmeric).

How to cook pilaf with eggplants

If you want, you don’t have to cut the skin off the eggplant, it will just be tough after processing. For this pilaf, rice is boiled separately. Therefore, while you fry the vegetables, you can let the rice cook. Cook it until it is not fully cooked, so that the grains are slightly hard in the middle.

So, cut the eggplants into medium cubes and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until tender, adding a little salt. Place in a dish. We also cut onions and carrots into small cubes. Pour into the frying pan where you fried the eggplants and fry until golden brown, then add the peeled tomatoes, grated, and add salt. Simmer for 3 minutes over low heat, covering with a lid. Afterwards, pour out our eggplants, lay out the rice that we cooked earlier, spices, mix everything, add a little water (a glass) so that the pilaf does not burn. Cover it with a lid and simmer until the water evaporates over low heat.

Pilaf is probably the most famous rice dish. The first information about it can be found in the epics of the peoples of the East and numerous historical legends. The medicine of those times considered pilaf very healing and recommended it for various kinds of ailments, exhaustion of the body, from the consequences of long-term fasting and for rehabilitation of seriously ill patients. It was recommended to eat this dish both before and after performing heavy physical activity.

Historical reference. Different nations claim to be the first to invent a dish called “pilaf”. Name « Palov Osh » means from ancient Persian composed of the first letters of the 7 components of pilaf:

  • P (piyoz) “bow”
  • A (ayoz) “carrot”
  • L (lahm) "meat"
  • O (olio) "fat"
  • V (vet) "salt"
  • O (about) "water"
  • Sh (shaly) "rice"

And the dish was named by none other than Ibn Sina (Avicenna). In his opinion, “palov osh” had healing and nutritional properties.

Italians call pilaf “risotto”. The Italians adopted this dish from the Arabs and worked on it so much that it has dozens of variations, with various combinations: with shrimp, with mushrooms, with meat, with ham, with vegetables, tomato sauce and cheese.
The Spaniards call pilaf paella; it was probably also adopted from the Arab conquerors and is very popular not only in Spain itself, but throughout the world.

A version of lentil pilaf is popular in Iraq.

In addition, there is also pilaf in Bulgarian, Indonesian, Filipino and many others. And Muslims joke, saying that pilaf has as many recipes as there are Muslim cities in the world.

Pilaf recipes differ among different peoples of the planet. Changing at least one of its components leads to the emergence of new recipes - both tasty and, undoubtedly, healthy.

Pilaf is prepared according to classic recipe in a cast iron cauldron, but if there is no such vessel in the house, perhaps use thick-walled frying pans, ducklings, pots and stewpans - the result will be no worse.

The stages of preparing pilaf are also approximately the same - preparing the components of the pilaf, heating the oil (or fat), preparing the frying called “zirvak” and, of course, the rice itself.

The East is famous for its diversity and abundance of delicious and very healthy dishes. Pilaf with eggplants and other vegetables has a special taste and is very popular among adherents of vegetarian cuisine. However, the addition of this vegetable is often found in recipes with meat and poultry, as it adds a special piquancy to the finished treat.

In Turkish cuisine, poultry is added to pilaf along with eggplants, and in European countries meat: beef or pork. There are many ways to prepare this dish based not only on rice, but also on other cereals. Depending on taste and personal preference, eggplants can be added whole or cut into small pieces. Diet dish made from meat with eggplants is widely used in medicinal menus or in diets for weight loss.


The final taste of any treat depends on the products that are used to prepare it. Pilaf with eggplants traditionally contains tomatoes and onion, however, in some cases the amount of vegetables may be large. Depending on the type of cereal and the presence of meat in it, the composition of spices and seasonings may vary significantly.

Since eggplants have a rather pungent taste, before adding them to any hot dish, they are soaked in salted water for several minutes. This helps reduce bitterness and make the vegetable taste more tender and juicy.

In some cases, the procedure for soaking eggplants can be skipped: if a white variety of vegetables is used or fatty types of meat (pork or lamb) are added.

Another, no less important ingredient in pilaf, which should also be carefully selected and prepared in advance, is rice. In Turkish cuisine, cereals are often used with the addition of chickpeas or beans (they should also be soaked in cold water in advance and boiled until almost ready). The rice itself should be washed well and soaked for 15-20 minutes. This simple procedure reduces the amount of starch in the grains.

Method for preparing pilaf with eggplants

There are several variations of this wonderful treat. Eggplant pilaf can be made one of the most delicious and nutritious dishes for a Lenten menu, or you can turn it into a festive dish with several types of meat. Depending on the recipe, composition and purpose, as well as the utensils used for cooking, the technology and methods of preparation may also be different.

Since eggplant is a fairly juicy and meaty vegetable, the recipe for pilaf with eggplant has some peculiarity. Unlike traditional options When zirvak (gravy) is prepared first, and then cereal is added to it, pilaf with vegetables can be prepared differently. You can bring the vegetables to readiness separately from the cereal and combine them only when serving.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of the finished dish largely depends on the products used and the cooking method. Lenten pilaf with eggplants (without meat and animal fat) contains:

  • Proteins: 2.53 g;
  • Fat: 2.68 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 16.021 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 2.711 g.

Calorie content of 100 grams of ready-made dish: 98.8 kcal.


Cooking pilaf with chicken and eggplant does not take much time and is suitable for all lovers of original oriental dishes. You can make it in a cauldron on an electric or gas stove, or use an even simpler option: use a slow cooker. Regardless of the vessel in which the dish will be prepared, it is very important to follow the sequence of adding products. In this case, within 50-60 minutes a wonderful treat of Turkish cuisine will be on your table.

Required Products:
  • Chicken - 1 kg
  • Rice cereal - 3 cups
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Eggplant - 1 pc. (250 g)
  • Tomato or tomato - 1 pc. or 50 g
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Spices for pilaf - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste

First of all, all components should be cleaned and cut. Chicken meat can be cut into portions; if fillet is used, cut into small strips. Carrots are chopped into strips, and onions are traditionally chopped into thin rings.

If desired, vegetables can be chopped into any shape, the main thing is that they are not larger than meat.

Eggplant and sweet bell pepper cut into small cubes or strips, approximately 1 centimeter wide. To remove bitterness from eggplant, you can cut off the peel. If you leave the skin on, the eggplant will give off a slight bite. It is best to add vegetables to dishes for children that have been previously soaked in salt water. Then it will be softer and the bitterness will go away.

Pour vegetable oil into a thick-bottomed frying pan or cauldron and fry the carrots and onions for several minutes. When the vegetables have softened, add the meat pieces and add spices (curry mixture, paprika or other seasonings). When the chicken is lightly fried and releases its juices, you can add eggplant and before, a tomato cut into 6-8 pieces or tomato paste.

Simmer vegetable mixture over low heat for 5 minutes. Then add water, increase the heat and cook for another 10 minutes until the meat is half cooked.

While the zirvak is preparing, rinse the rice well and drain all excess liquid. Place it in the gravy, spread into an even layer and simmer, covered, for 25 minutes.

Recipe 2

Recipe for pilaf with eggplants and beef meat Suitable for both everyday and holiday menu. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing, and to prepare it you only need a set of familiar and affordable products.

  • 700-800 g beef
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 eggplant
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • Salt and spices to taste

Cut the eggplants for pilaf into long strips and lightly salt them. Leave the vegetables for 10 minutes, then rinse and squeeze well to remove the bitterness.

Wash the beef well, dry it and cut into small pieces. Pour water (3 cups) over the meat, place in a saucepan or saucepan and simmer until the liquid has completely boiled away.
Place the prepared eggplants in a dry frying pan, dry them a little, then add oil and fry on both sides until golden crust.

Add the eggplants to the meat, stir and simmer for a few minutes. During this time, chop the carrots (in strips) and onions (in rings). Add onions and carrots to the meat, add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste and add water at the rate of 1:2, where 1 part is rice and two parts liquid.
Wash the rice and add it to the prepared gravy. Level the grains with a slotted spoon and cook over high heat until the mixture comes to a boil. After this, cover the pilaf with a lid and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Remove the finished pilaf from the stove and, without opening the lid, leave it warm for another 15 minutes. Once it is fully cooked, serve the dish on a flat plate, sprinkled generously with herbs. Bon appetit!