Useful properties of cottage cheese. What should be the composition of natural cottage cheese according to GOST? Standards for consumption and storage of cottage cheese

And the backstory is this: I began to notice that store-bought wine was no longer what it used to be. Or have I often come across fakes? Either your face will be covered with red spots, or you will have a terrible headache. I stopped buying altogether. But my husband’s sister brought us her homemade wine for our wedding anniversary.

We usually drink rarely and little by little, mainly on holidays and to prevent atherosclerosis. And then in one evening they finished off a whole bottle. And, which is typical, without negative consequences. And an idea came to my mind: shouldn’t we try to produce wine ourselves?

No sooner said than done. Began to search different recipes preparations homemade wine from grapes and they were quickly found. Here are the simplest and best of them.

Wine from grapes at home: a simple and detailed recipe with a glove

This universal recipe making homemade wine from grapes. You will not need to look for any special equipment; just prepare large jars or a 10-20 liter bottle and ordinary medical gloves. The wine in this recipe is prepared without water.

Any grape variety is suitable: white, pink, black. But choose ripe berries. Unripe grapes are too sour, and overripe grapes can begin acetic fermentation, which will not make good wine.


  • 10 kg of grapes;
  • 50-100 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of resulting juice.

How many grapes do you need for 1 liter of wine? The calculation is as follows: for each liter of homemade wine we take from 1 to 1.5 kg of grapes. Therefore, to get 5 liters of wine, take 5-7 kg of grapes, and for 10 liters - at least 10 kg.

How to make wine

The berries must be dry, picked in sunny weather. It’s good if at least three days have passed since the rain. It is better to cut the grapes from the bush rather than collect fallen fruits from the ground - they can give the drink an unpleasant earthy taste.

We process the collected berries immediately, on the day of collection. The most important thing is not to wash the grapes! Otherwise, natural yeast can be removed from the surface of the berries, and the wine will not ferment. We just clean the berries from debris, leaves, rot and cobwebs. Then crush them well with your hands or a pestle so that not a single berry remains whole.

You've probably seen characters crush grapes with their feet more than once in films. They trample on it, even dance. Perhaps this is justified when producing large portions of the drink; you can’t mix a lot with your hands. But personally, I don’t like this method, it seems less hygienic. In addition, it is purely psychologically difficult to force yourself to drink wine from berries that someone has already trampled on. In short, it's up to you to decide.

Advice! Just do not use technical devices to press the berries - they can crush the seeds and spoil the taste of the future wine.

So, you mashed the grapes. Now place the resulting pulp in a large saucepan, preferably enameled, or in a wooden barrel, if you have one on the farm. The fourth part of the container at the top should remain free.

Cover the mass with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for three to four days. Every morning and evening, stir the contents of the pan with a wooden spatula or glass spoon. It is better not to use metal objects.

When this period has passed, you will see that active fermentation has begun: the grape mass foams and rises. This means it’s time to remove the pulp. Carefully remove the thick foam with crushed berries with your hands, squeeze them well and discard. You can transfer the crumpled fruits into a colander in parts, let the juice drain, and then squeeze through cheesecloth.

Strain the remaining juice through gauze, folded in two layers, directly into prepared jars or bottles. Fill the containers approximately 70%, do not top up. We put the glove on the neck. For reliability, you can also secure it with an elastic band. We pierce a small hole in one of the fingers of the glove. If the glove inflates, everything goes as it should.

What is the glove for? It will serve as a water seal: it will prevent oxygen from entering the drink, but at the same time it will remove accumulated gas through a small hole. As you inflate and deflate the glove, you will be able to determine the stages of fermentation.

Let's move the dishes with a glove to a warm place. How to place the wine? You can do it on a slight elevation, or you can do it on the floor. The main thing is to maintain temperature conditions. Optimal temperature for fermentation of wine from light grapes - 18-22 degrees. For dark varieties of berries, the temperature is slightly higher - from 20 to 28 degrees. In this case, the wine plays better.

When three days have passed, try the drink. Too sour? Add 50 g of sugar for each liter of liquid. To do this, pour a couple of glasses of juice into a separate container and add sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then carefully pour the warm syrup into the bottle with the main mass.

After another three to four days, we try the drink again. Acid again? Let's add more sugar. Homemade wine ferments actively for 14 to 28 days, during which time you can add sugar up to four times.

Watch for the glove to fall and a layer of sediment to form at the bottom. This happens after about three weeks. It's time to drain the translucent liquid sediment through the straw. We take off the glove - we won’t need it anymore, and pour the wort into washed jars. Cover them with plastic lids.

Now the drink will mature. The process lasts from 40 days to 1 year. Remove any sediment that appears from time to time. When the gurgling stops, the wine loses its turbidity and becomes transparent - pour it into bottles and cap tightly.

We store our drink of the gods in a cool cellar (with an air temperature no higher than 10 degrees) for about a year. I don’t recommend storing it longer; the wine may turn sour.

Of course, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. A video recipe will show you how to make wine clearly and in detail.

Homemade grape wine: recipe with water

There is another simple way to make wine by adding water.


  • 5 kg of grapes;
  • 7.5 liters of water;
  • 3.5 kg granulated sugar.


  1. Let's collect the berries from the branches and mash them with our hands in a clean bowl. Fill with water and add sugar.
  2. Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place to ferment for about 7 days. To prevent mold from forming, stir the wort 3 times a day.
  3. After a week, separate the liquid from the sediment, pour it into a bottle, and put a punctured medical glove on top.
  4. Leave for 7 days in a warm room. Then filter the sparkling drink from sediment using a straw or thin hose and bottle it.

It is advisable to let the wine brew for about a month before tasting. The taste of this drink is subtle and delicate, simply magical!

Delicious white grape wine

For a light drink with an amazing taste, the following varieties are optimal: White Muscat, White Delight, White Flame, White Miracle, White Giant, White Husayne ( Lady fingers) and others.


  • 10 kg of grapes;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar.


  1. Sort the harvested grapes and remove rotten fruits. Place the remaining berries in an enamel container.
  2. Mash them thoroughly with your hands to release the juice. Then cover with gauze.
  3. We insist in a warm place (temperature - 20-22 degrees) for five days. Mix the contents with a wooden spatula several times a day.
  4. Then drain the pulp into a colander and strain the juice into glassware. We do not fill it completely - only 70-75%. Add sugar and stir. We put a pierced medical glove on the bottle and secure it with an elastic band.
  5. The wort will ferment and play for about three weeks. During this time, you can also add sugar to your taste. In this case, we leave the wine to ferment for another one or two weeks.
  6. Then we'll strain grape juice into bottles. We will close them with corks and take them to a cellar or basement for three months.

The drink must mature. Only then can it be served.

Classic homemade green grape wine recipe

The best varieties of green grapes for preparing a delicious drink: Aligote, Kokur, Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Silvaner, Feteasca, Firstborn Magaracha, Müller-Thurgau.


  • 15 kg of green grapes;
  • 4.5 kg granulated sugar.


  1. We will sort through the collected berries and remove spoiled fruits. Separate the grapes from the branches and place in a clean non-metallic container. There is no need to wash the berries.
  2. We remember the grapes well with our hands, trying not to crush the seeds. Then cover it with gauze folded in several layers. It will protect the aromatic mass from insects and provide access to oxygen.
  3. We take the dishes to a dark place with a temperature of 18-22 degrees, not lower. Leave for two to three days. Soon the wort will ferment and a lot of foam will appear.
  4. Then add salt to the wort and strain through cheesecloth or a colander. Squeeze out the remaining berries and discard. And pour the juice back into the bottle, leaving a fourth of the container free on top. Add sugar there and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. Stir with a wooden or glass spatula.
  5. It's time to put on a glove with a pricked finger and leave the wine to ferment in a dark place. The fermentation process will take from 22 to 57 days. During this time, the wine will gradually become transparent, the glove will become limp, and sediment will form at the bottom of the dish.
  6. Carefully filter out the sediment using a rubber tube and pour the wine into clean jars or bottles. Let it ripen in a cool place for three to four months. During this time, sediment will fall to the bottom again, and the drink will acquire a delicate aroma and rich taste.
  7. Let's filter the wine again through a straw and pour it into beautiful bottles.

We store it in a cellar or basement for two to three years. The strength of this wine is from 9 to 12 degrees. Drinks easily and with pleasure, served chilled.

How to make wine from black grapes

A heady drink made from black grapes contains many antioxidants, vitamins, and beneficial microelements. It has an exquisite tart taste, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol, and normalizes blood pressure. Ideal varieties for wine: Black Prince, Black Emerald, Original, Odessa black, Pinot, Black Pearl, Hamburg Muscat, Tsimlyansky black. Choose dense, ripe clusters with small berries - they are particularly juicy.


  • 10 kg of black grapes;
  • 3 kg granulated sugar.


  1. Sort through the harvested grapes, remove all debris and spoiled fruits. Place in an enamel bowl and crush with your hands or a wooden rolling pin. Try not to damage the bones.
  2. Cover the mixture with gauze and place in a dark place with a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Let it sit for three days. Stir the grape mixture morning and evening.
  3. When abundant foam and a sour smell appear, strain the drink. Squeeze out the pulp and remove. Pour the liquid into a separate clean container (jar or bottle), leaving 25% of the space free on top. Put on a pierced glove.
  4. Transfer the container with wine to a dark place, with a temperature of 22 to 28 degrees. After two days, taste it. If the wine is sour, add sugar. To do this, pour a liter of wort, add 50 g of sugar, stir and pour back into the bottle. During fermentation (30-60 days), this procedure can be repeated three more times.
  5. When the glove deflates, remove it and drain the resulting sediment through a thin rubber hose. Pour the remaining wine into bottles and close them tightly. Place the drink in a cool place to ripen. The temperature should be about 5-16 degrees.
  6. The wine will be ready in 2-3 months. Its strength is from 11 to 13 degrees, and its shelf life in the cellar is five years.

If desired, you can enrich the taste of the drink with spices. They are added to young wine after aging.

How to make spiced wine? Take cinnamon sticks and clove buds and grind them. Place them in linen bags (1 tablespoon each), tie them tightly. Place the bags in bottles of wine (one bag per bottle), close with corks, and leave for two weeks. It is advisable to strain the drink before serving.

Now that you have learned a simple recipe for making wine from grapes at home, you can easily prepare it. And then experiment further. After all, this process is so addictive, and the result is always pleasing, especially if you use a creative approach. Enjoy your leisure time and have more romantic evenings in your life!

Connoisseurs rightly call this drink “nectar of the Gods.” It’s impossible not to fall in love with its intoxicating aroma, rich flavor bouquet and delicious aftertaste from the first sip! Of course, we are talking about wine.

Delicate table wine, sweet muscat wine, intoxicating fortified and even homemade wine from blue grapes always and everywhere considered the most popular drink. Not a single feast, be it romantic dinner or a chic wedding cannot be complete without this delicious alcoholic product.

We invite you to plunge into the world of wine, and at the same time learn how to make wine from blue grapes at home.

Secret and blessed

The history of wine is shrouded in unsolved mysteries. No one knows for sure where the first wine was made and how long ago it happened. Heated debates continue to surround this topic to this day.

Scientists claim that already many thousands of years before our era, our distant ancestors drank grape juice fermented in the sun.

Theologians assure that the first wine was made from the grapes that the Lord gave to Noah. There are many references to this drink in the Bible. According to Holy Scripture, Jesus Christ loved wine, therefore the Christian ban on drinking alcoholic beverages does not apply to wine. The clergy use the famous church wine "Cahors" for communion, weddings and baptisms and claim that it is for good.

Be that as it may, wine is loved and drunk in all ages. Even during the adoption of Prohibition in the Soviet era, craftsmen made it with their own hands and used it both for their home parties and for underground sale.

Impressive variety

Manufacturing grape wine- this is quite profitable business. Wine is perhaps the only alcoholic drink, which is available in a wide variety of flavors and recipes. Its taste varies depending on the aging method and how much sugar the producers added to the grape wine. Even the material from which the container for fermenting grape juice is made affects the aroma and taste.

Curious facts about wine

True connoisseurs and collectors of wine can spend hours with obsessive passion telling stories about this drink. There is even the science of oenology, which studies this product.

Depending on the strength, wine can be: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert, liqueur, fortified. By taste qualities it can be: tableware, vintage, collectible. The color of the wine is also pleasingly varied and can be: white, amber, pink, red, ruby ​​and even black.

Separately, it is worth noting the homemade grape wine. How to make it? Read on!

Home winemaking

In order to taste delicious wine, it is not at all necessary to run to the supermarket and spend hours studying the labels on bottles - you can make grape wine with your own hands, taking into account individual taste preferences.

Don't be afraid to try yourself as a winemaker! Making grape wine is not a very complicated and exciting process, which has a great chance of turning into a hobby.

The first thing to do is make a list necessary ingredients and tools. The second stage is to decide what kind of drink you want to get. Beginners are recommended to start making wine from blue grapes - at home this is the most successful option.

All about blue wine grapes

The most simple, but nevertheless incredibly tasty and aromatic wine is blue grape wine. It is most often prepared at home due to the availability and low cost of this variety of berries.

The most the best varieties Such grapes are considered “Livadian black” and “dove”. These are unpretentious species that do not require special care and can be found in almost every summer cottage. Wine grapes ripen at the beginning of autumn, and then the fences of neighboring plots and market stalls are simply bursting with an abundance of these berries.

Blue grapes contain a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances. Each berry contains 50-80% juice, saturated with pectin, natural sugar, vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, B, as well as macro- and microelements, such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, zinc, chromium, copper, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, fluorine, silicon, boron and others.

It is interesting that homemade wine from blue grapes does not detract from all its beneficial properties and can be not only an alcoholic drink, but also, to some extent, a vitamin cocktail.

Getting started with winemaking

Before you start making blue grape wine at home, you need to make sure that you have everything you need:

  • blue grapes - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • stainless steel container 30 l;
  • a pair of glass bottles of 20 l;
  • medical gloves;
  • gauze;
  • colander;
  • tube 2 m long and 1 cm in diameter;

Stage one, preparatory

So, let's start making wine from blue grapes, the recipe for which is
is described below and for convenience is divided into several stages.

  1. The first step is to pick ripe grapes. You need to collect it directly from the branches, without tearing off the berries themselves. Then we separate them from the bunches and put them in a stainless container. You cannot wash grapes, because it is in the skin of the berries that there is a substance due to which the fermentation process occurs.
  2. After this, you need to crush the berries with your hands until a large amount of juice is released. It is recommended to immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, as the juice can stain the skin and cause a burning sensation and itching.
  3. Then carefully cover the container with crushed berries with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm room for 5 days.

Stage two, the most important

After 5 days, if everything was done correctly, the pulp should rise in the container. This is what is left of the berries after squeezing out the juice.

  1. Everything needs to be strained through a colander, then the pulp should be thrown onto cheesecloth and the remaining juice should be squeezed out of it.
  2. Purified grape juice should be carefully poured into bottles and equal portions of sugar should be added. It is important to stir it very thoroughly.

Stage three, final

Keep in mind that sugar does not dissolve too quickly, so you should be patient.

Most likely, guests will appreciate your homemade grape wine. The newly minted winemaker will be happy to tell them how to make it and what is needed for it.

Variations on the theme of wine

In addition to the traditional method of preparation, there is one with water. It is slightly different from the usual one, but the wine is no less tasty. To make such a drink, you need to calculate the measures of water and sugar in relation to grape juice. For 1 kg of berries you need 1.5 liters of water and 0.7 kg of sugar.

  1. After squeezing the grapes, add the required amount of water and sugar to the mixture of juice and pulp and mix well.
  2. Leave to ferment for a week, stirring 3-4 times every day to prevent mold from forming.
  3. Then the juice should be filtered and bottled. A medical glove with punctures on the fingers is put on the neck of the bottle, and then everything is as in traditional recipe making wine.

Secrets of home winemaking

In order for the wine to turn out right the first time, the process does not become tedious, and the result does not bring disappointment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some secrets that will be very useful for a novice winemaker.

  • Juice can be obtained not only by squeezing by hand, but also using a juicer.
  • Instead of bottles, you can use ordinary three-liter jars.
  • In the absence of medical gloves, a condom will do.
  • The sweetness and strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, so for dry wine you need less sugar, and for fortified wine - more.
  • To keep wine longer, it is best to bottle it in glass bottles rather than plastic.
  • The best place for it is a basement or cellar.
  • To ensure that the wine is crystal clear, before bottling it, it is recommended to place specially prepared bentonite in a container.

Most likely, the first wine production will be followed by a second, and a third, and a fourth. Gradually, this process will become a kind of annual sacred rite. A few years later, many varieties of homemade wine will be invented. In addition to blue grapes, varieties such as Lydia, Isabella, Nastya, and Kesha can be used for production.

In addition, wine can be made not only from grapes! A unique alcoholic drink can be obtained from aromatic raspberries, sweet blackberries, ripe apples, juicy currants, and tender plums. The scope for imagination and experimentation is enormous.

Homemade wine is so tasty and healthy that, after trying it once, you will never want to buy its likeness in a store again. Naturalness, a huge amount of useful substances, divine aroma and taste make you fall in love once and for all...

Winemaking is a real skill, the secrets of which must be studied for centuries. However, anyone can make delicious homemade grape wine. And if you follow detailed recipes, the taste of the resulting drink will be much better than what can be found on store shelves. Detailed cooking instructions are also provided for your attention.

How to make wine from grapes at home, classic recipe


  • 2 buckets of grapes;
  • sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic grape wine:

  1. Prepare the grapes themselves: sort through, remove rotten and spoiled berries, leaves and any other debris. The berries cannot be washed, as there is yeast on the skin that causes fermentation. It will be enough to wipe the berries with a dry cloth. Bacteria that enter with unwashed grapes will die as a result of fermentation. Branches can be removed if desired. As a result, the wine will not be as tart.
  2. Suppress the grapes. You can use any device for this. The berries can be easily rubbed with your hands or a more ancient method can be used - crushing with your feet. In addition, you can use a trample to prepare mashed potatoes. The berries must be thoroughly ground so that the juice can be released.
  3. Place the crushed berries in a wooden, enamel or glass container. Metal should never be used, as this will ruin the taste of the finished wine. It is better to use a wooden barrel - this a win-win. Leave the mixture for several days. Twice a day, stir everything periodically with a wooden spatula. Thus, beneficial substances will be released from the skins.
  4. After 4-5 days, the juice that has managed to ferment is drained. In this case, the liquid must not be stirred. Press the pulp with your hands. This stage is very important. If you do not drain the juice in time, the resulting mass will be very sour. In this case, the wine will no longer work. You will have to pour out the juice or make vinegar from it.
  5. Determine the amount of liquid obtained and add sugar to it at the rate of 200 grams per 1 liter. Place on the fire and, stirring constantly, heat to a temperature of 45°C. The sugar dissolves, and the liquid itself begins to play. Heat is needed for the yeast to begin to revive and the fermentation process to begin.
  6. Pour the juice into wine bottles and seal tightly with a water seal. It’s better to write the date, it will be easier to navigate. The juice must last for at least 21 days. If the wine sits longer, it’s okay, the main thing is not less.
  7. After a month, drain the liquid through a straw, being careful not to raise sediment at the bottom. To do this, take a plastic bottle, place one edge of the tube in it, the other in the bottle. The bottle should be located significantly below the level of the wine bottle. Remove one end of the tube from plastic bottle and suck in air. As soon as the juice begins to flow, transfer it back into the bottle.
  8. Cover the container into which the wine was poured loosely with lids and place in a cool place for about 40 days. There is still yeast left in the young wine, so it can still play for several days. The carbon dioxide that is created does not find a way out and the lid rips off. To avoid this, the lids are not closed too tightly.
  9. After 40 days, drain the resulting wine, being careful not to raise the sediment at the bottom. Again, you can use a plastic or rubber tube.
  10. Put it in a cold place again for 40 days, and then drain it again. After the second infusion, a solid sediment forms at the bottom of the container. Over time, they can turn into pebbles, which, as a result of drinking wine, are deposited in the human kidneys. It is very important not to skip this step and to thoroughly separate the clean wine from the sediment. And repeat the procedure. The result should be 3 times 40 days.
  11. The resulting wine acquires an unusual aroma and noble color. This drink can be stored in the cellar for decades. Do not shake the bottles, but carefully turn them when opening.

Step-by-step recipe for making Isabella wine from grapes at home

To get the true taste of Isabella wine, you need to take the appropriate grape variety.

Homemade wine from Isabella grapes - a simple DIY recipe

You will need:

  • 10 kg of Isabella grapes;
  • 3 kg sugar.

The process of preparing grapes for fermentation is the same as in the recipe for classic grape wine. The only thing is that it is better to cover the container with crushed bunches with gauze.


Homemade grape chacha

This drink is called Georgian cup or, in a modern way, homemade brandy. Cooking is not a labor-intensive process, but it takes quite a lot of time. But the result is worth it.

Homemade grape chacha, recipe

What you will need:

  • 30 liters of clean water;
  • 10 liters of grape marc;
  • 6 kg sugar.

In order to save grape fruit, it is better to make this drink simultaneously with wine. After the wine, the marc remains, which is necessary for making chacha. In any case, they can be prepared again.

  1. Place the pomace in a large container and cover with granulated sugar. Stir and add yeast.
  2. Add room temperature water to the mixture. If it's cold outside, the liquid needs additional heating. But under no circumstances should the water be hot, otherwise the yeast will die and the fermentation process will never begin.
  3. Fermentation of the mass takes about 10 days. If additional yeast was not used - a month. Throughout the entire period, open the container with the slurry and stir so that the cake cap falls back into the water. This is necessary to prevent mold from forming on top.
  4. Then they begin distillation. The process is no different when distilling moonshine. Some people advise doing double distillation. In the first case, the moonshine will have a rich grape hue.
  5. After distillation, chacha is bottled. They must be placed in a room where the air temperature is not higher than 20°C. Chacha is infused for 1-1.5 months. The drink will ripen and turn into real brandy with a grape aroma.

Women will like this drink because it has a very mild taste.

Classical homemade grape liqueur, simple recipe

The drink is made natural thanks to wild yeast. The recipe does not use vodka or other similar ingredients. If the berries are too sweet, reduce the amount of granulated sugar at your discretion.

  • 2 kg of ripe grapes of any variety;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of plain water.


Homemade grape tincture - a simple recipe


  • 3 liter jar filled with grapes;
  • 1.5 liters of vodka or moonshine;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.


Grapes are ordinary fruit berries, from which you can make many unusual drinks. – wines, liqueurs, chacha, tinctures, each person will choose what they liked the most. Grapes are very easy to work with at home. No special equipment is required for its processing. Various grape varieties produce original, pleasant-tasting drinks with an unusual aroma. Wine obtained from grapes is used as the basis for mulled wine. The liqueur is used as an impregnation for cake, etc. Drinks obtained from grapes are some of the best in the world.

What we need for 6 liters of homemade grape wine:

10 kg grapes
2.5-3 kg granulated sugar

How to make homemade wine from grapes

1. Take bunches of grapes and pick all the berries from them. In an enamel bucket you need in small portions crush the grapes with your hands or a masher until juice appears in large quantities.
3. Then cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm place for about 4-5 days. At the same time, stir the grape mass with a wooden spatula 2 times a day.
4. After the crushed grapes have risen, you need to put them in a colander to drain the juice and squeeze them through cheesecloth. Then pour pure grape juice into jars, add granulated sugar and mix.
5. Put a washed medical glove on the neck of the jar, pierce several holes in your fingers with a needle and tie tightly with an elastic band in a circle.

6. Leave the wine to ferment for 2-3 weeks at room temperature. Be sure to keep an eye on your glove. At the beginning of the process, it inflates, and when it deflates, it is a sign that the wine is ready.
7. After the yeast has settled and the wine has cleared and bubbles have stopped appearing, you need to carefully strain it and cork it. It is important that yeast does not get into clean bottles.
8. Place the wine in a cool place for about 1 month. During this time, pour the wine into other bottles 3 times, leaving sediment in the previous ones. Then leave the wine in a cool place for another month and after that you can taste it.

Without exception, all home distillers not only test original recipes moonshine, but also try themselves as winemakers. Homemade grape wine is a classic of the genre. So, if this raw material is available to you, be sure to supply a dozen other liters delicious wine from isabella, nutmeg or another variety. Making grape wine at home is not difficult. But in order not to spoil anything, it is worth understanding the intricacies of the process.

Wine theory

Stage 1: crush the berries

If for moonshine you can leave the fruit to ferment along with the pulp, then the production of wine from grapes is carried out exclusively from the juice. This is the only way to get a truly pure, pleasant-tasting and safe drink.

Important: grape ridges must be removed. The brush base adds bitterness, spoils the taste of the juice and the final product, and contributes to the formation of harmful impurities.

You can crush the berries with any flat object, but it is better not to use metal - a bouquet of drink

will change. You can work with your bare hands, but the vegetable dye takes a long time to eat into the skin. To make it easier to separate the pulp from the skin and increase the juice yield, the method of fermenting with pulp is used.

Stage 2: perform fermentation with cake

Before preparing grape wine at home, sugar diluted in water at 30°C is added to the juice with pulp at the rate of 37.5 grams of sugar per 1 liter of wort. You also need to add yeast - 2% by weight. Next, the juice and pulp are left to ferment for 3–4 days. The temperature should be around +23°C. Every 4 hours the mixture must be stirred so that the raw material does not turn sour.

This fermentation of the pulp before preparing homemade wine from grapes allows you to get maximum juice from the berries. In addition, almost all aromatic, coloring and flavoring substances are extracted from the skins. There is no need to add yeast or sugar when using this method - everything is already in the wort. So the final drink will be tastier and more natural than with the standard method of adding yeast.

Stage 3: obtaining juice raw materials

To make wine from grapes at home, it is necessary to remove the pulp - during distillation and
During fermentation, a lot of harmful substances pass from it into the final drink. You can strain the juice through gauze, cloth, or a fine-mesh sieve. The amount of juice depends on:

  • grape varieties;
  • method of pressing berries;
  • whether pulp fermentation is used or not.

It is optimal to crush the berries with a press and then ferment the pulp. In this case, even from northern grape varieties you can get a good juice yield.

Step 4: Add Sugar

To obtain good wine from grapes at home under standard conditions, you need to add sugar and water to the wort. The final acidity of the wort should not exceed 2% (preferably a little more than 0.8%). If the acidity is higher, then fermentation slows down, which increases the likelihood of vinegar fermentation, that is, the death of the raw material. The sweetness of the must for homemade grape wine should be around 20–24%. If there is more sugar, the activity of the yeast fungus decreases.

Grape wine

Typically, the sugar content of juice is around 8–12%. Sweet southern varieties can contain up to 22% sugar, but this is extremely rare for the middle zone. If you do not sweeten the wort with 10% sugar content, then at home from such raw materials you will get a drink with a strength of 6–7%. It will have a pronounced sour-astringent taste, and in addition, it will quickly deteriorate. So, if we are preparing wine from ordinary varieties growing in the middle zone, sweetening in the amount of 100–200 grams per liter is mandatory.

If desired, you can add sugar in the form of simple or invert syrup. You can also sweeten future homemade grape wine with honey - the drink will only benefit from this and will be enriched with new interesting flavor tones.

In order not to make a mistake with the amount of sugar, the sweetener is added to homemade grape wine in parts - 1/3 times every 3 days. Then the yeast fungus has time to multiply, process the existing sugar and actively “attacks” the newly introduced raw materials. The taste of the final drink improves and the alcohol content increases.

Stage 5: adjust acidity

Red and white wine from grapes

You cannot make homemade wine from grapes without adding water. Standard varieties of the middle zone produce juice with an acidity of about 1.4%. This is a bit much for a quality wort. To reduce the acid content, the juice can be boiled in a water bath. Its temperature should be about 70°C. If there is much more acid, you can add regular chalk to the juice in a proportion of 50 grams per 1 liter of pure juice. It should be noted that when water evaporates, the concentration of sugar in the final product increases. It is ideal to make homemade wine from grapes with a must acidity of about 0.8–1%.

After the juice has been steamed, it must be filtered - during heat treatment, a precipitate is formed, including coagulated proteins, which are useless and even harmful for fermentation. The approximate proportions of sugar in boiled juice are 18–20%. Among other things, it is worth adding ammonium chloride to the wort at a concentration of 0.3 grams per liter. It accelerates fermentation, suppresses bacteria, that is, reduces the likelihood of raw materials turning sour.

Step 6: pitch the yeast

If grape wine is made without fermenting the pulp in the juice, it will be necessary to add
wine yeast. They can be purchased at a specialty store or at wineries.

It is believed that wild yeast, which are contained in sufficient quantities on the skin of unwashed berries, but it is better to wash the berries before making juice. From “savages” the taste of wine can be unpredictable. Therefore, a cultural fungus is added to the berry drink in a proportion of 3% of the volume of the total wort. This is how fine wines with predetermined characteristics are produced.

In order for the preparation of homemade wine from grapes to follow the factory technology that has been proven over the years, it is better to order fungal cultures in advance, but not earlier than 30 days before the wort is placed. Previously, they were produced exclusively in test tubes, but now there are dry instant types. Yeast is added in dissolved form. In order for them to multiply sufficiently, they must be added to the wort in liquid form.

Wiring cultural yeast served with berry juice. You can use any juicy sweet berries, such as strawberries or wild strawberries. A very interesting recipe for homemade grape wine fermented with raspberry juice - the taste of the drink is very soft and rich. The dispensing is done 2–3 days before the day when the wort will be prepared.

If there is no wine yeast

As a last resort, you can use simple baker's or wild yeast. Step by step order
action is as follows:

  1. 3-4 days before the start of making the wort, we collect the berries. You can use anything, including raisins.
  2. Unwashed raw materials are poured into a bottle or jar and filled with 1 glass boiled water. Its temperature should be from +20°C to +25°C.
  3. Add sugar in the amount of 40 grams.
  4. Crush 2 cups of berries and pour the resulting juice and pulp into our mixture.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly, close the bottle with a glove or a stopper made of fabric that slightly allows air to pass through. We forget about wiring for 3-4 days.
  6. Before putting the wort for fermentation, add a dilution in the proportion of 30 grams per 1 liter of future wine.

This fairly simple recipe for making berry spread consistently produces excellent results. True, fermentation of the wort will proceed somewhat slower than when using wine yeast.

Stage 7: control fermentation

The wine wort is fermented in a closed container under a water seal. This will prevent it from getting inside
harmful lactic-acetic bacteria. The raw materials will ferment efficiently and will not turn into vinegar. Wine should be prepared at temperatures from +22°C to +25°C in the dark. The temperature needs to be controlled: during the fermentation process it increases slightly. If it reaches +30°C, it can destroy the yeast cultures.

Stage 8: topping up

There is a little secret on how to make homemade ordinary wine more tasty and aromatic. After the end of the first, most violent stage of fermentation, it is necessary to add it almost to the top of the container. The filling should be about 90%, for a bottle this is “up to the shoulders”. If there is no specific wine in another container, you can add juice, but not more than 20% of the volume of the wort.

Important: do not forget to add sugar in portions. This can be done on days 5 and 10 from the start of fermentation. It is better to pre-dissolve the sugar in the wort or juice.

Stage 9: pasteurization and bottling

Now it's time to pour the wine into bottles, leaving about 3 centimeters at the top. The final push is pasteurization to home products better stored. This procedure is carried out at a temperature of 65–70°C in a water bath. We perform capping after pasteurization. The plugs are filled with wax for reliability. The optimal temperature for subsequent storage of the drink is +15°C, not higher.

Vivat winemakers!

There are different recipes, different blends of grape varieties, you can add other berries and fruits to the wort - get your own original version of the drink. The main thing is that now you know how to make the right wine and can control the process with open eyes and understanding of the matter.

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