Korean cucumber salad with meat. Korean-style cucumbers with meat - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

You all probably tried either or ... But today we invite you to write down in your cookbook without exaggeration the most delicious recipe- cucumbers in Korean with meat. Such salads are now very fashionable, they are slowly becoming familiar and gaining popularity among all hostesses. The recipe for this salad is simple, you just need to follow a few points. The basis is, of course, cucumbers and meat. The meat is suitable for both beef and pork. Be sure to add garlic and fragrant greens, fresh young peppers to such salads, and also a little chili sets the spicy dish piquant notes. Well, you can’t do without soy sauce, it is preferable to use pure sauce, without additional additives. Serve Korean-style cucumbers with meat as an independent dish at the table - perfect for both lunch and dinner.

- pork or beef - 260 g;
- cucumbers - 90 g;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- Bell pepper- 70 g;
- soy sauce- 40 ml;
- onion - 1 head;
- vegetable oil - 50 ml;
- salt to taste;
- pepper - to taste;
- cilantro - a bunch;
- chili - optional;
- paprika - 1\5 tsp;
- red ground pepper - 1/5 tsp each.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Take the most delicious cucumbers, fresh, dense in structure. Wash cucumbers in cool water, dry. Cut each cucumber into two halves, after half also cut lengthwise into two parts. Cut each quarter of the cucumber into oblong bars. Transfer cucumbers to a bowl and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Leave for 15 minutes alone, so that the cucumbers start up the juice.

Drain the cucumber juice, you won't need it. Add dry paprika and red dry pepper to cucumbers. Peel the garlic and skip it on the press, transfer to the cucumbers. Add a pinch of sugar if desired. Mix cucumbers with spices and set aside for a while.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut the meat into oblong strips. Heat the oil in a frying pan, transfer the meat strips there, fry for about 6-8 minutes over high heat.

Peel the head of the onion and cut into half rings. Add onion to ruddy meat and pour in a portion of soy sauce. Cook the ingredients over medium heat for another 5-7 minutes.

Transfer the meat with onions to the cucumbers, also pour in the juice from the pan.

Cut the peeled sweet pepper into strips - add to the rest of the ingredients. Rinse cilantro, chop, send to a bowl.

Mix the ingredients, add chili if desired. You can also add some oil and lemon juice to taste.

Enjoy your meal!
See our selection of recipes

In Korean-style cucumber salads with meat, absolutely any fillet can be used, be it pork tenderloin or regular chicken breast, but in any case, the result will be stunning. Cucumbers can be added not only fresh, but also pickled. Depending on the choice, it will acquire a certain flavor, either gently spicy, with a pleasant sourness, or sweetish, tender. herself Korean carrot in any case, it adds its own shade, sharp, spicy, but refined. In such a combination of products, it is not surprising to get an amazing snack that amaze everyone not only in taste and aroma, but also in appearance.

In the presented recipe for cucumbers with meat in Korean salad, pickled cucumbers and tender boiled meat are used. The combination is not just successful, but one of the best of all known today. It turns out a surprisingly satisfying, tender and at the same time spicy, with amazing spiciness, a dish that can surprise even the most picky eaters with its delights.

For a salad, meat with cucumbers in Korean is necessary:

  • 300 g of meat;
  • 2 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 5 large eggs;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 100 gr. carrots in Korean;
  • 30 gr. green onions;
  • 160 gr. mayonnaise.

Korean cucumber salad with meat:

  1. The meat is washed and boiled in water with the addition of spices. After cooking in the broth, cool and cut into small pieces.
  2. Cucumbers are cut in the same way as fillets.
  3. Eggs are boiled, then cooled in cold water. Then they clean and separately grate the protein and yolk. Leave 2 eggs whole, you will need them for decoration.
  4. A little crushed and carrots in Korean.
  5. Take a grater with small holes and rub the cheese on it.
  6. Layers are laid out in a prepared salad bowl: meat, Korean carrot, cucumbers, proteins, cheese and yolks. Each component must be coated with mayonnaise.
  7. washed out green onion finely cut and sprinkled with Korean salad of cucumbers and meat, decorated with egg slices.

Tip: Korean-style carrots must be crushed. The root crop should not stand out among other products, but be with them, as it were, one. Yes, and eating long carrot strips is uncomfortable.

Korean cucumber and meat salad

It is worthy to stand in the center of even the most sophisticated and filled with delights of the table. It turns out the salad is incredible, rich and original. By laying out each component in a separate layer, it turns out to create not only taste contrast, but also real perfection, both visual and taste.

For a Korean salad with meat and cucumbers, you need:

  • 300 gr. meat;
  • 300 gr. mushrooms;
  • 200 gr. carrots in Korean;
  • 2 large cucumbers;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 20 gr. oil;
  • 180 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 3 gr. salt.

Salad with cucumbers and meat in Korean:

  1. The meat is boiled in a saucepan with water and cooled without taking it out of the broth.
  2. Mushrooms are sorted, washed, the film is removed from the caps and chopped a little.
  3. Peel the onion and chop into thin slices.
  4. Pour mushrooms and onions into a frying pan, add oil and fry, add a little salt.
  5. Cucumbers are freed from the skin and chopped on a grater, squeezed a little.
  6. The meat is finely cut and placed in the bottom layer in a salad, which must be smeared with mayonnaise. The same manipulation is carried out in the future with all products.
  7. Mushrooms and carrots are spread on the meat.
  8. The cucumber layer completes everything.
  9. The salad is cooled in the refrigerator for three hours, and after they are served to guests.

Tip: Cucumbers, after grinding, let out a huge amount of juice. It is simply not needed in a salad, so they need to be squeezed well.

Korean salad with cucumbers and meat

The beauty of this is the absence of mayonnaise, which can be attributed to not the most useful products. In addition, fried meat and spices give a new taste, unusual, but surprisingly pleasant. The dish turns out rich and at the same time light, surprisingly fragrant. Yes, and cooking it is already very simple, one might even say that it is primitive. The most difficult thing is frying meat, but this process simply cannot cause difficulties.

For a cucumber salad with meat in Korean, you need:

  • 350 gr. meat;
  • 2 large cucumbers;
  • 1 beam head;
  • 250 gr. carrots in Korean;
  • 25 gr. soy sauce;
  • 20 gr. oils;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 gr. salt;
  • 5 gr. coriander.

Salad with meat and cucumbers in Korean:

  1. First of all, cucumbers are washed. Then spread on the board and cut into small sticks. After grinding, add salt and insist for a short time. The juice that stands out is drained, and the cucumbers themselves are gently squeezed.
  2. The meat is washed and cut into thin strips. Spread on a frying pan, add oil and fry.
  3. The onion is peeled, washed and chopped finely, attached to the meat and already fried together.
  4. Put the meat with onions in a bowl, add cucumbers, peeled and chopped garlic, soy sauce and coriander, preheated in a pan.
  5. Everything is mixed.
  6. Add ready-made carrots in Korean to the composition and mix all the products with a spoon again.

Tip: Many other aromatic spices can be included in this dish. With their help, the salad will become even more piquant and bright. Add ground pepper and Provencal herbs, and thyme, and oregano. Any of the spices that are favored in the house can be safely added to the composition. This appetizer will only get better.

Korean salad with cucumbers and meat

Without exception, in which there is a tomato among the components, they turn out not only tasty, but also juicy, tender, bright, fragrant. In this case, an unusual, special dish is obtained, because there is so much freshness and different flavors in it, with the help of which the appetizer becomes unique and exquisite.

For a Korean-style cucumber salad with meat, you need:

  • 200 gr. carrots in Korean;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 1 large and dense tomato;
  • 300 gr. smoked meat;
  • 160 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 3 lettuce leaves

Korean salad with meat and cucumbers:

  1. The meat is laid out on a board and cut into cubes.
  2. The tomato is washed, wiped and cut into small pieces. It is not necessary to remove the skin from them.
  3. The pepper is de-seeded and cut into small cubes.
  4. The cucumber is removed from the skin and cut into small squares.
  5. Pour all the products into a bowl and add Korean carrots to them.
  6. Mayonnaise is also poured there, the products are mixed.
  7. Lettuce leaves are washed and dried, put on the bottom of the plate, seasoned ingredients are already placed on them.

Tip: Instead of mayonnaise, you can also use your own sour cream sauce with garlic. A salad is very original if you use natural yogurt as a dressing.

Korean cucumber and meat salad

This one is very simple and at the same time extraordinary. It contains very few components. There are enough fingers on one hand to count them, but this is precisely what distinguishes him from many similar ones. Ease of cooking is one of the main positive qualities of any dish. Especially if it also has a delicious taste.

For a salad in Korean, cucumbers with meat should be:

  • 200 gr. carrots in Korean;
  • 300 gr. meat;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 5 large eggs;
  • 140 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 4 gr. salt;
  • 5 gr. pepper.

Korean cucumber salad with meat:

  1. The meat is washed and boiled in water. After that, they are in no hurry to get the fillet out of the broth and leave it in it for about twenty minutes. Only then is it pulled out and placed on a board, cut into small pieces or torn into fibers by hand.
  2. Wash the cucumber, get rid of the skin. Then cut into small sticks.
  3. Eggs are boiled, cooled. Then peel and cut into cubes.
  4. Carrots are squeezed from excess marinade, strips are shortened.
  5. The products are laid out in one bowl, mayonnaise, Korean-style carrots, salt and pepper are added to them, it's all mixed.
  6. In a warm place for thirty minutes insist, mix again.

Tip: A simple salad will turn out even more tasty and original if you cook the eggs a little differently. You can beat them, add a little flour and milk and fry thin pancakes on a frying pan. Then cool and cut into strips. This process is a little more complicated and perhaps not even the first time, but the taste of the dish changes significantly.

Meat in salads is not uncommon, but a bold combination with Korean-style carrots and cucumbers is not so common. The peculiarity of these dishes is in the incredible taste and simply charming aroma. The spices present in carrots add piquant notes and reveal all the flavors to the fullest. And the design of the appetizer attracts the eye: bright, unusual, sunny and, at the same time, tender. Without a doubt, there will be those at the table who will not even touch Olivier and Mimosa, but on the other hand, such an easy-to-prepare salad will be crushed on both cheeks.

We really like Korean-style cucumbers with meat - this is an awesomely delicious salad recipe. And someone calls it simpler, a delicious appetizer of cucumbers with meat, spices, and sweets, bell pepper. This wonderful recipe for cucumbers with meat in Korean, I call the salad "Piquant".

Be sure to check out these recipes:

Today, I will show you the whole process of preparing a simple, but at the same time, satisfying and practically self prescription, step by step and with a photo. Korean-style salad with meat and cucumbers can easily be called the main dish, so much so that everything harmonizes well in it. And even all the advice of nutritionists are respected here. I mean separate food (meat and vegetables). It's great, really!

Korean-style cucumbers with meat will appeal to everyone who loves meat and spicy. But, if desired, the spiciness of the dish can be adjusted, so those who do not eat too spicy dishes can eat such a salad. So, can't wait to start cooking? Then let's first see what products we need for Korean salad with meat, cucumbers and sweet peppers.

Cucumbers with meat in Korean step by step recipe

Products used:

  • meat (beef, veal, pork, poultry) - 500 gr.,
  • cucumber (long) - 1 pc.,
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) - 1 pc.,
  • onion (medium) - 2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.,
  • soy sauce - 6 tbsp. l.,
  • vinegar 6% - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • coriander (ground) - 1 tsp,
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to cook cucumbers with meat in Korean according to the recipe with a photo:

The main product of Korean cucumber salad, of course, is meat. In this recipe, you can use any meat, both beef and veal, pork, and poultry meat (chicken, turkey), etc. We take lean pieces, wash, dry, cut into thin strips. Let's put it aside for now.

Cucumber (large) wash, dry. First, cut into pieces 4-5 cm long, then into sticks, put in a dish.

Pour a pinch of salt, mix, also leave aside, for about half an hour.

In the meantime, you and I will cook the rest of the ingredients of the salad with cucumbers and meat in Korean style. Onion clean, wash, cut into half rings, move aside.

Bulgarian sweet pepper also needs to be washed, cleaned of seeds, partitions and cut into strips.

With vegetables, we have finished with you, we proceed to fry the meat. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, put the meat. At the initial stage, fry it over high heat until all the liquid has evaporated, and do not forget to stir.

While the meat is fried, we will return to our cucumbers. All liquid (or juice from the cucumber) must be drained. You can drain it wherever you want, into a bowl or sink, we will no longer need it.

Add coriander and two finely chopped garlic cloves. Garlic can be passed through a press, or grated.

Then finely chop the chili pepper. If you don't like it too spicy, add half a pepper. And, if it is cleaned of seeds, then the sharpness will be even less. Here, it all depends on your love of spicy.

Mix cucumbers with spices well. By the way, if you do not have fresh chili at the moment, you can replace it with 0.5 tsp. ground pepper.

In the meantime, all the liquid has evaporated from the meat, add the onion to the pan, add a little more vegetable oil, stir, reduce heat to medium.

Close the lid and continue to fry until the onion becomes soft, remembering to stir.

As soon as the onion has become soft, add soy sauce to the meat in the pan, the remaining three chopped cloves of garlic, sweet pepper. Quickly mix everything and turn off the fire.

Immediately hot meat with onions and sweet peppers, transfer to a dish with cucumbers, mix lightly, add vinegar, and only after that, all again, mix thoroughly. Let stand for 5 minutes and try, add what you are missing. If salt - add salt, if spicy - pepper (garlic), add what you think is necessary.

That's all, Korean-style cucumbers with meat, or a delicious appetizer of Korean-style cucumbers with meat and sweet peppers, are ready! Salad can be eaten warm or cold.

It turned out delicious, we have a salad with meat, cucumbers and sweet peppers. Fragrant, colorful, satisfying, juicy, and very easy to prepare. It will decorate the table, not only on an ordinary day, but also on a festive day, with its bright look and unique taste.

Be sure to make and treat your family with this wonderful salad. And with step-by-step actions and photos, it will not be difficult for you to prepare it. Enjoy your meal!