Herb salad recipes. Recipes for delicious and healthy dishes from wild plants

In our modern world It is difficult to surprise a person with some new food. And yet, the number of recipes and their diversity is often simply amazing.

Salads can bring the most imagination, the essence of which is to combine all kinds of products in one dish. Salads may contain products that seem completely different at first glance, but the end result can be a delicious aroma and taste.

In recent years, people have become increasingly attracted to salads made from wild greens: nettles, dandelions, burdock roots, plantain, sorrel, horsetail, wormwood and many, many others. The main thing is that the grass is not poisonous.

All these plants can be used as an independent dish or in combination with others.

Wild greens are used fresh, but they can also be dried and later added to various dishes.

And yet, it is best to use fresh, just picked herbs for preparing salads. In this form, it completely preserves healing properties, physiologically active substances, vitamins, essential oils.

General rules for preparing salads from herbaceous plants. First of all, you need to carefully sort out the plants, remove foreign impurities and sand. After which they are washed in water, placed on a clean cotton cloth and dried. Some plants are recommended to be doused with boiling water before use, in particular nettle, to soften its stinging properties.

After this, the grass is crushed and spices are added to taste. Combinations of different herbaceous plants are possible. Such multi-component salads are more valuable in terms of nutritional qualities, and they have a more varied flavor bouquet. Salads are most often dressed with butter, sour cream, yogurt; in fresh salads it is good to add mustard or citric acid.

The best time to collect wild herbs for salads is early spring. At this time, salads also seem tastier, because the real season of vegetables will not come soon.


Nettle is primarily vitamin C, up to 0.17% fresh, vitamin K, tannins and protein substances, formic acid. In medicine, nettle is used as a hemostatic agent, in particular for uterine bleeding. Nettle tinctures are good at restoring a person’s strength after illness.

Nettle, carrot and garlic salad

4 tbsp. tablespoons crushed nettle leaves
4 medium-sized carrots, grated on a coarse grater
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 tbsp. tablespoons chopped green onions
1 tbsp. spoon chopped walnuts(any is possible)
1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice, salt to taste

Mix all products, season with yogurt or mayonnaise.

Nettle and plantain salad

Prepare the herb: sort out the nettles, rinse, and pour boiling water over them. Rinse the plantain well and soak in salt water for 15 minutes (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Grind the grass.

200 g nettle
20 plantain leaves
1-2 onions
2 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley and dill
3 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil
2-3 eggs
2 tbsp. spoons 9% vinegar

Mix all ingredients, season with vegetable oil and vinegar, sprinkle parsley on top.

Nettle and burdock salad

Pre-prepare the greens: dip nettles in boiling water for 5 minutes, burdock leaves for 2 minutes. Dry the herb and chop finely. For the salad you will need:

100 g nettle
20 g burdock leaves
1 boiled egg
30 g leaf parsley

For dressing: sour cream, vinegar, salt.

Nettle and sorrel salad

A very simple recipe made from different herbs:

100 g nettle
50 g green onions
50 g sorrel

Season with vegetable oil and salt to taste.

These products make a very savory paste that can be spread on toasted bread.

To prepare the paste, all the greens need to be ground in a mortar with the addition of oil and salt.

Nettle and dandelion salad

Pour boiling water over nettle leaves or soak for 20 minutes in salted water.

Preparation: finely chop all the herbs, combine with cucumber and season with sour cream or low-fat yogurt.

100 g nettle
5 pieces dandelion leaves
1 small pickled cucumber
A few green onions.

Nettle, plantain and onion salad

Preparation of greens: scald nettle leaves and plantain with boiling water and dry. Grind all products. Season the salad with sour cream, or mayonnaise, or yogurt.

100 g nettle
100 g plantain
1 onion
1 egg
50 g horseradish (grate finely)
Salt, Apple vinegar taste
50 g sour cream (mayonnaise, yogurt)

Nettle, plantain, dandelion salad

Boil the nettles for 2-3 minutes, dry. Soak dandelion leaves in salt water for half an hour. Chop all the greens, chop the egg and season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Salt to taste.

200 g fresh nettle leaves
100 g sorrel (preferably wild)
100 g plantain leaves
50 g green onions
25 g dandelion leaves
1 boiled egg
mayonnaise or vegetable oil, salt - to taste

Nettle, sorrel and apple salad

Pour boiling water over the nettle, grate the apple, chop the radish, tear the sorrel with your hands, grind the garlic with salt. Mix all the products, add salt to taste, season with sour cream (you can add half a teaspoon of mustard to it), sprinkle with parsley.

50 g young nettle leaves
200 g sorrel
1 apple
4-5 pcs. radishes
Several green onions
Bunch of parsley
2 cloves garlic

Wild green salad with garlic

In this salad you can add any greens you have: nettle, plantain, dandelion leaves, dill and parsley.
Prepare the nettles - pour boiling water over them, soak the dandelion leaves in salt water to remove the bitterness.

Chop all available greens in equal quantities, add crushed garlic and salt. Place the resulting mixture on lettuce leaves, roll them into squares and pour 9% vinegar for 1-2 hours. When serving, pour over sour cream. This dish can be served with boiled potatoes or an egg.
Nettle salad with nuts and apples.

Boil the nettles for 2-3 minutes, dry and chop. Add ground walnuts (or hazelnuts) and grated apple. Season with sauce: vegetable oil + lemon juice + honey + salt.

120 g nettle leaves
1 apple
2 tbsp. spoons of nuts
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
Salt to taste

Nettle and cucumber salad

This light, refreshing salad is easy to prepare in just 5 minutes.

Scald the nettle greens with boiling water, cool and chop. Add chopped cucumber. Season with sour cream or yogurt, you can add a drop of lemon juice. Add salt.

200 g nettle
1 cucumber
Dressing: sour cream, salt, lemon juice.

Nettle, radish and cucumber salad

Pour boiling water over nettle leaves, dry and chop. Add radish and cucumber cut into rings, finely chopped parsley, onions and season.

100 g nettle
100 g radish
100 g cucumber
Parsley, feather onion

For dressing: sour cream with salt, ground black pepper. You can use yogurt instead of sour cream.


An unpretentious, well-known plant that grows everywhere in Russia, mainly on roadsides. Pharmacological studies have shown that plantain leaves contain carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, citric acid, phytoncides, bitter and tannins. Plantain - old folk remedy, widely used to treat various diseases.

Crushed plantain leaves are used for burns, wounds, bruises, abscesses and boils, and insect bites. They have good antiseptic properties, clean wounds and promote their rapid healing. For the treatment of respiratory tract diseases, decoctions and infusions of plantain are widely used, which help cope with different types cough with bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough.

Plantain has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which are used in medicine for disorders of the digestive system, acute gastritis, and peptic ulcers.

In cosmetology, an infusion from a decoction of plantain leaves is used to wipe the facial skin, which perfectly moisturizes dry skin and relieves irritation. You can wipe your face with the frozen broth every day, this will give your skin a fresh look. A good effect is obtained when caring for hair as a rinse.

In cooking, young fresh plantain leaves are used to prepare salads with the addition of potatoes, eggs, and other wild herbs. Plantain can also be used in preparing meat dishes, casseroles and omelettes. Cabbage soup made from plantain and nettle is excellent.

Plantain salad with cucumber

Take plantain leaves (collect away from highways), put them in salted water for a few minutes, drain and chop them. Mix with chopped cucumber, onions and a boiled egg. Season with salt and pepper to taste, season with sauce or mayonnaise, and sprinkle with parsley and dill on top.

20 plantain leaves
4 cucumbers
1 onion
1 egg
2 tbsp. spoons of dill and parsley
For dressing: sauce or mayonnaise.

Salad of plantain, dandelion, sorrel and nettle

Wash all the greens well, dry and chop finely. Add chopped eggs and radish slices to them. Season with vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

200 g plantain
200 g sorrel
300 g nettle
50 g dandelion leaves
100 g green onions
1-2 eggs
3-4 radishes

Plantain salad

A very simple, healthy salad that takes just a few minutes to prepare.

Wash young fresh plantain leaves, chop and mix with onions. There should be twice as much plantain as onions. Add some nettle leaves (first scald with boiling water), a couple of tablespoons of grated horseradish.

Season the salad with sour cream and lemon juice; you can also season it with apple cider vinegar. It will be even tastier if you sprinkle pine nuts on top. This salad goes perfectly with new potatoes, boiled and baked until golden brown.

Plantain salad with nuts and honey

Wash the plantain leaves and soak in salted water for 15–20 minutes. Then dry and grind. Add nuts (any) and honey. Season the salad with vegetable oil.

200 g plantain leaves
1 tbsp. spoon of nuts
1 tbsp. spoon of honey
1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil

Plantain salad with pumpkin

Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, add prepared plantain leaves (rinse and soak in salted water for 10-15 minutes), chop them finely and mix with the pumpkin. Season with vegetable oil and salt to taste. The salad goes well with meat dishes.

300 g pumpkin
100 g plantain leaves

Season with vegetable oil or sour cream.

You can add any edible wild herbs to this salad.

Plantain and cabbage salad

The salad is made in a similar way to pumpkin salad, where cabbage is used instead of pumpkin.

Plantain can be eaten as a paste with sandwiches.

Soak the washed plantain greens in salted water for 10-15 minutes, grind in a mortar with salt, garlic, parsley and dill. Spread the resulting paste onto dried bread.

A delicious, refreshing cocktail is made from crushed plantain leaves (5 g), parsley (3 g), dill (3 g), walnuts (10 g), which are poured with kefir (200 g) and whipped for 2-3 minutes.

Plantain leaves are added to meat cutlets, green cabbage soup is cooked as part of other products, and healthy health drinks are made from them.


Young shoots of plants, which are widely considered weeds, become in the spring a real storehouse of vitamins, mineral salts and other chemical compounds necessary for good health.

You need to get acquainted with another wonderful creation of nature in the kitchen. This is a cute dandelion. Dandelion leaf salad is famous in France as an authentic delicacy and is served in best restaurants. And Italian housewives never forget to sprinkle spring salad a handful of freshly picked herbs.

Dandelion salad

Wash young dandelion leaves in running water (you can soak them for 10 minutes in cold water), discard in a colander, chop not very finely. Add garlic crushed with salt, finely chopped lemon with skin, grated raw carrots(can be beets), a few sorrel leaves, crushed walnuts. Season with mayonnaise and lemon juice.

100 g dandelion leaves
1 medium carrot
1-2 cloves of garlic
1–2 lemon slices
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Mayonnaise and nuts to taste

Dandelion and parsley salad

Prepare dandelion leaves: soak in salted water for 15 minutes. Drain in a colander and chop. Wash and chop the parsley. Add green onions, dill, season with oil and vinegar.

Take equal parts of dandelion leaves, green onions and parsley. You can add garlic crushed with salt or a little mustard.

Dandelion salad with kefir

Take dandelion, coltsfoot, watercress and sorrel leaves in equal parts, rinse in running water, scald with boiling water and chop. Chop the tomatoes and mix with herbs. Season with a mixture of kefir, cream and sugar. Salt to taste. Top the salad with chopped onions and cucumber herbs.

Dandelion and sorrel salad

Wash equal parts of dandelion and sorrel leaves thoroughly, chop finely and season with vegetable oil. It's good to add honey and pine nuts. Perfectly matches meat dishes and cold meat snacks.


Burdock is one of the most common wild herbs. It grows everywhere throughout the European part, in the Caucasus and Siberia, as well as in the Far East. Burdock roots contain up to 45% inulin polysaccharide, 12.3% protein, essential oils, and stearic acid. Burdock leaves and seeds also contain many useful substances.

In medicine, burdock roots are used in the form of decoctions and infusions as a diuretic. In the form of ointments, it is used externally for eczema, acne, furunculosis, as well as for hair loss in the form of burdock oil.

All parts of the plant are used for food: leaves, stems, roots. Burdock root is considered a Japanese delicacy.

Burdock roots are salted, pickled, dried and baked. Dried roots are used to make baking flour by mixing with wheat or rye flour. Chopped dried burdock root is an excellent addition to first and second courses.

Burdock leaf salad with horseradish and green onions

For those who love spicy and spicy dishes.

First, immerse burdock leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, dry and cut. Chop the same amount of green onions and mix with burdock leaves. Add grated horseradish (to taste) to this mixture and season with sour cream.

Salad with burdock roots, cabbage and carrots

For 100 g of peeled and grated burdock roots, add 40 g of shredded white cabbage and grated carrots. Season the salad with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add fresh cucumber or radish to this salad. White cabbage can be replaced with a colored one.

Burdock leaf salad with egg

Scald burdock leaves with boiling water or soak in a salt solution for 15-20 minutes, dry and chop. Season the salad with a sauce made from vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Top the salad with sliced ​​boiled egg rings.

For 300 g of burdock you will need: 2 eggs, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper.

Burdock leaf salad with dill, horseradish and nuts

Soak young burdock leaves in salted water for 15-20 minutes, drain in a colander and chop.

Add chopped dill, grated horseradish and season with sour cream. Salt to taste.

You will need: 7-8 burdock leaves, 1 bunch of dill, 10 pieces of any nuts, 1 teaspoon of horseradish, 100 g of sour cream.

2 recipes for boiled burdock root

1. Boil burdock roots until desired softness. Cut into thin slices and season with soy sauce. Add a few pinches of mustard seed. Season with mayonnaise. Add salt to taste.

2. As in the first case, boil the burdock roots and cut them into cubes. Then fry with onions, salt and pepper, add water or vegetable broth and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. In this form, burdock roots resemble asparagus. Serve with potatoes or cauliflower.

Warm salad of burdock roots and champignons

Soak the burdock roots in salted water for 15-20 minutes. Boil until desired softness, drain in a colander. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, fry for 2-3 minutes in butter with the addition of olive oil until golden brown. Add green onions and simmer a little. Mix everything, add lightly toasted almonds. Serve warm.


300 g burdock roots
150 g champignons
50 butter
3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
100 g almonds

Burdock root salad with tomatoes

Boil burdock roots in salted water until desired softness and chop thin strips. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Mix everything. Add sauce: olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Place in a salad bowl and sprinkle with parsley and grated Parmesan cheese on top.

200 g burdock roots
200 g tomatoes
3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
50 g parmesan
1 bunch of parsley

Fried burdock salad with carrots

Soak burdock roots in salt water for 15 minutes. Cut the burdock and carrots into thin strips. Fry on olive oil until ready. Shortly before the end of stewing, pour in white dessert wine, honey and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle the finished salad with parsley on top.


One burdock root
1 carrot
3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
1 tbsp. spoon of white dessert wine
2 teaspoons honey
20 g parsley
1 tbsp. spoon of balsamic vinegar

Burdock stem salad

Soak burdock sprouts 25-30 cm high with unblown leaves for 20 minutes in salted water, then boil and dry. Cut the stems into 5-6 cm pieces and place in hot vegetable oil. Soak for 5-10 minutes in oil. Salt and pepper the burdock pieces removed from the oil and add soy sauce, crushed garlic and onions. You can add sesame or pumpkin seeds. Simmer until done.

400 g burdock
200 g vegetable oil
1 onion
2-3 cloves of garlic

Eating young shoots of plants, which are widely considered weeds, becomes in the spring a real storehouse of vitamins, mineral salts and other chemical compounds necessary for good health.

Let's eat weeds! This is by no means a joke, but a completely rational proposal, repeatedly approved by biologists and doctors.


The leaves of borage contain large amounts of potassium, resinous substances, malic and citric acids, vitamins C, A, tannins, and saponin. Fresh leaves borage herb resembles the smell of cucumber, hence the name of the herb. The leaves taste slightly salty. Borage has other names: borage, borage, borage. Borago flowers are used for cooking healthy tea, which improves heart function and restores strength. Warriors of Ancient Rome used borage during campaigns to strengthen their spirit and health. Borage can easily be grown on the balcony in a box. If you don’t have cucumber on hand, borage can successfully replace it in salads and other dishes.

Salad of cucumber, sweet bell pepper and sauerkraut

Take 100 g of borage leaves, sweet bell pepper and sauerkraut. Grind all products and season with vegetable oil.

Cucumber salad with potatoes

Take boiled potatoes, borage and green onions in equal parts. Cut everything, salt, pepper and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Cucumber salad with tomatoes and nuts

Chop borage leaves and mix with diced tomatoes. Add walnuts or pine nuts. Season with salt and vegetable oil. You can top it with sour cream.

150 g borage
150 g tomatoes
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped nuts
20 g vegetable oil or 100 g sour cream

Cucumber and carrot tops salad

Prepare the herbs for the salad: rinse, drain in a colander, and dry.
Finely chop the borage, green onions, and carrot tops. Salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil.

100 g borage
100 g green onions (feather)
30 g carrot tops
Oil, salt, pepper to taste

Cucumber salad with chicken breast

This salad can be equal in satiety to the second course.

Wash and chop the borage. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves. Grate the cheese on a fine grater to make it fluffy. Chicken fillet cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, add salt at the end. Mix all prepared ingredients. From white bread cut into small cubes. Grind the garlic and mix with the bread. Toast in the oven until slightly golden brown. Drizzle the salad with dressing. Place dried crackers on top. Sprinkle the salad with cheese.

400 g chicken fillet
100 g borage
150 g Cherry tomatoes
100 g hard cheese, such as Parmesan
100 g white bread
1-2 teaspoons lemon juice
2-3 cloves of garlic
100 g vegetable oil
1 teaspoon mustard
Salt, pepper, dill, parsley, spices to taste

Dressing: mix lemon juice, crushed garlic, mustard, pepper, salt, vegetable oil, dill, parsley.

Cucumber salad with ham and green peas

Cut the ham into pieces, borage into strips. Add chopped eggs, green canned peas, green onions and parsley. Mix everything, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

100 g borage
200 g ham
1 can of canned peas
1 bunch of parsley
30 g green onions
100 g mayonnaise

Cucumber salad with radishes

A simple, refreshing salad that comes together in 5 minutes.

Cut the borage into strips, radishes into circles, season with sour cream and salt. Proportions as desired.

Cucumber salad with potatoes, green onions and celery

Chop the cucumber leaves, green onions and celery and mix. Add boiled potatoes and horseradish, grated. Season the salad with sour cream. Top with chopped egg.

100 g borage
50 g boiled potatoes
30 g green onions
30 g celery
1 tbsp. spoon of grated horseradish
1 egg
100 g sour cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Salad of borage, garden cress and cheese

Take borage and garden cress and chop finely. Add grated cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with sour cream.

100 g borage
100 g garden cress
50 g hard cheese
100 g sour cream

Borage can be added to any dish; it is quite capable of replacing spinach. It is added to side dishes for meat dishes, okroshka, soups, sauces, fried fish, making filling for pies. When pickling vegetables, borage also goes well with other ingredients. A pinch of herb added to any dish refreshes it and stimulates the appetite.

Cucumber salad with Jerusalem artichoke

Grate the Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, and chop the cucumber leaves. Season with salt and vegetable oil.

100 g borage leaves
100 g Jerusalem artichoke
100 g carrots
30 g vegetable oil

Salad puree from cucumber leaves

Boil borage leaves in salted water, rub through a sieve and serve with butter. Add salt to taste. Eat with toasted bread.


Calendula grows wild on the Mediterranean coast, as well as in Central Europe. Mainly found on rocky ledges, in bushes, and on sea coasts. In this form, calendula is considered a weed. Certain types of calendula are popular ornamental plants.

Calendula or marigold grows in central and southern Europe and Central Asia. Cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal plant. Aboveground baskets contain resins, nitrogen-containing mucus, malic and salicylic acids. Alkaloids were found in the seeds.

Calendula is used mainly as an anti-inflammatory agent in the form of ointments and emulsions for the treatment of minor wounds, burns, and frostbite. Recently, data have been obtained on the antihypertensive and calming properties of calendula.

In cooking, calendula is used in cooking various salads, soups, liqueurs, drinks, pasta and other healthy and delicious dishes. Calendula is valued for its rich color and aroma.

Salad of calendula, sorrel and nuts

Finely chop the sorrel and mix with crushed nuts. Boil calendula flowers in salted water for 3-5 minutes, dry. Mix with sorrel and nuts. Season with salt and sour cream. You can season it with vegetable oil and honey.

100 g calendula flowers
100 g sorrel
50 g walnuts
100 g sour cream or 30 g vegetable oil +1 teaspoon honey

Calendula flower salad with carrots and green onions

Boil the calendula in water for 3 minutes, drain in a colander. Boil carrots and cut into small cubes. Add the boiled egg, green onions and fresh cucumbers, cut into thin slices. Mix all products, add salt and season with sour cream. Top with dill.

100 g calendula flowers
100 g cucumbers
100 g carrots
100 g green onions
1 egg
100 g sour cream
1 bunch of dill

Salad of calendula flowers, radishes and grapefruit

Separate the grapefruit and orange from the membranes, cut the segments into small pieces. Mix arugula leaves with citrus slices. Add radish sprouts. Top with avocado slices and calendula flowers. Season the salad with sauce. Place avocado slices on top and sprinkle with calendula flowers.

20 g calendula flowers
1 orange
1 grapefruit
1 avocado
A handful of arugula leaves
Some radish sprouts

For the sauce:
? glass of orange juice
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp. tablespoons sesame seed paste
1 tbsp. spoon of agave syrup (can be replaced with regular sugar syrup)
5 pieces. calendula flowers

Preparation of the sauce: mix all ingredients and beat until smooth using a blender.

Calendula salad with potatoes

Cut the boiled potatoes into small slices, add chopped green onions and calendula flowers. Pour over salad dressing.

0.5 kg potatoes
100 g green onions
20 g calendula flowers
For refueling:
100 g vegetable oil
1 tbsp. spoon 3% vinegar
1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
Pepper, salt to taste

Calendula salad with potatoes and cheese

Cut the boiled potatoes into small cubes. Finely chop the calendula flowers. Chop the green onions into small pieces. Crumble the cheese and mix with the rest of the products. Also cut fresh cucumbers into cubes. Add salt to taste. Season with sour cream mixed with dill.

100 g calendula flowers
100 g potatoes
30 g green onions
100 g feta cheese
100 g cucumbers
100 g sour cream
1 bunch of dill

Blooming Sally

Fireweed or fireweed grows throughout the wild in Central Europe and Asia. It has a number of unique properties. It is considered a champion in the composition of vitamin C, of ​​which it contains more than rose hips. Ivan tea helps cleanse the body during various intoxications and has antipyretic properties. Contains many essential microelements necessary for human well-being.

Ivan tea is well known as an excellent tonic drink, which is useful both hot and cold. However, it is also used in salads and cabbage soup, which are especially good in early spring. Young leaves of fireweed and rhizomes are used in cooking.

Fireweed salad with green onions

Pre-prepare young shoots and leaves of fireweed: soak in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a colander. Add chopped green onions, grated horseradish, and salt to taste. Season with sour cream and lemon juice.

100 g fireweed
40 g green onions
1 tbsp. horseradish spoon
100 g sour cream
Juice? lemon

Fireweed salad with beets and carrots

For the salad you will need fireweed rhizomes; they need to be boiled in salted water and cut into thin strips. Grate the boiled beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Mix all ingredients, add canned green peas and crushed garlic. Season with salt and mayonnaise.

150 g rhizomes of fireweed tea
50 g beets
50 g carrots
50 g green canned peas
1-2 cloves of garlic
100 g mayonnaise

Fireweed salad with garlic and cheese

Boil the rhizomes of fireweed in lightly salted water and grate. Also grate hard cheese. Chop the garlic and mix with all the products. Salt the salad and season with mayonnaise.

Fireweed salad with sorrel

Take fireweed leaves and chop finely. Add also chopped sorrel leaves. Instead of sorrel, you can use wood sorrel grass. Mix the herbs. Chop the hard-boiled egg and add to the herbs. Salt the salad and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

50 g fireweed leaves
50 g sorrel
1 egg
50 g sour cream or mayonnaise

Fireweed salad with green onions and horseradish

Boil young shoots of fireweed in salted water for 1-2 minutes, drain in a colander and chop. Mix with chopped green onions and grated horseradish. For dressing, use vegetable oil combined with lemon juice.

50 g fireweed
30 g green onions
1 teaspoon horseradish
30 g vegetable oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Sweet clover

Sweet clover or Burkun by value nutritional properties not inferior to clover and alfalfa. It is used for feed for farm animals, silage, hay and hay meal. Sweet clover desalinizes the soil well and enriches it with nitrogen. Sweet clover is an excellent honey plant; from 1 hectare bees can collect 200-600 kg of high quality honey. Sweet clover is a valuable food plant. Young plants are used to make soups, okroshkas and salads.

Salad with clover, cucumber and green onion

Cut young sweet clover leaves and mix with chopped cucumber. Chop green onions and add to food. Chop the boiled eggs, mix with all the ingredients and season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Salt to taste.

100 g sweet clover leaves
50 g fresh cucumbers
50 g green onions
2 eggs
100 g sour cream

Salad with sweet clover and potatoes

Prepare sweet clover leaves, chop finely, boil potatoes and cut into small cubes, chop green onions and mix with other products. Salt everything. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

100 g sweet clover leaves
50 g potatoes
30 g green onions
100 g sour cream

Salad with clover, beets and green onions

Cut the sweet clover leaves, grate the boiled beets on a coarse grater, and chop the green onions. Mix all products, add salt and season with sour cream or vegetable oil.

100 g sweet clover leaves
100 g beets
50 g green onions

Oxalis (Oxalis)

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows everywhere in moist fertile soils in forests, in mossy, damp places. Often appears in garden plots as weeds.

Oxalis has a number useful properties. It can improve metabolism. Eliminates heartburn, vomiting, normalizes arterial pressure. Oxalis can neutralize mercury and arsenic poisoning. Oxalis has an anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, hemostatic, and wound-healing effect. It is used in the form of infusions and decoctions in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for gastritis. Oxalis leaves contain large amounts of potassium oxalate, which gives the herb a sour taste, hence the name “Oxalis.” There is another name for this herb - hare cabbage.

Oxalis leaves are added to salads, cabbage soup and main courses, and are also used to prepare a refreshing drink. Oxalis can replace sorrel in acidity.

Oxalis grows in the wild and as houseplants.

Oxalis salad with green onions

Wash the sorrel leaves and drain in a colander, then chop. Chop the green onions and parsley. Mix everything, add salt and season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Sprinkle dill on top.

100 g oxalis leaves
20 g green onions
10 g dill
50 g sour cream or mayonnaise

Oxalis salad with other herbs

Take leaves of nettle, plantain, dandelion, coltsfoot - they need to be scalded with boiling water. Add chopped sorrel leaves, green onions, fresh cucumbers. For spicy lovers, it’s good to add a little mustard or crushed garlic. Mix everything, add salt and season with sour cream or mayonnaise, or low-fat yogurt.

50 g oxalis leaves
50 g fresh cucumbers
50 g nettle leaves
50 g plantain
50 g dandelion
50 g coltsfoot
30 g green onions
100 g sour cream or mayonnaise

Meat salad with sorrel, green peas and onions

To the boiled meat, cut into small cubes, add fresh cucumbers, chopped boiled eggs, sorrel, and green onions. Mix everything, pepper, salt, add mustard (to taste). Season with sour cream or vegetable oil, or low-fat yogurt.

50 g oxalis leaves
200 g meat
50 g fresh cucumbers
50 g green onions
50 g canned green peas
150 g sour cream or 50 g vegetable oil

Oxalis salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

Chop the sorrel leaves, add diced tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, cut into thin slices and grated on a coarse grater. boiled carrots. Chop the green onions. You can include cabbage, better than Chinese cabbage, it is more tender. Mix all ingredients, add salt and season with sour cream or vegetable oil.

100 g oxalis leaves
100 g tomatoes
100 g fresh cucumbers
1 medium carrot
30 g green onions
50 g cabbage
100 g sour cream or 50 g vegetable oil

Oxalis salad with spinach

Take the leaves of sorrel, spinach and chop. Chop the green onions, add grated nuts (any). Mix everything. Season with sour cream or low-fat yogurt.

50 g oxalis leaves
50 g young spinach
30 g nuts
30 g green onions
100 g sour cream or yoghurt

Oxalis salad with chicken breast and cheese

Cut the chicken breast into small cubes, lightly fry and cool. Cut the cucumbers and radishes into thin slices, mix all the products. Add chopped sorrel leaves. Salt and pepper. Season with sour cream. Sprinkle green dill and grated Parmesan cheese on top of the salad.

100 g sorrel
100 g cucumbers
50 g radish
50 g cheese
1 bunch of dill
100 g sour cream

Oxalis and sorrel salad with nuts

Chop the leaves of sorrel and sorrel. You can add other field herbs: nettle, dandelion, honey. Chop walnuts and mix with herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Season with any vegetable oil. Perfect fit linseed oil with its spicy flavor.

All herbs 50 g
50 g nuts
30 g vegetable oil

Herbs are especially useful in spring. Spring herbs and leaves contain many vitamins and microelements. Adding them to salads is beneficial, and in exceptional cases they can serve as food in themselves, restoring energy resources.

Nettle and dandelion juice helps improve metabolism in the body, enhances digestion, activates kidney function, and reduces toxins, which is especially important in the post-winter period. In addition, nettle juice relieves fatigue and lethargy.

1. Dandelion leaves are slightly bitter, and this gives the salad an original flavor. But if you don’t like the bitterness, you can easily get rid of it by soaking the leaves for an hour cold water.
2. The leaves of dandelion, nettle and other plants are used mainly in the spring, while they are tender and not hardened.

Ingredients: young nettle leaves - 200 g, nut kernels - 25 g, parsley - 20 g, green onions - 30 g, vinegar - 1 tsp.

Preparation: Place young nettle leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain in a colander, chop and put in a salad bowl. Dilute crushed walnut kernels in 1/4 cup of nettle broth, add a teaspoon of vinegar, stir and season the nettle with the resulting mixture. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and green onions.

Ingredients: celery - 5 roots, onions - 2 pcs., chopped nettle - 2 tbsp., kefir - 1/2 cup.

Preparation: grate the celery on a coarse grater, add chopped onions and salt. Wash the nettle leaves, chop finely and mix with celery. Pour kefir over the salad and garnish with nettle leaves.

NETTLE AND NUT SALAD(Georgian cuisine)
Ingredients: nettle - 150 g, walnuts - 50 g, onions - to taste, herbs - to taste, salt - to taste, pepper - to taste.

Preparation: rinse the nettles, cook in boiling salted water and place on a sieve. Grind walnut kernels with salt, add finely chopped onions and herbs (preferably cilantro), mix everything, add salt and pepper.

Ingredients: fresh young nettle - 125 g, apple - 1 pc., hazelnuts 1-2 tbsp., unrefined sunflower oil- 1 tsp, unrefined wheat germ oil - 1 tsp, lemon juice - 1 tbsp, honey - 1/2 tsp, a pinch of sea salt.

Preparation: mix oil, lemon juice, honey, sea salt until a sauce is formed. Rinse freshly picked nettles with cold running water, chop finely and pour in the sauce. Mix well (this will destroy the stinging nettle hairs and it will no longer burn). Wash and grate the apple, then add chopped hazelnuts. If desired, you can add kefir there.

Ingredients: plantain leaves - 150 g, meat - 100 g, green onions - 25 g, grated horseradish - 20 g, salt, mayonnaise (sour cream or hot sauce) 30-50 g, dill and parsley.

Preparation: chop the plantain leaves, add chopped boiled or fried meat, or sausage, or sausages, or ham, hard-boiled egg, grated horseradish, green onions, salt. Season with mayonnaise, or sour cream, or hot sauce. Sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Ingredients: cucumbers - 2 pcs., finely chopped green onions - 2 tbsp., chopped calendula flower baskets - 2 tbsp., egg 1 pc., sour cream - 2 tbsp., finely chopped dill - 1 tbsp. l., salt.

Preparation: cut the peeled cucumbers into thin slices, add chopped calendula, onion, dill, sour cream and mix. Garnish the finished salad with a hard-boiled egg.

Ingredients: calendula - 2 flowers, sorrel leaves - 200 g, peeled walnuts - 1/2 cup, honey - 2 tsp, unrefined vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

Preparation: chop the sorrel very finely, mix with ground nuts, season with honey and vegetable oil. Sprinkle the salad with finely chopped calendula flowers.

Ingredients: linden leaves - 1 handful, ground nuts - 1 handful.

Preparation: chop the linden leaves and mix with ground nuts. You can prepare ash leaves in the same way.

Ingredients: borage - 200 g, potatoes - 4 pcs., chopped green onions - 1/2 cup, sour cream - 1/2 cup, dill, salt.

Preparation: Peel the boiled potatoes, cut into slices or cubes. Wash the borage, chop into strips, combine with potatoes, chopped onions, salt, mix, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Ingredients: borage leaves - 50 g, pepper - 50 g, sauerkraut- 50 g, vegetable oil - 5-7 g.

Preparation: chop the cucumber grass, cut into slices sweet bell pepper(canned), take the same amount of sauerkraut, mix everything, season with vegetable oil.

Ivan-Tea SALAD
Ingredients: shoots and leaves of fireweed - 50-100 g, green onions - 50 g, horseradish - 2 tbsp, sour cream - 20 g, juice - 1/4 lemon.

Preparation: Place young shoots and leaves of fireweed in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, remove, drain and chop. Add chopped green onions, grated horseradish, and salt. Stir, season with sour cream and lemon juice.

May gravy: Combine equal proportions of lemon or cranberry juice and unrefined vegetable oil. Add some green onions and chopped parsley. Shake in a jar.

Ingredients: clover, nettle, dandelion, sorrel, field garlic - 100 g each, unrefined olive oil - 2 tbsp, wine vinegar - 1 tbsp, finely chopped onion - 50 g, unrefined sugar - 1 tsp ., mustard - 1 tbsp.

Preparation: Wash all the herbs thoroughly, chop finely and mix. Add vegetable oil, wine vinegar, brown sugar and a spoonful of mustard.

Ingredients: nettle - 300 g, dandelion - 300 g, sorrel - 300 g, sour sorrel - 300 g, sow - 300 g, walnut kernels - 3-4 pcs., May gravy 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation: chop one or two types of the indicated herbs, add 3-4 walnuts, season with May gravy.

Wild edible herbs are a natural and valuable source nutrients. Many plants have healing properties and are used in cosmetology and medicine. It's also spicy unusual taste. Plants need to be collected away from the city, in an environmentally friendly place. If you have only eaten greens from the garden, then after reading this article you will have an idea of ​​what wild plants you can eat, how to prepare and store them. Why are wild herbs healthier than store-bought salads? It's no secret that wild plants are much healthier - the fact is that they are better able to receive everything they need for growth from nature. They have naturally longer roots. Not spoiled by regular watering, soil fertilization and artificial lighting. On the contrary, domestic plants, as a result of many years of selection and cultivation, have lost the ability to produce and preserve many valuable substances. The lack of nitrates in wild plants, their ability to regenerate themselves through the sap, is what makes herbs an attractive addition to our diet.

You can eat not only greens, but also plant flowers. Here is a partial list of edible greens:
Bird's knotweed (knotweed, goose grass, ant grass);
Goose foot. Suitable for food whole;
Chickweed (woodlouse);
Ivan-tea - sweet rhizomes;
Reeds - peel young shoots, they are sweet and juicy; Clover - young leaves are very tender and good in salads; Nettle - everyone has heard about the benefits of nettle; young shoots are very useful;
Mantle - leaves and young shoots are edible;
Lungwort - blue-lilac leaves - an excellent honey plant. In England, it is grown in the garden, using peeled stems and root leaves for food;
Dandelion - leaves are soaked in water and added to green smoothies or salads;
Shepherd's purse (purse or field buckwheat). Leaves are eaten: only young ones, unaffected by fungus, absolutely healthy; Plantain - The young leaves can be widely eaten. When combined with sorrel, the taste becomes more pleasant;
Wheatgrass - the roots are eaten raw;
Droop - you can eat young leaves. In Russia there are 5 types of dream, this herb has a wide range of beneficial effects; Yarrow;
Horsetail. Edible flowers: nasturtium, red clover, marigolds (marigolds), chrysanthemums.
Berry leaves: leaves of strawberries, wild strawberries, currants.
Tops of plants: carrots, kohlrabi cabbage, beets, radishes.

How to cook dishes from wild herbs
Collect wild plants only outside the city, away from roads. It is advisable to eat the collected greens on the same day.
You can keep it fresh if you wrap it in a wet cloth or plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.
All wilted greens can be given a fresh look by soaking them in water before eating.
In salads, it is good to sprinkle greens with any sour juice, this improves the absorption of nutrients.
Wild herbs taste better in salads with the addition of sour cream or curdled milk.
Green salads are not salted. It spoils them appearance, taste and destroys beneficial substances.
Before adding bitter leaves to salads, pour cold water with the addition of a small amount of salt for 30 minutes. It is better to scald the greens with boiling water, this way they are better absorbed and become tastier.
Many plant names may seem unfamiliar, but these are almost all the known “weeds” that can be found in the garden and vegetable garden in central Russia. Therefore, you need to collect herbs very carefully and carefully so as not to confuse them. It is better to buy a guide with photographs and descriptions and have it with you. Then on vacation you will have another exciting culinary hobby.

Healthy salads from "weeds": recipes

Nettle has been used in nutrition by humans for a long time. The vitamins and iron salts contained in nettle normalize fat metabolism in the body and stimulate hematopoiesis. In addition, nettle has choleretic, anti-inflammatory and pronounced hemostatic properties, which is associated with the presence of vitamin K in the leaves of the plant. Nettle has a tonic effect, enhances basal metabolism, and also stimulates tissue healing. Young leaves and shoots are eaten. Nettle is used to prepare soups, salads, purees, borscht, pickles, seasoning for meat and fish dishes. Nettle leaves and shoots can be prepared for the winter (it can be fermented, salted), as well as dried and used in first and second courses, which will help improve the function of the kidneys, liver, stomach, and heart. Here are recipes for some nettle dishes:

Nettle salad: 200 g nettle, 30 g sour cream, 2 eggs, salt, vinegar to taste. Boil the washed nettle leaves in water for 5 minutes, place in a sieve, chop with a knife, season with vinegar, add slices of boiled egg, season with sour cream.

Nettle cabbage soup: boil young nettles in water for 3 minutes, strain, pass through a meat grinder or blender and simmer with fat for 10-15 minutes. Saute carrots, onions, parsley in fat. Put nettles, sauteed vegetables, green onions into boiling broth or water, cook for 20-25 minutes, add 10 minutes before readiness Bay leaf, pepper, cloves, sorrel.

Nettle omelet: 2 eggs, 50 g ham, 30 g grated cheese, 3 tablespoons nettle, salt, pepper, 1 small onion, fat. Beat eggs, add chopped ham, cheese, chopped nettles, salt, pepper, finely chopped onion. Fry the omelette on both sides in hot fat.

Nettle puree: 1 kg of nettle, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, horseradish, salt to taste. Boil the washed young nettle leaves in salted water until tender, place in a colander, allowing the water to drain, chop on a board, sprinkle with flour, add 2-3 tablespoons of nettle broth, stir and cook again, stirring continuously, until the volume increases. Then add grated horseradish, fried onion in vegetable oil, mix and serve as a seasoning for cereal dishes.

Salted nettle: 1 kg of nettle, 50 g of salt. Wash the young shoots and leaves of nettle, chop it, put it in three-liter jars and salt it.

Nettle juice: 1 kg of young nettle, 1 liter of water. Pass young shoots and nettle leaves through a meat grinder, add 0.5 liters of cold boiled water, mix, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Pass the remaining pomace through a meat grinder again, dilute with water and squeeze out the juice. Combine it with the first portion of juice and mix.

Butter with nettles: 500 g butter, 65 g minced nettle and clover leaves, 35 g grated horseradish. Mix nettles and clover crushed in a meat grinder with grated horseradish and butter. Use for sandwiches and as a seasoning for ready-made cereal dishes.

Filling for pies: 1 kg of young nettles, 5 eggs, 100 g of rice. Pour boiling water over young nettle leaves and shoots and soak in it for 5 minutes, place in a sieve, let the water drain, chop, mix with boiled rice and chopped boiled egg. Salt to taste.

Plantain dishes have a beneficial effect on stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and diabetes. Plantain has a tonic effect, increasing appetite, mood, performance, and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Young plantain leaves are used for cooking:

Plantain salad: 150 g of young plantain leaves, 50 g of green or onions, a spoon of grated horseradish, 30 g of nettle, egg, 30 g of sour cream, salt, citric acid to taste. Before preparing the salad, dip nettles and plantain in boiling water, drain, and chop finely.

Plantain stewed with herbs: 200 g plant leaves, 50 g green onions, 30 g carrots, 50 g primrose, 10 g wheat flour, 10 g butter. Wash and chop plantain leaves, simmer in small quantity water. 20-25 minutes before readiness add sautéed onions. When the greens are soft, season them with flour, salt and pepper.

Plantain juice: Can be extracted using an electric juicer or a manual screw press. It can be squeezed out well from leaves that have been pre-soaked for 1-2 hours. The juice flowing out of the juicer can be filtered through a linen bag. For long-term storage, the juice is pasteurized and poured hot into well-washed, scalded with boiling water glass jars. Jars of juice are sealed with lids and pasteurized for 20 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees. Apply 30-50 ml 3 times a day before meals for 2-4 weeks, especially in spring and autumn.

Plantain syrup: cut young leaves and carefully place in a jar. After every centimeter of the layer, pour plenty of honey or sugar. Compacting the mass, fill the entire jar. Infuse the plantain with honey (sugar) for about 10 days, then drain the resulting syrup. Use for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, cough, stomach and intestinal diseases.

Knotweed (bird knotweed) is used fresh for food or dried for future use. Knotweed has a restorative, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract, bleeding, diathesis, obesity, diabetes, and psoriatic polyarthritis.

Knotweed caviar: 100 g knotweed, 10 g carrots, 5 g dill, 10 g onions, 15 ml table vinegar, 5 g vegetable oil, 1 g mustard. Boil the washed greens and carrots until half cooked, pass through a meat grinder, add sautéed onions, simmer again, cool, season with vegetable oil and mustard.

Knotweed and nettle puree: Grind washed knotweed and nettle leaves (different quantities) in a meat grinder and add salt to taste (2 tablespoons per serving). Use the puree as a seasoning for main meat and fish dishes. You can add 1-2 tablespoons per serving to salads.

Knotweed pepper (water pepper) and knotweed (renal herb) are used as hemostatic agents in gynecology, and also as laxatives for hemorrhoids. The above recipes for knotweed dishes are also acceptable for these plants. Salads with apples, red peppers, green peas, salted and fresh cabbage. Chicory is served stewed with egg, fried potatoes, grated cheese, in an omelette. Cultivated rhizomes are mainly used to make a coffee substitute.

Chicory salad: 200 g of young chicory shoots, 10 g of margarine, salt to taste. Wash the chicory thoroughly, cut into pieces 2-3 cm long, simmer with margarine for 20 minutes, after adding salt. Cool and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Soup dressing: grind the washed chicory leaves in a meat grinder, add salt and use for seasoning soups at the rate of 1 tablespoon per serving of soup.

Chicory salad with orange: 4 bunches of chicory, 1 large orange, salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, black pepper, lemon juice. Mix finely chopped chicory with orange - chop the pulp, add a little salt, add sugar, a pinch of black pepper and pour in vegetable oil.

Calendula and tricolor violet have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. In addition, calendula has choleretic, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. The nutritional value of calendula is that its flowers can be used as a garnish for stews, for dressing soups, salads.

Calendula drink: 50 g dried calendula, 2 glasses of viburnum juice, 1 glass of honey, 3 liters of water. Boil the calendula for 30 minutes, leave in a sealed container to infuse for 12 hours, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, add viburnum juice and honey. Mix and bottle. Store in a cool place.

Dressing for soup: calendula flower baskets, dried in a ventilated area, dried in the oven, crushed in a cotton bag, sifted and used for soups at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of dressing per 1 serving of soup.

Salad with calendula: 500 g boiled potatoes, 50 g green onions, 15 calendula flower baskets, 100 g salad dressing. For 0.5 liters of salad dressing: 350 g vegetable oil, 150 ml 3% vinegar, 20 g sugar, 1 g ground pepper, 10 g salt. Cut the potatoes into slices, mix with chopped onion and calendula, pour over salad dressing. To prepare salad dressing, the ingredients must be mixed. Pour the dressing into a bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Vegetable salad with calendula: 100 g fresh cucumbers, 60 g green onions, 60 g calendula flower heads, 1 egg, 40 g sour cream, spices, dill to taste. Peel the cucumbers and cut into thin slices. Chop the onion and calendula thoroughly with a knife, place on a plate, and garnish with slices of boiled egg. Place sour cream in the center of the salad. Add salt and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Burdock by nutritional value can replace carrots, parsley, parsnips. Burdock roots can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, fried. Burdock has long been recognized as a vegetable plant in Japan and is cultivated there under the name “gobo”. It has a delicate stem and a thick juicy root. It is cultivated as a vegetable plant in France, Belgium, USA, and China. Burdock roots can be put in soup instead of potatoes and roots, and made into cutlets and flatbreads. They are especially tasty baked and fried.

Burdock salad: 150 g burdock leaves, 30 g horseradish, 50 g green onions, 20 g sour cream, salt. Place the washed burdock leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, lightly dry, and chop. Mix with chopped onion, salt, add grated horseradish and season with sour cream.

Burdock puree: 1 kg of burdock leaves, 100 g of sorrel, 100 g of salt, 25 g of dill, pepper to taste. Grind the burdock leaves in a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, sorrel, mix, put in three liter jar and store in the refrigerator. Use for making soups, salads, as seasonings for meat, fish and cereal dishes.

Burdock jam: 1 kg of burdock roots, 1 liter of water, 50 g of vinegar essence. Carefully pour vinegar essence into the water and bring to a boil. Place burdock roots crushed in a meat grinder into boiling liquid and cook for 2 hours. Serve jam for tea, use for making marmalade and other sweet dishes.

Burdock root coffee: chop the washed roots with a knife, dry, roast in the oven until brown and grind in a mill. Brew at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per 1 cup of boiling water.

Burdock leaf soup: 250 g burdock, 80 g onions, 150 g potatoes, 20 g butter, salt and pepper to taste. Boil peeled potatoes and rice until tender. Add chopped burdock leaves and sautéed onions to the soup 10-15 minutes before serving. Recommended for patients with diabetes, kidney disease, gastric ulcers, gastritis, and bladder stones.

The anti-inflammatory properties of tricolor violet are associated with the presence in the aerial part of the plant of essential oil and substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect in the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating the removal of phlegm. Violet preparations are used independently in the form of infusions and decoctions, as well as in mixtures with other medicinal plants of similar action. Violet is brewed with green tea and drink it like regular tea.

A three-part sequence is used in folk medicine for chronic skin diseases. The herb or a mixture of a series with other herbs has diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory properties and a normalizing effect on metabolism. For oral administration, an infusion of the string herb is prepared, used for baths, washing and rubbing, and fresh string is added in small quantities to salads.

Wild greens primarily enrich the diet with vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. But such herbs seem tasteless to us in the traditional sense of the word. And their fiber is coarse, except, perhaps, nettles, nasturtiums, and borage. Therefore, when preparing salads, use seasonings - gravies, dressings.

They drown out and, as it were, ennoble the taste of herbs. And you will gradually get used to dishes made from them. Most often, young leaves of dandelion (before flowering), nettle (top 4-5 leaves), plantain, sorrel, sorrel, sorrel, linden, ash, borage are taken for salads.

Cooking principles

Remember that you cannot collect herbs on the side of the road, near parking lots, industrial facilities - where there is a danger of contamination with industrial waste and heavy metals. Perhaps one of the main components seasonings - nuts. Mostly, of course, walnuts, but you can use any others except peanuts. It practically does not exist in fresh form, but when it is stale, harmful mold fungi form. Sesame seeds crushed in a coffee grinder can also serve as a complete “nut” seasoning for green salads.


First, finely crush and grind the nuts with a small amount of butter until a homogeneous paste is formed, and then add vegetable oil at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of oil per half tablespoon of paste.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the resulting mass or add chopped onion, garlic, and aromatic herbs. This seasoning can be considered a classic, suitable for salads made from various wild herbs. Instead of nuts, you can put ground rye crackers in the salad.


I offer a typical recipe for sour cream dressing: 3 tablespoons of sour cream, juice of half a lemon, chopped garlic clove, a little chopped onion or green onion, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

The most common component of the seasoning is sour juice (apple, cranberry, lemon, grapefruit, lingonberry, rhubarb juice, etc.), as well as apple cider vinegar, sour grated apple, lightly salted cucumber, sauerkraut and its brine. All this goes well with vegetable oil. The taste of wild herbs will be enriched if you add sour milk or sour milk.

And one more component of the seasoning - finely chopped hot and green vegetables, onions, garlic, parsley, dill, mint, seaweed, mustard powder.
Honey occupies a special place. It not only improves the taste of the salad, but also enriches it with vitamins.

TO green salads TOMATO DRESSINGS are also suitable: for 6 parts vegetable oil, 4 parts fresh juice of pureed tomatoes and 1 part lemon juice, finely chopped herbs.

It makes no sense to indicate the amount of each component in tablespoons, teaspoons or grams; in most cases, all components are mixed arbitrarily depending on the available products and the taste of the cook. It is only important to comply general principles preparing all green salads.

The amount of food required for any dish in cookbooks is usually calculated for 4 servings, in grams. However, it is more convenient to measure what is prepared from herbs “in handfuls,” as raw foodists came up with. And how many handfuls per serving - this will be determined by everyone for themselves.

You've probably noticed that the recipes below don't mention salt. This is no accident. Spicy and aromatic vegetables, sour juices eliminate adding salt. At first you may feel the absence of salt, but then, I assure you, you won’t even remember about it. Subsequently, you can reduce the severity of seasonings by equating salads from wild herbs to salads from cultivated plants - parsley, celery, lettuce, spinach, dill.

The healthiest ones are complex salads made from herbs that always grow nearby: nettle, dandelion, gooseberry, plantain. Before cooking, the herbs must be washed thoroughly.

Complex salad

Mix 2-3 handfuls of finely chopped and mashed with a pestle or wooden spoon of young leaves of dandelion, stinging and dead nettle (nettle), plantain, and squash with any chopped herbs and green onions. If desired, add slices of cucumber or tomato, chopped walnuts, and garlic. Dressing: sour cream or vegetable oil with lemon juice, cranberry juice or apple cider vinegar.

Honey salad

Pass the herbs (in equal quantities) through a meat grinder and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio by volume. The mixture is nutritious, rich in vitamins and keeps well in the refrigerator. Eat 1-2 tablespoons of this salad per day. Cook with love!

I. I. Litvina “Cooking for health: principles, not recipes”

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet


Wild greens primarily enrich the diet with vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. But such herbs seem tasteless to us in the traditional sense of the word. And their fiber is coarse, except, perhaps, nettles, nasturtiums, and borage. Therefore, when preparing salads, use seasonings - gravies, dressings. They drown out and, as it were, ennoble the taste of herbs. And you will gradually get used to dishes made from them. Most often, young leaves of dandelion (before flowering), nettle (top 4-5 leaves), plantain, sorrel, sorrel, sorrel, linden, ash, borage are taken for salads. Remember that you cannot collect herbs on the side of the road, near parking lots, industrial facilities - where there is a danger of contamination with industrial waste and heavy metals.

Perhaps one of the main components of seasonings is nuts. Mostly, of course, walnuts, but you can use any others except peanuts. It practically does not exist in fresh form, but when it is stale, harmful mold fungi form.

Sesame seeds crushed in a coffee grinder can also serve as a complete “nut” seasoning for green salads.

SEASONING BASED ON VEGETABLE OIL. First, finely crush and grind the nuts with a small amount of butter until a homogeneous paste is formed, and then add vegetable oil at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of oil per half tablespoon of paste. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the resulting mass or add chopped onion, garlic, and aromatic herbs. This seasoning can be considered a classic, suitable for salads made from various wild herbs.

Instead of nuts, you can put ground rye crackers in the salad.

SEASONINGS BASED ON SOUR CREAM. I offer a typical recipe for sour cream dressing: 3 tablespoons of sour cream, juice of half a lemon, chopped garlic clove, a little chopped onion or green onion, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

The most common component of the seasoning is sour juice (apple, cranberry, lemon, grapefruit, lingonberry, rhubarb juice, etc.), as well as apple cider vinegar, sour grated apple, pickled cucumber, sauerkraut and its brine. All this goes well with vegetable oil. The taste of wild herbs will be enriched if you add sour milk or sour milk.

And one more component of the seasoning - finely chopped hot and green vegetables, onions, garlic, parsley, dill, mint, seaweed, mustard powder.

Honey occupies a special place. It not only improves the taste of the salad, but also enriches it with vitamins.

TOMATO DRESSINGS are also suitable for green salads: 6 parts vegetable oil, 4 parts fresh juice of pureed tomatoes and 1 part lemon juice, finely chopped herbs.

It makes no sense to indicate the amount of each component in tablespoons, teaspoons or grams; in most cases, all components are mixed arbitrarily depending on the available products and the taste of the cook. It is only important to follow the general principles of preparing all green salads.

The amount of food required for any dish in cookbooks is usually calculated for 4 servings, in grams. However, it is more convenient to measure what is prepared from herbs “in handfuls,” as raw foodists came up with. And how many handfuls per serving - this will be determined by everyone for themselves.

You've probably noticed that the recipes below don't mention salt. This is no accident. Spicy and aromatic vegetables and sour juices eliminate adding salt. At first you may feel the absence of salt, but then, I assure you, you won’t even remember about it. Subsequently, you can reduce the severity of seasonings by equating salads from wild herbs to salads from cultivated plants - parsley, celery, lettuce, spinach, dill.

The healthiest ones are complex salads made from herbs that always grow nearby: nettle, dandelion, gooseberry, plantain. Before cooking, the herbs must be washed thoroughly.

Complex salad

Mix 2-3 handfuls of finely chopped and mashed with a pestle or wooden spoon of young leaves of dandelion, stinging and dead nettle (nettle), plantain, and squash with any chopped herbs and green onions. If desired, add slices of cucumber or tomato, chopped walnuts, and garlic. Dressing: sour cream or vegetable oil with lemon juice, cranberry juice or apple cider vinegar.

Honey salad

Pass the herbs (in equal quantities) through a meat grinder and mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio by volume. The mixture is nutritious, rich in vitamins and keeps well in the refrigerator. Eat 1-2 tablespoons of this salad per day.

Source: I. I. Litvina “Cooking for health: principles, not recipes”

Sorrel dishes


Sorrel leaves are air dried and dried in the usual way. The dried herb is crushed into powder and used in winter to season cabbage soup, borscht, and sauces.


The sorrel is washed and passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is salted, mixed and filled into sterilized glass bottles (preferably milk bottles, with a wide neck); the bottles are shaken to seal. A small layer of fat is poured on top and sealed. Packaged in such a way as to use the entire prepared mass, since the remaining sorrel quickly sours and becomes moldy. Store in a cool place.

For 1 kg of sorrel - 30 g of salt (for better preservation, you can take 100 g of salt).


The sorrel is washed, dipped in boiling water for 1 minute, removed from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and transferred to sterilized glass jars. The jars are covered with sterilized tin lids and heated in boiling water for 15...20 minutes, then removed from the sterilizing pan, the lids are hermetically sealed. and put the cans upside down. Store in a cool place. One can of canned natural sorrel is enough for a 3 liter saucepan. Before adding to the broth, the leaves are crushed.


First way. Ready meat broth add chopped sorrel, fried onion, cook for 10 minutes. IN ready soup add finely chopped parsley and dill.

The soup recipe and the amount of sorrel are adjusted to taste.

Second way. Young beet and sorrel leaves are crushed and poured hot water and cook for 10 minutes. Dill, boiled egg, onion, salt and sour cream are added to the finished soup.

Sorrel, beet tops and other products - to taste.

GREEN cabbage soup

First way. Boil peeled and cut into cubes potatoes in salted water, add sorrel and nettle greens and cook for another 15 minutes, then add wheat flour (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per serving) and bring to a boil. Before serving, place a boiled egg on a plate.

For 100 g of sorrel, 100 g of nettle, 1...2 potatoes, 2 eggs, salt.

Second way. The sorrel is passed through a meat grinder, boiled with fried onions and carrots for 15...20 minutes, salt and spices are added at the end. Before serving, season with milk, croutons and eggs.

For 200 g of sorrel - 40 g of onion, 50 g of carrots, 2 eggs, salt, spices.


Boil sorrel in salted water in an open container, then boil water

drain, chop the leaves, add butter, heat

until the butter is completely melted and served hot as a

side dish for fried meat and pancakes.

For 500 g sorrel - 15 g butter, salt


The sorrel is boiled, passed through a meat grinder, grated cheese, butter and salt are added. Place slices of fried bread at the bottom of the mold. Then the sorrel is sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs mixed with the sauce. The form is placed in the oven, the temperature is adjusted so that the sorrel does not boil, but only browns.

For 1.5 kg of sorrel - 3 tablespoons of grated cheese, 50 g of butter (for white sauce - 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 6 slices of bread, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, salt).


The sorrel is passed through a meat grinder, stewed in butter, sprinkled with flour, diluted with water, then sour cream is added and brought to a boil.

For 1 kg of sorrel - 15 g of butter, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, 1/2 cup of water, salt.


Chop the sorrel, add fried onions, coarsely chopped eggs, spices and mix.

For 200 g of sorrel - 120 g of onions, 2 eggs, salt, spices.


The sorrel leaves, cut with a knife, are sprinkled with sugar and rubbed by hand, then the pies are stuffed with this mixture. The dough can be yeast or unleavened. Sugar is added to taste.

Dishes made from thyme or thyme


The leaves are dried, ground into powder or pounded in a mortar, then sifted. Store in a sealed container. Used to flavor soups (1 teaspoon of powder for 3..4 servings), fried meat

(sprinkle before the end of frying), dough (1 teaspoon per 1 kg of dough).


Dried leaves of thyme, lingonberry and St. John's wort are mixed and used as tea leaves.

For 100 g of thyme leaves - 100 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of lingonberry leaves.


The dried leaves are boiled in a small amount of kvass, the broth is poured into the rest of the kvass, sugar is added, mixed and left for 10...12 hours, then filtered, bottled and cooled.

For 20 g of thyme - 1 liter of bread kvass, 50 g of sugar.


Dried thyme and St. John's wort are poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes, left for 2..3 hours, then the broth is filtered, honey is added to it and cooled.

For 20 g of thyme - 25 g of St. John's wort, 50 g of honey, 1 liter of water.


Dried thyme is poured with boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, filtered, viburnum juice and honey are added, mixed and bottled, cooled.

For 50 g of thyme - 3 glasses of viburnum juice, 1 glass of honey, 3 liters of water.

Chicory dishes


Young chicory grass is washed, cut (into pieces of 2...3 cm), salted and stewed with margarine for 20 minutes; then cool and sprinkle with chopped parsley when serving.

For 200 g of green chicory herb - 10 g of margarine, salt.


The roots are washed, boiled in salted water and cut into slices.

At the same time, boil the potatoes, peel them, cut them

the cubes are mixed with chicory, salted and seasoned with vegetable oil.

For 100 g of chicory roots - 100 g of potatoes, 15 g of vegetable

oils, salt.


Young leaves are washed, dried in air, then passed through a meat grinder and mixed with salt. Used to season soups (1 tablespoon per serving).


The washed leaves are passed through a meat grinder, fat is added to the crushed mass and lightly fried in a frying pan. The apples are stewed, rubbed through a sieve until pureed and mixed with chicory. Add sugar if desired. Serve as a side dish for cereal dishes (2…3 tablespoons per serving).

For 100 g of chicory leaves and stems - 300 g of apples, 10 g of fat, salt and sugar.


The washed and sliced ​​roots are dried, then roasted until brown in the oven and ground in a coffee mill.

Horseradish dishes

Fresh horseradish seasoning

Peeled and washed roots are passed through a meat grinder or

grate, add sugar, salt, vinegar and water to the crushed mass, mix thoroughly, package in glass jars, cover with lids and let it brew. Store cold

For 1 kg of peeled horseradish roots - 100 g of sugar, 40 g of vinegar essence and 0.1 liter of water.

Horseradish (IMPROVED)

First way. Add 2...3 times more sugar to the grated horseradish mass than indicated in the previous recipe, dilute with water, add 2...3 tablespoons lemon zest, acidified with juice squeezed from

Second way. Instead of water you can use beet juice, and to acidify, dilute citric acid and mix with grated horseradish. To make the seasoning juicy, the volume of the solution should be slightly larger than the mass of grated horseradish. The horseradish mixture with the filling is kept in a sealed container for about 1 hour, after which the seasoning is ready to serve.


First method: Pour grated horseradish into 2 tablespoons of boiling water, add sugar, salt, vinegar, and vegetable oil. Mix everything and sprinkle with dill or parsley.

For 50 g of horseradish roots - 10 g of sugar, 10 g of vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, dill, parsley.

The second way. Grated horseradish is mixed with boiled chopped egg, sour cream, sugar, salt, vinegar are added and mixed.

For 50 g of horseradish - 1 egg, 20 g of sour cream, sugar, salt, vinegar.

Third way. Horseradish, carrots and apples are grated, sugar and salt are added, seasoned with sour cream, and everything is mixed.

For 60 g of horseradish - 10 g of carrots, 50 g of apples, 10 g of sugar, 20 g of sour cream, salt.

Fourth way. Boil the beets in salted water until tender.

peel and cut into strips. Grated horseradish is mixed with beets and sprinkled with chopped egg.

For 150 g of beets - 30 g of horseradish and 1 egg.

Horseradish sauce

Grated horseradish is poured with vinegar, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered, sour cream is added and stirred.

For 100 g of horseradish - 200 g of table vinegar, 100 g of sour cream, salt.

Sandwich mass with horseradish

Grated horseradish is seasoned with vinegar, salt and sugar, left for 2 hours, then butter is added and mixed thoroughly. The resulting sandwich mass is spread in a thin layer onto slices of bread.

For 200 g of horseradish - 1.00 g butter, 20 g sugar, salt, vinegar.

Kvass with horseradish.

The prepared roots are passed through a meat grinder, poured with kvass and left for 10 hours, then filtered, bottled and cooled.

For 1 liter of kvass - 2 tablespoons of grated horseradish.

Drink with horseradish

Grated horseradish is poured with boiled chilled water, allowed to brew for 2 hours, then cabbage brine is added and stirred. Consumed chilled.

For 200 g of horseradish - 0.5 liters of brine and 1 liter of water.

Hop dishes

Boiled hop roots

The washed and chopped roots are boiled in salted water. Served as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. For 200 g of hop roots - 0.8 liters of water and 10 g of salt.

Roasted hop roots

The roots boiled in salted water are fried in fat, mixed with sauteed onions and continue to fry for another 3...5 minutes. Serve as a separate dish or as a side dish.

For 200 g of hop roots - 40 g of fat, 1 onion, 6 g of salt.

Hop root soup with sorrel

Oatmeal is boiled for 10...15 minutes, then chopped hop roots and sorrel greens are added, salted and cooked for another 15-20 minutes, seasoned with sour cream and spices.

For 160 g of hop roots, - 40 g of sorrel, 40 g oatmeal, 40 g sour cream, 2 glasses of water, salt, spices.

Hop root porridge

The washed and crushed roots are boiled in water for 20...30 minutes, salted, milk is added and cooked for another 10 minutes.

For 100 g of hop roots - 200 g of milk, 100 g of water, salt.

Hops sauce with mushrooms

Finely chop the onions and sauté with fat, add chopped mushrooms (dry, pre-soaked) and continue frying for another 5 minutes, then add tomato sauce and cook for 15 minutes. Hop cones are boiled in water, the resulting decoction is poured into mushroom sauce, add wine and season with butter. The sauce is served with meat dishes.

For 300 g of tomato sauce - 100 g onions, 150 g fresh mushrooms(or 30 g dried), 10 g margarine, 10 g butter, 10 g hops, 100 g water, 50 g dry wine, salt, pepper.

Related information.