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Classic cookies"Oreo" consists of two cookies with a sweet one between them. airy cream. It appeared back in 1912. Over the entire period of its existence, more than 500 billion of this sweetness have been produced and released. Since its origins lie in the USA, it is in this country that it is most popular. Today, these cookies are placed almost on the same level with such a drink as Coca-Cola.

You can eat this delicacy different ways: whole or divided into two parts, mixed with other ingredients, etc. Next we will look at these methods in more detail.

How to divide cookies correctly?

1. You need to take the cookie correctly. To do this, you need to carefully grab each half. The main thing in this matter is lightness, because if you take it tightly, it will crumble. Turning the halves back and forth may also break the cookies. To make sure everything works out for you, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • do not store cookies in warm places, as this will make it difficult to separate, because the cream will become more sticky;
  • Don't hold the cookies in your palms for too long.

2. Turn the cookies in opposite directions. You can move only one side, and simply hold the other half with your hand.
3. Divide the cookie into two halves. This must be done carefully, at the moment when you feel that one part has peeled off from the cream. This is a kind of “signal” that the cookies can already be divided. Try to make sure that the cream remains completely on one half.
4. Eat cookies. Does not exist correct method, how to eat Oreo, as well as the wrong way. It all depends on your preferences. Most people like to eat the part without cream first, leaving the tastiest part for last. Children prefer to eat all the cream, and only then the remaining cookies without filling.

Other methods

1. Oreo with milk (preferably cool). This is a fairly well-known method. You need to dip the cookies in milk to make them softer. At the same time, milk acquires light chocolate taste. But don't overdo it, because if the cookies soak in milk for too long, they will crumble and remain in the glass.
There are people who like to soak Oreos in milk. Those. leave it there for a while and then drink the drink.
2. Oreo goes great with ice cream. If you love these two ingredients, why not combine them? So you will get very delicious dessert. In this case, we have some tips for you:

  • cookies can be used as an edible spoon. It's simple, you just need to scoop ice cream into cookies and eat it;
  • you can crush Oreos and sprinkle them on ice cream balls;
  • prepare an original cocktail where you mix Oreo, milk, ice cream and banana in a blender.

3. Deep-fried Oreos. This method, despite its strangeness, is popular. This method is often used for fairs and celebrations. To do this, you will need dough, the recipe for which can be easily found on the Internet. Dip the cookies into this dough and deep fry.
4. Chocolate or whipped cream. This method is ideal for those with a sweet tooth. All you have to do is dip the cookie into melted chocolate or whipped cream. The main thing is that the cream is cold.
5. Mix cookies with other dishes. For example, you can add crushed Oreos to a pie or cheesecake. You can grind it either by hand or by placing it in a food processor.


  • Be careful when eating whole cookies, as you may choke;
  • due to the previous warning, when giving this sweetness to children, it is recommended to break the cookies into several pieces or dip them in milk;
  • Despite the fact that these products are very tasty, use moderation. A large amount of these cookies can cause an increase in sugar in your body.

You can order sweets, and in particular the popular OREO, in our store. We will bring it to you straight from the USA.

Not long ago I became interested in the question, why are “OrEo” cookies so famous!? For those who don't know, this is a dessert consisting of two thin chocolate slices and a layer of white cream. In Russia it is not very widespread, many do not even know about its existence, but in America it has become a real hit! It began to be produced back in 1912 and thanks to him unusual taste, as well as fully paid off marketing investments, Nabisco has become the creator of one of the best-selling desserts in the world!

Homemade Oreo cookies - recipe with photos


For the test:

  • Softened butter - 140 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 180 gr.
  • Cocoa - 50 gr.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder - ¼ tsp.

For cream:

  • Butter - 80 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.
  • Cream 35% - 100 ml.
  • Vanilla to taste



Soften the butter, then beat with a mixer; as soon as it becomes light, gradually add powdered sugar and egg. Don't forget to let the food cool down, it should be room temperature! Why this is needed I wrote in detail here. Sift flour, cocoa, baking soda and baking powder into the resulting mass. Mix and knead the dough thoroughly. Form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this time, roll out the dough and use a cup or round cutter to cut out circles, remove excess dough, re-roll and repeat the procedure. Place the slices 1.5 cm apart on a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Bake cookies in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. oven for exactly 10 minutes! Remove and let cool.


Beat the butter with a mixer for 5 minutes, gradually adding powdered sugar and vanilla. Next, add cream and beat for another 6-8 minutes. Fill the cookies with cream; it is most convenient to do this using a pastry bag.
Our cookies are ready!

However, there is one little secret. When my daughter ate similar cookies as a child, she really loved to split them, lick the cream and only then eat the cookies themselves. I told her that this is not right, she needs to eat the whole thing, but it turned out that she did everything as planned! In 2008, Nabisco held the first OrEo Cookie Eating World Championship, and according to the tournament rules, you had to eat it this way!

I want to try cooking chocolate cookies Oreos in different flavors, such as mint cream. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to enter the correct flavoring agent in cream, but haven’t tried it yet. If you cook it, share your experience, very interesting!

Oreo is a famous brand that makes cookies. It consists of two round chocolate discs with a cream filling between them. The cookies were first produced in 1912 and have been the best-selling baked product ever since. The filling in cookies can be of different tastes. Most popular: strawberry milkshake, blueberry ice cream, mint, green tea etc.
Today for dessert we suggest making you delicious chocolate Oreo cookies at home with a creamy layer. If you follow our instructions exactly step by step photo recipe, you will end up with tender and crispy pastries that are perfect for your morning cup of coffee.

Taste Info Cookies


  • flour – 250 g;
  • butter – 200 g (110 g will go into the dough, 90 g into the cream);
  • powdered sugar - 230 g (110 g will go into the dough, 120 g into the cream);
  • large egg - 1 pc.;
  • cocoa (powder without filler) – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder – 1/2 tsp.

How to make Oreo cookies at home

For our recipe, we took it out of the refrigerator in advance butter. It should be quite soft by the time it is cooked. We preferred cocoa in powder form without fillers.
Place soft butter (110 g) in a large bowl and add powdered sugar (110 g). At medium speed of the mixer, beat these two ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Beat in a large egg and continue beating everything together.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl, add baking powder and cocoa. Mix everything with a pastry spatula.

Add the butter-egg mixture to the flour mixture. Let's mix. Let's form chocolate dough for our cookies.

Let's roll it into a ball. Before cooling on the refrigerator shelf, wrap it in food grade polyethylene. Let's send it out to cool down.

After twenty minutes, place the dough on the work surface of the kitchen table, freeing it from the film. Using a rolling pin, carefully roll it into a layer, the approximate thickness of which should not be more than three millimeters. Using a pastry ring (we have a diameter of 7 cm) we squeeze out identical blank mugs.

Place them on parchment paper lined with a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven. We will bake for 10-15 minutes at 200 C.

Place the finished chocolate cookies on a wooden surface. Let's wait until it cools down completely.

Prepare the cream from the remaining butter (90 g) and powdered sugar(120 g). Beat these two ingredients with a mixer. We should get a homogeneous butter cream. Using a pastry syringe, place it in one layer on the cooled chocolate cookie circle and cover with a second one. For flavor, you can add vanillin, lemon or orange zest to the cream. If you don't have a syringe, you can take a regular bag, put the cream in it and cut off the tip.

Chocolate Oreo cookies can be served with

The beloved Oreo cookies can be easily prepared at home. To prepare them you will need only available ingredients. The cookies come out with a rich chocolate and creamy taste.

Homemade Oreo cookies

Kitchen tools: mixer, baking sheet, silicone spatula, parchment, bowls, cling film, rolling pin, glass.


Cooking steps

  1. Place 215 grams of butter in a bowl, add 195 grams of sugar and lightly beat with a mixer so that the sugar grains dissolve as much as possible.
  2. Beat the egg into the oil mixture, add 0.1 grams of vanillin and beat with a mixer for half a minute.

  3. Sift flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into a separate bowl. Add the resulting mixture (3 grams of salt) and mix.

  4. Place the resulting chocolate mixture in a bowl with the butter mixture and stir with a silicone spatula. As soon as it becomes difficult to mix with a spatula, put the dough on the table and knead with your hands.

  5. From ready dough Form a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

  6. When the dough has cooled, place it on a floured table and roll it out into a thin layer.

  7. Using a glass or cutting tool, cut out circles from the resulting layer.

  8. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the cookies on it.

  9. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and place our cookies in it for 10 minutes.

    Remove the finished cookies from the oven and cool so that the filling does not spread.

  10. For the filling, beat 105 grams of butter with 0.1 grams of vanillin using a mixer for a minute.

  11. Add 36 milliliters of cream to the resulting mixture and mix. Gradually add powdered sugar to the cream mixture and beat with a mixer at low speed. We should get a homogeneous fluffy mass.

  12. Coat chocolate circles with filling and form cookies.

It is advisable to store ready-made Oreos in a cool place so that the creamy filling does not melt.

Video recipe

In the video you can see the step-by-step process of making Oreo cookies at home.

Oreo cookies with cream cheese filling

Cooking time: 50-55 minutes.
Number of servings: 9.
Kitchen tools: microwave, silicone spatula, cling film, mixer, parchment, baking sheet, rolling pin, glass.


Cooking steps

  1. Melt butter (175 grams) in the microwave. Pour 70 grams of sugar into the hot butter and stir with a silicone spatula until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

  2. Pour 95 grams of cocoa powder into the oil mixture and mix, trying to completely break up all the lumps.

  3. Add sour cream (75 grams) to the chocolate mixture and stir until a smooth, homogeneous mass is formed.

  4. In a separate bowl, mix 305 grams of sifted flour with 5 grams of baking powder.

  5. Combine the resulting mixture with chocolate mass and mix with a silicone spatula and then with your hands.

  6. Wrap the finished dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

  7. While the dough is cooling, prepare the filling for our cookies. To do this, combine 155 grams in a bowl cream cheese, 70 grams of powdered sugar, 18 milliliters of cream and 0.1 grams of vanillin.

  8. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer for two minutes. Ready stuffing put in the refrigerator for 18 minutes.

  9. Take the chilled dough out of the refrigerator, divide it into several parts and roll each into a thin layer.

  10. Using a glass or a cutting tool, cut out circles from the resulting layers.

  11. Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the cookie dough on it.

  12. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the circles for 9 minutes.

    When all the pieces are baked, let them cool completely so that the filling does not melt or leak out.

  13. Coat each cooled circle with filling and connect in pairs.

  14. Ready Oreos should be stored in a cool place.

Video recipe

In this video you can see detailed process Making Oreo cookies filled with cream cheese.


You can cook it for a party. Your guests will definitely love it. especially suitable for the Christmas holidays. It can even be used as Christmas tree decorations.

Children can be fed tasty and healthy food. Carrots give it a special pleasant aroma and orange color. During fasting, you can prepare tea.

Oreo cookies are sure to please your family and friends. It tastes just as good as the original store-bought cookies.

Friends, what are your impressions of cooking? homemade cookies Oreo?

Born in the USA in 1912. It immediately gained such popularity among Americans that its name became a household name. The fact is that "Oreo" consists of two biscuits of black (namely anthracite, not coffee) color, fastened to each other with white vanilla cream. Therefore, among dark-skinned Americans, this word began to be used to describe those people from Africa who too much wanted to please whites and distance themselves from “their own.” However, when, along with the classic taste, Oreo biscuits with cream of other colors began to be produced, the common meaning was forgotten.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the production of popular cookies began in the Old World, namely in Spain. It has become more accessible to Europeans, but, alas, not to Russians. You can buy Oreo cookies in Moscow only through online stores on order, whereas in Ukraine they are sold in every kiosk. How can we explain this phenomenon? Maybe government services saw the cookies as a danger to the health of Russians? Or is this some kind of protection for domestic producers?

However, let's not fool ourselves with the problem of where to buy Oreo cookies, but make them ourselves. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about it. Maybe we won’t get it as black as a branded product, but no less tasty. To achieve such a deep color, making the tongue eerily blue, the cocoa for the dough is specially processed. Although this is just a marketing ploy, the color does not affect the taste in any way. A self-cooking cookies will save us from antioxidants E304 and E306, ammonium bicarbonate, soy lecithin and other nonsense.

In order to make Oreo cookies so that they are almost like the original, you don’t have to skimp and replace the ingredients with cheaper ersatz ones. Only high-quality butter - 200 gram pack. If you don't have powdered sugar, use a coffee grinder to grind 250 g of sand into powder. Separate 125 grams from a pack of butter, heat it to room temperature and start whipping. Gradually add 100 g of powdered sugar and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. In a separate bowl, mix 125 g flour, 50 g cocoa powder, a pinch of baking powder and a little salt. Add this to a homogeneous butter-sugar mixture. At first it will seem to you that you won’t be able to make anything out of this solid crumb. However, still knead diligently, and your work will be rewarded.

Place the bun in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this, between two layers of cling film, roll out the dough into a thin layer (about 3 mm thick). Use a cookie cutter to cut out circles and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven at 175°C. Place the baking sheet in there and bake the Oreo cookies for about 10 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Although at first the biscuits will seem damp to you - they will be too soft. And as soon as they cool, they will harden.