How long does it take to cook beets: tips for proper cooking. Beets are the boss of everything, or how to cook beets correctly

Beets are included in many dishes, without which it is difficult to imagine an everyday and holiday table. What's lunch without borscht and New Year without vinaigrette? Beets are useful for salads and for herring under a fur coat. It would seem that cooking it, like other vegetables, is a simple task. But only experienced cooks know how to cook beets deliciously. At the same time, so that the root crop does not lose its attractive appearance and dietary benefits. After all, beets contain many vitamins, minerals and microelements, including vitamin C.

1. The best result will be with small root vegetables - no more than 10 cm in diameter; large ones are often loose inside and tasteless. The vegetable must be free of damage, traces of mold and rot, and thoroughly washed. Try not to damage the skin so that the beneficial substances are not destroyed during cooking.

2. Do not cut off the tails or peel the beets to avoid losing juice. Do not add salt to the water, as the vegetable itself contains a lot of sodium; too much salt will spoil its sweet taste. If necessary, the beets can be salted after cooking.

4. Try to cook root vegetables of the same size so that they reach readiness at the same time.

How and how much

To cook beets, choose a pan that is slightly larger than the vegetables - there should be about 1 cm between them and the walls. Traditionally, root vegetables are boiled in cold water, this way more vitamins are retained, but the cooking time also increases. The process can be speeded up by placing the vegetables in boiling water. The water level should be about a finger above the level of the beets. Cover the pan with a lid and place over high heat.

After the water in the pan boils, continue cooking the beets over low heat, adding water as needed. Cooking time can vary from one to three hours, depending on the size and number of vegetables.

Root vegetables are ready when a fork, toothpick or thin knife pierces them easily.

Cooking beets in a slow cooker

The multicooker provides ample opportunities for cooking beets. Built-in programs will allow you to cook vegetables without losing their taste and aesthetic qualities and will give the housewife the opportunity to do other things. There are different ways to cook beets in a slow cooker.

The most common and most useful is steaming. Everything is extremely simple: wash small root vegetables thoroughly and place them on a plastic steamer rack. Or cut large beets into pieces. Pour water into the multicooker bowl to the bottom line, add vegetables. Close the device and select the “Steamer” mode for 40 minutes. As a rule, vegetables are perfectly cooked when the timer ends.

There is one little trick on how to cook beets in a slow cooker for salad. Vegetables that have had time to cool and rest for 10-12 hours are best suited for slicing. Therefore, you can set the slow cooker to cook beets overnight, and cut the vegetables beautifully in the morning.

Cooking in the “Soup/Cooking” mode is not much different from traditional cooking. Place the washed vegetables in a bowl, add water and select this mode for 60 minutes. Then check the readiness and, if necessary, cook for 20 minutes.

In a slow cooker in the “Stew” mode? Pour water into the bowl and add washed vegetables. Here it is better to take more beets, because the larger the vegetables, the fewer vitamins they will lose during cooking. The water should cover the root vegetables by 2-3 cm. Set the timer for 3 hours. The cooking time is long, but the taste of the beets is very tender and juicy.

Baked beets

Another interesting way, which works best for young vegetables early in the season when they are juicier and more tender. To prepare, wash the vegetables, dry them with a paper towel, wrap each one in foil, after dripping some vegetable oil inside. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with it and place the beets in it. Turn on the “Bake” program for one hour.

in a pressure cooker?

A pressure cooker allows you to reduce cooking time by 3-5 times. After all, this miracle pan does not lose heat during evaporation, and the food in it is cooked under steam pressure. If you have such an assistant in your kitchen, you don’t need to think long about how to quickly cook beets for a vinaigrette.

Before you start cooking, make sure the pressure release valve is not clogged, the O-ring is seated correctly, and the pot lid is securely seated. Pour in at least 250 ml of water, be guided by the size of the pan - it should not be more than 2/3 full.

Place the washed vegetables and start cooking them. At the end of cooking, be sure to release the steam, otherwise the root vegetables may become overcooked.

So in a pressure cooker? The answer depends on seasonality, a young vegetable is cooked for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size, an old one - 25-30 minutes.

Many modern multicookers also have this pressure cooker function. To cook, pour one multi-cooker glass of water into the bowl for 1-2 root vegetables; if the set includes a metal stand for vegetables, it is better to use it so that the vegetable does not stain the device. Place the beets on the stand and close the lid. If you want to achieve the desired pressure faster, fill hot water. Set the “Soup/Cook” mode for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, release the steam carefully, being careful not to get burned. To avoid damaging the wallpaper and ceiling in the kitchen, do this under the hood or in front of an open window.

Beets in the microwave

Another new way How to quickly cook beets for a vinaigrette will require the use of Of course, this option is very different from the usual gas saucepan, but in terms of speed it is significantly faster than it.

Contrary to popular belief, beets do not need to be pierced before cooking in the microwave; they do not burst during the process. You need to cook or glassware with a lid, or under a regular microwave lid. Plastic containers with a valve to allow steam to escape are also suitable. There is no need for water.

Cooking time depends on many factors: the size of the vegetables, their humidity, the power of the appliance, the material of the cookware, the volume of food. Approximately, a small amount of Beetroot at a microwave power of 1000 W is cooked for 10-15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that beets are one of those vegetables that are cooked on their own, so there is no need to overcook them. It's best to take them out when they seem slightly undercooked.

If you are cooking a lot of vegetables at the same time, then place the smallest root vegetable in the center, since microwaves will have a worse effect on it.

Please note that if the beets were cooked in a glass container, you should not pour them cold water, the glass may break.

An unusual way to cook beets in the microwave

But these innovations are not enough for modern housewives. They know how to quickly cook beets for a vinaigrette and not even get the dishes dirty. can be prepared in a plastic bag. To do this, place the washed vegetables in a fairly large bag and tie it tightly to ensure the seal of the package. The method is not for the timid, but it works, and you don’t need to wash anything after cooking.

How to save time when preparing salads?

Many dishes, vinaigrette, for example, contain different vegetables which need to be boiled before cooking. Of course, many housewives want to save time and decide to weld them together. and carrots so that both vegetables have marketable condition? The main thing is not to forget that their cooking time is different. While the beets are still hard, the carrots will be boiled long ago and will be unsuitable for cutting into salad. There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. Start cooking carrots when the beets are already boiling, i.e. a maximum of half an hour before you plan to take them out. Both vegetables will cook simultaneously.

2. Start cooking everything at the same time, but do not forget to check the carrots with a fork and toothpick so as not to overcook them. It is better to place the beets on the bottom of the pan and the carrots on top.

Accelerated cooking of beets

In the pre-New Year's chaos, and not only that, the question arises of how to quickly cook beets for vinaigrette. Vegetables will be ready most quickly if they are peeled and chopped.

Cooking time - whether in a regular saucepan or in a slow cooker (both when boiling and steaming) - is halved. But in this way, the beets will lose almost all vitamins and nutrients, the color and taste will be poorer, so it is better to resort to this method only in extreme cases. And chopped beets will color the saucepan or steamer rack.

And if you need to speed up traditional preparation a particularly large specimen of the vegetable, then do this: cook it for an hour, then take it out and rinse it with cold water. After this, cook for another 20 minutes and “bathe” again. The beets will be ready for slicing.

In general, the smaller the root vegetables, the faster they cook.

Beets are a favorite root vegetable with bright color and pleasant taste. Most often it is served boiled, added to salads, and made into vegetable smoothies. The taste and vitamin composition of the vegetable depend on the method and time of preparation. How to properly cook beets in a saucepan to preserve them beneficial features and color?

Whole in the pan

It is best to cook the beets whole. This way it will remain juicy and bright.


  1. Select small tubers with thin burgundy skin.
  2. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, leaving the bottom of the tops and roots.
  3. Place in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  4. Place on the stove and once boiling, turn the heat to medium.
  5. Add 1-2 tbsp to water. l. vegetable oil.
  6. Cooking time – from 2 to 3 hours.
  1. Pour boiling water over the tubers.
  2. Place the pan on the fire.
  3. Turn off the stove half an hour after boiling.
  4. Drain the boiling water and place the hot root vegetables under the stream cold water.
  5. Wait 15 minutes: the temperature difference will quickly bring the root vegetable to readiness.
  6. The whole process lasts 40–50 minutes.

If you only have 20–30 minutes, the following method will help you quickly cook beets:

  1. Pour boiling water over the tubers until they are covered by 8 cm.
  2. Place the pan over high heat, do not cover it with a lid.
  3. Cook for 15–20 minutes without reducing heat.
  4. Drain the boiling water and soak the vegetables in ice water for 5-10 minutes.

The disadvantage of this recipe is that when it is used, the vitamin C in the tubers is destroyed.

The next method takes longer, but it prevents decay useful substances:

  1. Fill the beets with cold water 5 cm above its level.
  2. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat to medium.
  4. After 30–40 minutes, set the heat to minimum and cook the root vegetable until cooked.

Finish the cooking process by infusing the boiled beets in cold water. This makes the peel easier to remove.

Cooking in pieces

Sliced ​​beets cook quickly. This method is relevant when preparing salads.

  1. Peel the root vegetable, chop into cubes or strips.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add a small amount lemon juice or acid.
  3. Place the beets in a bowl.
  4. When everything comes to a boil, set the heat to low.
  5. Open the lid a little.
  6. Cook the vegetables until tender for half an hour.

You can quickly cook beets for salad by first cutting them into cubes.

How to cook in a bag

If you don't like the smell of cooking beets, use a bag.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the root vegetable in a plastic bag, release the air and seal tightly.
  2. Place in a saucepan with cold or warm water. The liquid should cover the tubers by 5 cm.
  3. Set the heat to maximum, and once boiling, reduce to low.
  4. Cover the pan a little.
  5. Cook for an hour.

Some housewives are suspicious of this method. It is believed that polyethylene can release harmful substances when heated.

How to preserve color when cooking

To prepare a beautiful dish, it is important to cook the beets correctly so that they retain their color.

  • try not to damage or cut the tubers during the cleaning process;
  • do not allow strong boiling during cooking;
  • add 1 tsp to water. sugar, 0.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

How long to cook

Beets can be cooked from 20 minutes to 3 hours.

The following factors influence the time:

  • cooking method;
  • beet size;
  • age: young vegetables cook faster than old ones.

Long cooking is due to the high fiber content of the root vegetable.

  • Before cooking, wash the beets thoroughly, but do not peel or cut off the root.
  • Do not add salt to the water during cooking. This slows down the cooking of the root vegetable. It also becomes stiff and may lose taste qualities.
  • To neutralize the odor during cooking, add a crust of bread to the pan.
  • Check readiness with a fork: it should easily enter the vegetable.
  • Cut the boiled beets for the vinaigrette separately and season vegetable oil. This will prevent other vegetables from turning their color.
  • Do not store cleaned raw vegetable: When exposed to air, vitamin C is destroyed.
  • If the tubers are dry, do not throw them away. First, scald with boiling water, add water, wait until they swell, and set to cook.

Depending on the desired result and the amount of free time, you can cook the beets from half an hour to 2-3 hours. From the suggested recipes and recommendations, choose the best way to prepare this healthy and tasty root vegetable.

How much and how to cook beets for vinaigrette?

    I always cook beets for a very long time, it is difficult to cook them quickly, they will be tough and as if raw if undercooked. I always cook for more than an hour, I always add vinegar to the water when I cook the beets and also cut them into pieces so that they are cooked properly.

    How and how much to cook beets?

    Pour enough water into the pan so that the beets are completely immersed in it and place the pan on the fire;

    When the liquid boils, reduce the heat, immerse the root vegetables in water and cover the container with a lid. It is not at all necessary to salt the water, since the beets themselves contain a lot of sodium;

    If you don’t know how long to cook beets, then you need to focus on the size of the root vegetable. If they are small, then under closed lid you need to cook them for at least an hour, if medium 2 hours, large 3 hours;

    To prevent the beets from losing their rich, bright burgundy color during cooking, you need to add a little vinegar (1 teaspoon per liter) or lemon juice (2 teaspoons per liter) to the boiling water. This is also necessary so that during subsequent cutting, juice does not flow out of the beets;

    For a piquant taste, before cooking the beets, you can add a little cumin seeds to boiling water (about 1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water). This will not only improve the taste of future salads or other beetroot dishes, but will also contribute to better absorption of vitamins and other nutrients;

    The readiness of the root vegetable is checked using a fork: if it easily pierces the vegetable to the center, then the beets are ready;

    After this, drain the boiling water from the pan and immediately fill the beets with cold water (ice is best), which will make it easier to peel the skin later.

    There are so many housewives and almost as many tips for cooking beetroot, aka red beets. In my opinion, my method is simple. I buy medium-sized beets, about the size of a woman’s fist, place them in a saucepan and fill them with water. After boiling, the beets are cooked for 35-45 minutes over low heat. Once it’s cooked, I drain the hot water and fill it with cold water and let it sit in this water for about 20 minutes. After it’s stood in cold water, it’s much easier to clean the beets.

    I cook beets in a double boiler. First I wash it, then I put it on the grill along with potatoes and carrots. I cook until done, just check with a knife. First I remove the potatoes, then the carrots, and the beets take longer to cook. My friend always cooks beets in the microwave. I don’t accept microwaves on principle.

    I don’t even know how much is needed... - it depends on its volume and size. You can pierce it with a knife and feel if it’s ready or not? If it pierces easily, it means it’s cooked. No - cook some more! In vinaigrette it should be quite firm; it is healthier to cook it in the peel.

    Beetroot takes a long time to cook. It takes 40 to 60 minutes to completely cook for the vinaigrette. In a vinaigrette, the beetroot must be soft, which is why it takes so long to cook for it. But if it is not cut and it is large, then the cooking time can increase to two hours.

    The cooking time for beetroot depends, first of all, on the size of the beetroot itself. The larger the beetroot itself, the longer it takes to cook. The largest beetroot is cooked for 2 - 3 hours. The readiness of the beetroot should be checked with a knife or wooden stick.

    To cook beets for vinaigrette you will need from 1-3 hours depending on the size of the beets.

    Small beets cook faster in 40 minutes-1 hour, and large ones longer; you can check the readiness of the beets with a fork; if they are ready, the fork should fit into it well.

    I cook beets in the usual way - boil them. It takes a long time to cook for at least an hour and a half, depending on the size. You can also do it in the microwave, but I tried it once and it didn’t work out very well, so I won’t recommend it. As recommended, I put it in a bag, turned it on for 10 minutes at the highest power, after a while turned it over and again for 7-10 minutes. The smell permeated the entire apartment, but in the end it remained damp in the middle. I could have held it a little longer, but I didn’t, it didn’t feel right.

    To properly boil red beetroot (also known as table beetroot or beetroot), we will need:

    In a regular saucepan - from 40 to 50 minutes;

    In a pressure cooker type pan - 20 - 25 minutes;

    In tanks of programmable types, you need to look at the instructions;

    It is advisable to boil red beets, rinsing them well, whole, without peeling, so that they do not turn into white beets. After the beetroot is cooked, it is advisable to quickly remove it from the water so that it does not become like a rag and does not lose a certain taste.

    If we come across such a beet that the whole thing does not fit into the pan, we can cut it in half, what can we do?

    Beets are my favorite vegetable. To quickly cook beets, after boiling the water: a) you can cook it for 10 minutes, then turn it off and leave it covered. So she herself will reach the desired state; b) after 10 minutes of cooking, you can remove the beets and put them in cold water, cool, and then cook again for 5-20 minutes. And the beets are ready. True, if the beets are very large, you will have to leave them to simmer a little longer. And if you have a Russian stove, then it’s totally cool: put a pan of beets on the stove until the morning. And in the morning, prepare either a vinaigrette, or just eat it with anything. It is very beneficial for the body and I constantly add it to various dishes.

This healthy vegetable used as food for preparing salads, placing the product in borscht. The root vegetable itself is rich in vitamins and can increase hemoglobin. Even beet broth and waste can be used for food or to treat diseases. How to cook, how to cook vegetables correctly, is described below.

How long does it take to cook beets?

The cooking time for this vegetable depends on many factors, such as the size of the product. The question of how to cook and how long to cook beets until tender cannot be answered unambiguously. The average cooking time for beets is 40-55 minutes. This is a long process, but it can be sped up. To do this, you need to pour vegetable oil into the water: it will increase the temperature when boiling and then heat treatment will be faster, about 30 minutes.

You can quickly prepare a fodder root vegetable in microwave oven or pressure cooker at home. You will need a plastic bag for this. With this treatment you can handle it in 10-15 minutes. You need to know what water to cook in: salted water can make the product harder, thereby slowing down the process. Cooking methods differ depending on the dish. For salads, first courses are selected different variants preparations.

How to cook beets in a saucepan

For cooking, you need to choose enamel cookware, possibly with a thick bottom for better heat transfer. Fruits should be selected based on small or medium size, thin crust and even dark color, without extraneous bluish or greenish spots. Sweet, young beets are better prepared. During the process, it is important to fill the fruits with liquid and make sure that the water does not evaporate, but constantly covers them by several centimeters; if necessary, it can be added.

Cooking method:

  1. There is no need to peel the tops; you need to boil the whole beets.
  2. First you need to bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, add lemon juice so that it does not lose color.
  3. The question of how long it takes to cook beets in a saucepan cannot be answered unambiguously. From the moment of boiling you need to wait about 45 minutes.
  4. You can check the readiness with a fork: if after this period of time it has difficulty piercing the fruit, then the process should be extended for another 10 minutes and allow the vegetable to cook completely.

How to cook beets in a slow cooker

Modern housewives have acquired modern miracles of technology in their kitchens, which significantly simplify life. Cooking beets in a slow cooker is not difficult. You can cook either whole beet or chopped beet. You need to put the whole fruits on the bottom of the bowl, fill them with water, and close the lid. You need to select the steam cooking mode. The beets need to be removed at the end of the process; the equipment itself will inform you about this. Depending on the brand and the capabilities of this kitchen machine, the time can range from 30 to 45 minutes.

How long to cook beets in a pressure cooker

This new technology comes in two forms: a built-in function in a multicooker or a double boiler that cooks over a fire. It is notable for the fact that it cooks food under high steam pressure, which significantly shortens the process. In addition, products prepared with such a device are healthy and belong to healthy food. Whole beets are cooked in a steamer for no more than 30 minutes.

Cooking method:

  1. The beet needs to be washed and placed in a container.
  2. Fill it with water, add salt and pepper, maybe vinegar or garlic juice to preserve the color.
  3. It is necessary to put the pressure cooker on gas over low heat and allow the fruits to simmer for about half an hour.
  4. There is no need to release the steam at the valve, as this will slow down the cooking time.
  5. The finished beet will then need to be poured with cold water for a couple of minutes as soon as it is ready: this will make the fruit easier to peel.

How long to cook beets in the microwave

Most quick way invented by inventive housewives. It does not require adding water. All you need is a bag and a microwave. Buryak has a unique property of not losing its useful qualities under heat treatment. It has been proven that vitamins remain intact under any external influence. Let's look at how and how much to cook beets in the microwave in a bag.

Cooking method:

  1. The fruits should be washed and left unpeeled.
  2. To prevent the product from exploding, several dozen punctures must be made with a knife.
  3. No need to add water.
  4. You need to put the root vegetables in a bag and make sure it is sealed.
  5. Set the power settings to 800 watts and leave to cook for 8-10 minutes, then remove from the oven.

How to cook beets quickly and tasty

This fruit can be cooked different ways. You need to adhere to the basic rules and know how to cook and how to cook beets correctly. Buryak in its peel contains the largest amount of useful elements. In addition to the peel, you cannot cut off the tail: everything must be intact. Adding salt will slow down the cooking process. A teaspoon of sugar, citric acid, lemon juice and vinegar will help hold the color.

Medium and small sized fruits will cook faster and are sweeter and tastier. Sugar can be added if the beet is tasteless. When cut, good beets are red and have a pronounced color, close to scarlet. A pressure cooker and microwave can cope with this task much faster than a regular saucepan; a multicooker will preserve vitamins as much as possible.

How to properly cook beets for vinaigrette

This salad from ancient Soviet times is popular on daily and festive tables countries. Its popularity is due to its budget and minimal set of products. One of the main ingredients is beetroot. Many housewives are interested in how to cook beets for vinaigrette so that they are ruddy, red, tasty, have a rich color, give the dish an aesthetic appearance and delight in taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Without peeling the fruits, you need to wash them and wrap them tightly with foil.
  2. Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the beet on a baking sheet and leave to bake for 20-25 minutes, depending on the size of the vegetables.
  3. After this, turn off the oven and leave to cool completely. And if you don’t have time, you can cool it with cold water; a rich color is guaranteed with this method.

Proper heat treatment of any product affects not only its taste, but also its beneficial properties. This is especially true for vegetables, so information on how to properly cook beets and how long to cook them until tender should interest you. There is a myth that heat treatment of foods destroys their vitamin and mineral complex, although this is absolutely not true!

Boiled beets are used in many dishes healthy eating. This root vegetable is especially popular in the post-Soviet countries, because it is one of the most affordable food products, and it is also very healthy! Of course this vegetable crop You can eat it raw, but it is used this way mainly for medicinal purposes.

In salads and appetizers, boiled root vegetables are used, and when proper cooking we can save beets maximum amount its beneficial substances. Our information is about how long to cook this vegetable so that it does not lose color and cooks faster!

The method of boiling red beets affects not only the cooking time, but also depends on the size of the root crop and its age. You can quickly cook root vegetables (including carrots) that are small and young, but it is recommended to boil large beets and carrots in the microwave or bake them in foil in the oven.

How to quickly boil beets

Method No. 1

All professional chefs know this secret. Using this method, the root vegetable is cooked for about 20 minutes! The whole secret is that a sharp temperature change accelerates the process of softening plant fibers. That's physics!

We take medium-sized root vegetables, put them in a saucepan, fill it with boiling water and put it on high heat without covering it with a lid. The water should cover the vegetables with a layer of at least 8 cm - otherwise, it will quickly boil away, and the root vegetables will not have time to cook.

After 15 minutes of vigorous boiling, drain the water from the pan and place it along with the vegetables under a stream of very cold water. Soak the boiled product in ice water for 5-10 minutes, making sure that the water remains ice-cold (ice cubes will help). Ready! You can make a salad!

Method number 2

How many minutes does it take to cook beets using this method? Read on!

Pour boiling water over the root vegetables, keep them on medium heat for 30 minutes from the moment they boil again, drain the water and immediately place the pan with the product under a stream of ice water for 15 minutes.

If the tap water is not cold enough, stock up on ice cubes. In general, according to this recipe, beets are cooked for 45-50 minutes, taking into account the cooling time.

* Cook's Advice
To prevent the beets from losing color, pour 1 tbsp into the boiling water. fresh lemon juice, or 1 tsp. sugar, or 1 tsp. vinegar.

How to cook delicious beets for vinaigrette or salad

Method number 1: in the oven

To cook beets so that they do not lose color and are tasty, we will turn to a proven method - the oven! It turns out tasty and not troublesome.

  • Preheat the oven, set 190 degrees. Wash the beetroot thoroughly, do not cut off the tail and leaf rosette. Our task is to prevent juice from leaking out through any cuts.
  • Wrap the root vegetable tightly in foil and bake for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the vegetable. Large beets should be baked for 35 minutes, small ones - 20 minutes.
  • Unwrap and place in a pan of cold water until cool. If you have time, you can leave it in the oven until it cools completely.

Cooking vegetables in this way allows you not only to preserve their bright, beautiful color, but also most of the vitamins, organic acids and mineral compounds. The bright beet color of the vegetable looks great not only in vinaigrettes, but any salad will look very beautiful.

*Scullion's Advice
Red boiled beets should not stain other salad components, but how to achieve this? Very simple! After cutting the vegetable into cubes or any other way, sprinkle the cutting with vegetable oil and mix. The oil envelops the beet pieces, trapping the juice inside. You end up with a very colorful vinaigrette or other vegetable salad!

Method number 2: in the microwave

Microwave oven owners should not have any problems boiling vegetables.

  • We take a medium-sized root vegetable, wash it thoroughly with a brush, but leave the tail and leaf rosette, as we advised in the recipe for baking vegetables in the oven.
  • But to cook in the microwave, we must still break the integrity of the skin, otherwise the root vegetable may explode from the internal water pressure in the vegetable. That's why we use toothpicks to make deep holes in the vegetable.
  • We wrap it in a plastic bag (to keep the inner chamber of the oven clean), put the bag in a special bowl for microwaves and boil the vegetable at a power of 800 kW for 10 minutes. During cooking, turn the vegetable over to the other side once.

How long does it take to cook beets if the microwave oven is of lower power? There is only one piece of advice: look in the instructions for your device. As a rule, no more than 20 minutes! Also take into account the size of the vegetable - large beets take longer to cook.

How to cook boiled beets the traditional way

How to properly boil root vegetables (and carrots too) for salad so that they retain all the important nutrients?

  1. Wash the beets and carrots well with a brush, do not cut off any parts of the root vegetables, place them in a saucepan and fill them with cold water to a level of 5 cm above.
  2. Turn on high heat and wait for the water to boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes. Take out the carrots and put them in ice water. Cook the beets for another 20 minutes over medium heat and then until done over low heat. Check readiness with a knife or toothpick. The point should go in easily.
  3. Drain the water in which the product was cooked and fill it with ice water. After cooling, clean and crumble to suit your needs.

* Cook's Advice
Always try to use the temperature difference technique when you cook vegetables! Firstly, in this case they retain their color and fiber structure, and secondly, they are very easy to clean!

Also remember that salting the water at the beginning of cooking is not recommended, since boiling food in salted water slows down the process and the vegetables harden.

How long can boiled beets be stored?

This is not an idle question if you are a very busy person and you do not have enough time to boil vegetables before cooking. You can store the cooked product for up to 3 days - in the general section of the refrigerator, but in freezer– up to 6 months!

We hope that our information on how to cook beets correctly and for how long will help you more often include this healthy vegetable in your daily menu. Dishes with vegetables are the best foods for health and a high quality of life!