Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic, Georgian cuisine. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic: a few simple recipes

Most often it is prepared as sweet. Curd mass with sugar and fruit, pancakes and dumplings with sweet cottage cheese. And I don’t really like it sweet.

And I don’t even remember now when and where I tried it cottage cheese with herbs. And with salt, of course. Since then, this type of cottage cheese snack has become a part of my culinary life. This was especially helpful during pregnancy, when cottage cheese simply needs to be eaten, but the sweet one strives to come back out (I’m sorry, but this is a fact from the biography). Or you just can’t open your mouth and eat the sweet mass.

And it’s easy with herbs and sour cream! We had to make do with a “lighter” version - without garlic and mayonnaise.

I love that there are no strict rules to this recipe. You can use what you have on hand. In the summer, of course, there are more delicious herbs, so you can turn around. Dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, green onions, young garlic feathers - whatever your heart desires goes well with cottage cheese.

In winter, you can even use frozen greens. In the summer I prepare more parsley and dill, including for.

You can do without garlic - in this case you get an excellent breakfast.

Can add walnuts– the taste will become completely different.

Today I have it with herbs and garlic, with walnuts and mayonnaise.

Cottage cheese with garlic and herbs

  • cottage cheese 1 pack (200 grams)
  • dill greens
  • garlic 1 clove
  • walnuts 50 grams
  • mayonnaise

Recipe for cottage cheese with herbs

The greens must be chopped very finely.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork into a homogeneous mass. If desired, you can rub it through a sieve - the mass will be even more homogeneous.

I grind it with a blender.

I rub the garlic on the finest grater.

Now I add mayonnaise (just a little) and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. I put it in the refrigerator for about an hour so that the ingredients “make friends.”

Some best recipes using cottage cheese with herbs and garlic

Classic cottage cheese dishes- sweet, with sugar, jam, dried apricots and raisins. However, the options for using the product are not limited to them. Salty, spicy snacks and fillings are also prepared from high-quality, most often homemade, cottage cheese.

To obtain a paste-like mass, mayonnaise of varying degrees of fat content is used. It is this that, among other things, smoothes out the sharpness of garlic juice, and if the sauce includes mustard or its oil, then the dishes acquire a completely indescribable flavor.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - general principles of preparation

. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - a homogeneous, slightly spicy curd mass. To bring its main components to the required, uniform state, you may need a blender (immersion or with a bowl). If you don’t have this kitchen processor, you can take a very ordinary meat grinder with a very fine grid or a rare metal sieve.

. In most cases, such a dish is not subjected to any heat treatment, an exception may be the use of curd mass for filling pies fried in a frying pan. Therefore, all products for cooking should be taken only when fresh.

. Cottage cheese is the basis of this dish. Its consistency, graininess and fat content do not play a special role. Everyone can choose the one they prefer. But it should be noted that the fattier the cottage cheese, the easier it is to stir and the easier it will be to spread the mixture on bread or vegetables. Therefore, sour cream or mayonnaise is added to low-fat, and low-fat for dietary dish beat with a blender.

. You can add any greens - dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, etc. It all depends on the type of dish being prepared and personal preferences. It is not advisable to put green onions- the dish may be bitter.

. Homogeneous curd mass Adjust to the desired taste by adding salt and seasoning with black pepper.

. Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic can also be served as an independent dish. This mass is spread on slices of bread, crispbread, fresh or fried vegetables (zucchini). With it you can make Turkish unleavened pies from thin pita bread. It is also perfect for stuffing fresh vegetables (tomatoes) or filling holiday profiteroles. It’s very simple and quite easy to prepare a festive appetizer roll with tomato pieces inside.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - a snack version of the dish


. homemade cottage cheese - 400 gr.;

. fresh herbs to taste;

. juice of 1/8 lemon;

. two cloves of garlic;

. a tablespoon of fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the washed and well-dried greens from the stems, chop them into small pieces and place in a blender or small deep bowl.

2. Cut the garlic cloves into 3-4 parts and add to the greens. Lightly add salt and chop as finely as possible.

3. Combine the resulting mixture with half the cottage cheese and moisten lemon juice. If necessary, add salt, add the remaining cottage cheese and mix well with a blender again.

4. The curd mass is suitable as a pate; it can be spread on bread, slices of fresh tomatoes or halves of boiled eggs. Just before serving, you can place it on tartlets or serve simply on a plate, garnished with lemon rings and fresh herbs.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic for those on a diet


. skim cheese- 100 gr.;

. medium sized cucumber;

. dill greens - to taste;

. a small clove of garlic;

. breads.

Cooking method:

1. Lightly mash lumps of cottage cheese and large clots with a fork and transfer to a blender bowl.

2. Cut the peel from the cucumber in a thin layer, cut it into thin rings and add to the mashed cottage cheese.

3. Press the garlic here with a garlic press, add chopped young dill and add salt to taste.

4. To make the curd mass homogeneous, beat it with a blender. The whipping time depends on the power of the device and does not take more than three minutes.

5. Spread the prepared curd mass with herbs and garlic onto the bread, and place sprigs of dill on top.

Turkish pies stuffed with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic in pita bread


. two thin “Armenian” lavash;

. three boiled eggs;

. one raw egg(protein);

. 450 gr. homemade or full-fat “factory” cottage cheese;

. a small bunch of dill;

. refined sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the cottage cheese placed in a bowl with a fork or masher. Add salt to your taste, add finely chopped dill, crushed garlic and grated yolks by hand.

2. Stir the curd mass with a fork, lightly rubbing all the ingredients.

3. Cut the pita bread into rectangles measuring 10 by 12 cm. Coat one edge of each piece well with whipped egg white, and on the opposite side (on the edge) place a spoonful of curd filling.

4. Roll the lavash pieces into a roll and fry all sides in a small amount of vegetable fat.

5. To remove excess oil from the pies, place them from the frying pan onto a disposable towel (for 2-3 minutes) and only then onto a plate.

Appetizer of cottage cheese with herbs and garlic in tomatoes


. 2-3 branches fresh basil;

. 100 gr. 18% fat cottage cheese;

. a clove of garlic;

. ground black, or a mixture of peppers;

. two sprigs of dill;

. five dense ripe tomatoes of the same size.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the dill and basil leaves under the tap and dry thoroughly to remove any remaining water.

2. In a bowl with cottage cheese, place medium-sized chopped greens and garlic, crushed through a press. Stir, grind twice using the finest grinder grid, and season with mayonnaise mixed with sour cream.

3. At your discretion and taste, add fine salt, season with pepper and mix well again.

4. Rinse the tomatoes with cold water and wipe them dry with a towel. Cut each tomato in half with a sharp knife, cutting in the middle with a zigzag, and make two “tulips” out of each tomato. Using a spoon, scoop out the pulp from the middle and fill the empty space with cottage cheese and herbs.

Fried zucchini with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic


. small young zucchini - 2 pcs.;

. two raw eggs;

. 300 gr. cottage cheese;

. several sprigs of dill and parsley;

. four tablespoons of white flour;

. 100 gr. 15% sour cream;

. three cloves of garlic;

. small carrot;

. medium-sized beets.

Cooking method:

1. First prepare the zucchini batter. To do this, beat the eggs well with a small amount salt (literally a pinch). Add flour and beat well again. The batter should be homogeneous, without any flour lumps.

2. Wash the zucchini, dry it slightly and cut into thin rings. It is advisable that the thickness does not exceed 0.6 cm. Then dip each circle in batter and fry in well-heated vegetable oil on both sides.

3. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine metal sieve. Squeeze the garlic into it, add carefully chopped young dill and parsley (without stems), add salt and stir thoroughly.

4. Separately, use a fine grater to grate the carrots and beets and squeeze the juice out of them. Divide the curd mass into two parts. Mix one with two tablespoons of carrot juice, and the second with the same volume of beetroot.

5. When the zucchini has cooled completely, arrange it on two large, flat plates on lettuce leaves. Grease some of the zucchini with pink curd mixture, and the rest with yellow.

6. Can be done original design edges. To do this, place the remaining multi-colored mixtures in a pastry bag and squeeze the yellow mixture around the edges of the pink one, and the pink mixture around the edges of the yellow one.

Original roll with tomatoes, cottage cheese, herbs and garlic


. two firm ripe tomatoes;

. 250 gr. cottage cheese, without grains;

. a bunch of fresh dill;

. two small cloves of garlic;

. 2-3 leaves of fresh mint.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the mint leaves and dill sprigs under cold running water and wipe dry with a towel. Tear off the rough stems from the dill and chop the greens as finely as possible. Grind the mint leaves in the same way, but separately.

2. In a deep enamel bowl, mix cottage cheese with chopped mint, mayonnaise and finely grated garlic. Season with pepper to your taste, add a little salt and mix thoroughly again.

3. Place the curd mass on a large sheet of foil or cling film and spread in an even centimeter layer. Scatter finely chopped dill evenly over it, and in the center place a wide strip of tomatoes cut into small pieces.

4. Lifting the laid out layers together with the foil, wrap the roll. Make sure that it does not curl up like a snail and that the filling does not fall out around the edges.

5. Do not remove the foil from the roll, carefully wrap its edges and put the “package” with the roll in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to harden.

6. To serve, remove the “packaging” and cut the curd roll with tomato filling into even pieces.

7. Serve lettuce leaves, laid out along the bottom of a shallow dish.

An original appetizer of profiteroles stuffed with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic


. homemade or store-bought fat cottage cheese - 300 gr.;

. 20 gr. homemade thickened cream or natural oil;

. ten ready-made profiteroles;

. 40 gr. 30% sour cream;

. six sprigs of fresh dill;

. a small head of garlic;

. half a medium lemon;

. three small fleshy tomatoes;

. 20 gr. peeled kernels walnut.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the tomatoes and dill and dry well, blotting with a linen napkin or disposable towel. Set the tomatoes aside and chop the dill very finely with scissors. Don't forget to leave a few sprigs for serving.

2. In a small bowl, combine cottage cheese with medium-sized chopped garlic, butter and walnut kernels. Blend all ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mass or grind several times in a meat grinder.

3. Then add sour cream, chopped dill, and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix well and bring the mixture to taste, seasoning with pepper and salt.

4. Using a sharp knife, cut off the not too thick “lids” from the profiteroles and fill with curd mass. They should be filled completely and even with a small mound. Cover each with “lids”, slightly moving them to the edge, and place them on a flat plate, slightly retreating from each other.

5. Cut two tomatoes in half, and then into small slices. Lightly press one edge of the tomato slice into curd filling, between the filled profiteroles and the “lid” (the second edge of the tomato should hang down). Arrange the dill along with the remaining tomato slices beautifully between the profiteroles.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - cooking tricks - useful tips

. Fresh cottage cheese is always white. Too oily or homemade may have a characteristic, slightly yellowish tint.

. A quality product is not too lumpy or dry, but does not contain excess whey.

. Stale, expired cottage cheese has a faint musty odor and is slimy. It tastes very bad.

. Be sure to wash all greens thoroughly and pat dry. Remaining water should not get into the dish being prepared, otherwise it will quickly spoil.

. It is better to take fine salt. Its crystals will disperse better throughout the curd mass, and it will salt more evenly.

. It is advisable to grind excessively grainy cottage cheese through a sieve before twisting in a meat grinder; the mass will be more homogeneous.

Cooking cottage cheese with garlic according to the recipe

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is not only tasty, but also healthy snack. It is incredibly quick and easy to prepare, has a pleasant aroma and a spicy, spicy taste. Everyone will like it without exception!

Combination tender cottage cheese with the pungent taste of garlic and the freshness of herbs, this appetizer is suitable for both breakfast and holiday dinner. Beneficial features fermented milk product only enhanced by the other ingredients.


  • cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - 1 cup;
  • sour cream or matsoni - 0.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking method

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into the blender bowl and beat. Add sour cream to it and continue stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed. If the blender is among kitchen equipment no, you can rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix the curd mass with sour cream or matsoni and beat with a fork.
  2. Wash the greens under running water and dry them in a special dryer or lay them out on a towel. Then chop finely. There should be a whole glass of parsley, cilantro, dill, basil and tarragon.
  3. Peel the garlic and separate it into cloves. Pass them through a garlic press or grind them in a mortar along with salt and pepper. Mix with curd and sour cream mixture.
  4. Add salt and, if desired, a little sugar to the snack ingredients.
  5. The appetizer is prepared immediately before serving. This quick and simple recipe will help out the hostess when unexpected guests are already on the doorstep.
  6. Cottage cheese with garlic is served with potato or meat dishes; it can be spread on pieces of bread or served in a salad bowl. It can be used to prepare a roll, spread as a filling on Armenian lavash.

Tip: you can add a little grated cheese to the cottage cheese to give the snack a richer taste.

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Cottage cheese is simply universal milk product according to its benefits, composition and variety of recipes, according to which you can prepare both simple snacks and real culinary masterpieces. Moreover, these dishes do not necessarily have to be sweet - cottage cheese goes well with salt, hot spices and aromatic herbs.

Today invites you to experiment a little and prepare cottage cheese with herbs. This is a wonderful snack both in pure form and in combination with other ingredients.

Cottage cheese with herbs is perfect as a filling in pancakes, stuffed tomatoes, peppers, eggs, waffle rolls and tartlets or simply spread on bread.

This appetizer is very simple and quick to prepare, and the spicy taste and pleasant smell will surely please your guests and family.

Cottage cheese with herbs - snack for sandwiches:


  • 400 g cottage cheese,
  • 100 g sour cream,
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, onion),
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 0.5 teaspoons sugar,
  • salt to taste.


Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork or beat with sour cream in a blender.

Finely chop the greens. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.

Mix the curd mass with herbs and garlic. Salt, pepper, add sugar and mix. Spread on bread and serve.

Cottage cheese with herbs in lavash


  • 1 sheet of pita bread,
  • 250 g cottage cheese,
  • 50 g butter,
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro),
  • ground black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with soft butter.

Finely chop the greens and add to the cottage cheese. Salt, pepper and mix.

Place a thin layer of cottage cheese with herbs on the pita bread, roll it into a roll and cut diagonally into small portions.

Place pita bread with cottage cheese on a plate and garnish with herbs. The appetizer is ready.

Cottage cheese with herbs and salmon - filling for pancakes


for pancakes:

  • 2 glasses of milk,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,
  • 1 teaspoon butter,
  • a pinch of salt,

For filling:

  • 200 g lightly salted salmon,
  • 250 g fat cottage cheese,
  • 1 bunch of greens (dill, parsley),
  • ground black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Mix eggs, salt and sugar until smooth. Pour in some of the milk and stir. Gradually add the sifted flour, pour in the remaining milk, half the vegetable oil and stir until smooth. Leave the dough to stand for 15 minutes.

Bake pancakes in a heated frying pan, greased vegetable oil, on both sides until browned. After removing the pancakes from the pan, brush each one with butter.

Finely chop the greens. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add herbs to the cottage cheese, salt, pepper and mix. Thinly spread the curd mixture onto the pancakes, place a piece of fish and roll it into an envelope or tube. Serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese with herbs and cheese in tomatoes


  • 5 tomatoes
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro),
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 250 g cottage cheese,
  • 50 g hard cheese,
  • 80 g mayonnaise,
  • ground black pepper to taste,
  • salt to taste.


Cut the tomatoes into halves and carefully remove the core.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the greens. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.

Cut the tomato core into cubes, add cottage cheese, herbs, garlic, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Fill the tomatoes with the filling, place on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and garnish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

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Homemade cottage cheese with the addition of garlic and fresh herbs - ideal quick snack under the first glass. Like, for example. But this aerobatics.

I remember at our favorite kebab in Kyiv, and not only there, the very first and trump appetizer - cottage cheese with garlic and herbs in pita bread. In some places it is called “shor”.

In fact, “salty shor” is a cross between cheese and cottage cheese; it is prepared by boiling the whey and placing it under pressure. But I don’t think we’re trying that hard.

Cottage cheese is inexpensive and abundant. It is only important to choose fresh natural cottage cheese, and not unclear what’s in the store pack. The same applies to sour cream. All ingredients must be extremely fresh.

Everything you need is available and inexpensive. And preparing a snack of cottage cheese with garlic takes almost no time.

Cottage cheese with garlic. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • Homemade cottage cheese 250 gr
  • Sour cream 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Dill 0.5 bunch
  • Salt, black pepper taste
  • Thin pita bread 1 sheet
  1. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl.

    Cottage cheese, dill, garlic and a little sour cream

  2. Salt, quite strongly, and pepper.
  3. Dill - finely chop only the top green part and add to the cottage cheese.

    Dill - finely chop only the top green part

  4. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater. As a matter of fact, you can take more garlic.

    Peel the garlic and grate it finely

  5. Add good fat sour cream, ideally homemade. Very little. Otherwise, the cottage cheese will “float”.

    Add sour cream

  6. Mix cottage cheese and garlic thoroughly with a fork. Until smooth.
  7. Place a tablespoon of cottage cheese with garlic on a pita bread slightly larger than your palm, wrap it on one side to form a bottom and prevent the mass from leaking out, and roll it into a tube.

    Place a tablespoon of salad on a pita bread slightly larger than your palm.

  8. You can eat a snack of cottage cheese with garlic right away.

    You can eat it right away

  9. Not only is it the perfect snack for your first drink, it's also an excellent flu preventative.