Making ice cream at home - ice cream. Making ice cream at home

The tips and recipes apply to any homemade ice cream. You can make it in an ice cream maker, or you can make it in the freezer. The principles are general.

Foremost. Homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker requires careful mixing. Every 20 minutes-1 hour throughout the entire freezing cycle, this can be 3-5 times.

If using an ice cream maker, cool the container before adding the mixture.

Choose only the best products. The ice cream is only as good as its ingredients. Buy the freshest milk, cream, eggs, fruits and berries; only high-quality chocolate, flavorings (better use natural ones), vanilla. For example, a natural vanilla bean will add a flavor that you won't get using vanilla or even sugar with natural vanilla.

If you're counting calories. Save this for later. Because the taste and creaminess of ice cream depend on the fat content. When using low-fat products - instead of tender and smooth - you will get a texture with ice crystals. This means that your homemade ice cream will crunch like sand on your teeth. The exception is fruit sorbet, where fat has nowhere to come from.

Comforting for those losing weight. Once you get the hang of making rich, delicious homemade ice cream, you can conduct “low-fat experiments.” However, keep in mind that low-fat homemade ice cream (and not just homemade) will never taste as good as full-fat ice cream. Deal with it.

When to add flavorings. Add flavors, especially extracts or flavored alcohol, after the ice cream mixture has cooled, preferably last.
If the recipe calls for custard. Before placing this ice cream in the freezer, cool it in the refrigerator. Can be left overnight, this “aging” will result in a smooth and creamy texture as it cools.

Adding nuts, fresh or dried fruit, chocolate pieces. The best result will be obtained if the additives are added to almost frozen ice cream. They need to be cold, so keep them in the refrigerator until you use them. After adding, mix thoroughly.

How to avoid ice when storing homemade ice cream. If you want to make a large batch that you will store in the freezer, then the formation of ice crystals is inevitable. You can avoid this by adding alcohol, such as fruit liqueur to popsicles (or just alcohol if you don't want flavoring agent). But such ice cream is not for children; for them it is better to use corn or invert syrup, honey, gelatin, which will prevent the ice cream from freezing. Additionally, ice cream will be softer if stored in a shallow container covered with plastic wrap.

So, homemade ice cream recipes.

Homemade ice cream recipes

The prepared ice cream mixture can be transferred to:

Freeze and stir every 20 minutes to 1 hour
ice cream maker and follow the instructions

Homemade ice cream recipe

This delicious ice cream is perhaps the fattest, it should contain at least 15% fat. It is also the sweetest. Interestingly, this does not prevent you from eating it, topped with fruit sauce, honey, jam and chocolate.

Recipe ingredients:

Milk - 300 ml
cream 35% - 250 ml
powdered milk- 35 grams
sugar - 90 grams
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
corn starch - 10 grams

How to make a real ice cream at home

In a saucepan, mix all the sugar with dry milk. Pour in 250 ml of milk, gradually and constantly stirring. Dissolve starch in the remaining 50 ml.

Place the saucepan on medium heat When the milk boils, add starch. While stirring, let the mixture thicken. Remove from heat, strain, cover with plastic wrap and leave to cool.
Whip the cream (it should be cold) to soft peaks. Add to cold milk mixture and stir.

Next, put it in the freezer and beat every 20 minutes, or put it in an ice cream maker. When the ice cream has cooled sufficiently, but is still soft, you can transfer it to paper cups, in which it will turn into a real ice cream in a couple of hours.

How to make homemade popsicle

If you cover the ice cream with chocolate glaze, you get a popsicle. To do this, you need to form ice cream - the same one that is on a stick. It's good if you have special ice cream molds. If not, you will have to build it from available materials, choosing something narrow and tall. Pour the already viscous ice cream into these cups, insert the sticks and freeze completely.

For the glaze, take chocolate and butter in equal proportions; there should be a lot of glaze so that it is convenient to dip the ice cream. Take 200 grams of both. Heat in a water bath until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Having taken the ice cream out of the mold, quickly dip it into the warm glaze, hold it for a while so that it cools, then put it in the freezer, in which you must first lay parchment.

Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

This is ice cream with a dense consistency and rich taste and vanilla aroma.

Recipe ingredients

Eggs -2
sugar - 0.5 cups
salt - a pinch
milk - 350 ml
cream 20% - 240 ml
vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.

How to make vanilla ice cream at home

Break the eggs into a small bowl. Add the sugar and whisk until the mixture is lemon yellow in color and foamy. Add salt and stir.

Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan. Pour it in a thin stream into the egg mixture, whisking all the time. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, place over low heat and cook until thickened, stirring constantly with a whisk or wooden spoon. This will take 7 to 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and strain into the container in which you will freeze, let cool slightly. Pour in the cream and add vanilla or vanilla sugar. Cool completely (a few hours to overnight) in the refrigerator.
Make ice cream in the freezer or ice cream maker.

Blueberry Ice Cream Recipe

Fresh, ripe, delicious blueberries will give a pleasant refreshing taste to ice cream.

Using condensed milk adds sweetness and softness to the ice cream that melts on your tongue. And you don't need to make custard.

Recipe ingredients:

Fresh blueberries - 2 cups
cream no more than 12% fat - 475 ml
condensed milk - 420 ml
heavy cream - 1 cup
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

How to make purple ice cream at home

Sort the blueberries and wash them thoroughly, let the water drain. Place in a bowl and mash with a fork, you can also do this with a blender. To what extent to knead, decide for yourself, puree or with pieces.

In another bowl, combine milk, cream, condensed milk and vanilla. Place the bowl in the freezer, remembering to stir the mixture regularly, or chill until soft-serve in an ice cream maker. Add blueberry puree and mix thoroughly again. And leave it to freeze.

Avocado and rum ice cream recipe

Treat your friends to avocado ice cream, a refreshing but not too sweet dessert. Adding rum or tequila will only give a slight aroma and aftertaste. But if you don’t want to, you don’t have to add it; the taste of the avocado ice cream won’t be particularly affected.

Recipe ingredients:

Avocado - 1 large
cream 15-20% fat - 950 ml
light rum or tequila - 3 tbsp. spoons
egg yolks - from 2 large eggs
flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
salt - a pinch
sugar - a quarter cup
vanilla sugar - 1-1.5 teaspoons

How to make rum ice cream with avocado

Peel the avocado and cut into large pieces. Place in a blender bowl, add 1 cup of cream and blend to puree the avocado. Add rum or tequila and stir again until smooth. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Beat the yolks with 1 cup of cream.

Mix flour, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Pour in the remaining cream, stirring thoroughly. Place over medium heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes thick. Add the hot mixture to the yolks, pouring in a thin stream and whisking. Return to the pan and return to the heat for a minute.
Remove from heat, cool, add vanilla, stir. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Combine the avocado mixture and egg mixture, place in a container and place in the freezer or pour into an ice cream maker container. Finish cooking.

Melon, strawberry, kiwi sorbet recipe

Fresh melon can easily be turned into aromatic sorbet, which is so pleasant to quench not only thirst, but also hunger. The dessert, variations of which are easy to come up with on your own, in our case was enriched with two - with basil and with strawberries.

Recipe ingredients:

Melon - 1 small or half a large
Orange fresh- a quarter glass
powdered sugar - 170 grams
salt - a pinch.

How to make melon sorbet ice cream at home

Remove the seeds from the melon and peel the skin. Cut the pulp into small cubes (they should be at least 300 grams). Place the melon in a blender and pour in Orange juice, add powdered sugar and salt. Turn everything into a smooth puree.

Let sit for a minute until the sugar completely melts, then place in the refrigerator to cool. Transfer to an ice cream maker container or place in the freezer, remembering to stir occasionally.

Melon sorbet with basil leaves: add 4 large ones to the melon, juice, sugar and salt fresh leaves green basil. Next, cook as in the previous case.

Melon sorbet with strawberries: wash a glass of strawberries and cut them into halves, put melon pieces, strawberries and 2 tbsp in a blender bowl. spoons of honey. Next, cook according to the recipe above.

Grapefruit and kiwi sorbet will be just as refreshing and not cloying.

Homemade creme brulee ice cream recipe

The color of baked milk and caramel taste - this is creme brulee, which is absolutely possible and even simple to make at home.

Recipe ingredients:

Cream 35% - 95 ml
milk - 330 ml
powdered milk - 30 grams
sugar -100 grams
corn starch - 8 grams.

How to make creme brulee at home

Make a syrup from 40 ml of milk and 40 grams of sugar: pour sugar into a saucepan, melt until caramel brown, then pour in warm milk, stir. Cook over low heat until all the caramel has dissolved and the mixture has the consistency of condensed milk.

Dissolve starch in a small amount of milk. Place the remaining sugar and milk powder in another pan and stir. Add a little milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Pour in the syrup and stir. Pour out the remaining milk. Strain and heat to a boil. Pour in the starch and brew the jelly, stirring constantly.

Cover it with film, cool and place in the refrigerator to cool thoroughly. Whip cold cream to soft peaks. Add the jelly and beat again. Transfer to an ice cream maker or container that will be frozen in the freezer.

Cherry and chocolate ice cream recipe

Delicious ice cream that is easy to make at home. One “but” - the mixture does not work heat treatment, so use only fresh eggs.

Recipe ingredients:

Bitter dark chocolate - 100 grams
fresh cherries- 100g
eggs - 2
sugar - 180 grams
heavy cream - 2 cups
milk - 1 glass.

How to make cherry chocolate ice cream at home

Wash the cherries, remove the pit, breaking them into halves. Place in a bowl and place in the refrigerator to cool. Coarsely grate the chocolate and place it in the refrigerator.

Beat the eggs until light foam, a few minutes. Continue beating as you add sugar. After all the sugar has been added, beat for a couple more minutes. Pour in the cream and milk, mix thoroughly. Pour into a container to place in the freezer or ice cream maker.

After 2 hours, when the ice cream is almost frozen, add chocolate and cherries, mix well and freeze completely. Do not forget to stir the mixture during the first and second freezing if you make it in the freezer.

Advice: can also be used canned cherries, after draining the syrup.

Ice cream recipe with ricotta and chestnuts

Homemade Italian ice cream with ricotta cheese and chestnuts is very unusual and very simple. By the way, if you don’t see chestnuts in your nearest store, take roasted hazelnuts (or fresh ones and fry them).

Recipe ingredients:

Milk - 300 ml
sugar - 280 grams
butter - 3 tbsp. spoons
ricotta - 450 grams
dark rum - 0.5 cups
fresh chestnuts - 670 grams
candied lemon peel - a quarter cup.

How to make Italian ice cream in your own kitchen

Peel, boil or roast fresh chestnuts and puree them. If using hazelnuts, pulse in a food processor until very finely ground.

Mix milk and a quarter cup of sugar in a saucepan, place over medium heat and dissolve the sugar while stirring. Leave it alone.

In another large saucepan, place the butter, the remaining sugar, pour in the rum and 1 cup of water. Place over low heat and whisk the mixture until the sugar dissolves.

Remove from heat, cool slightly, add ricotta and chestnut puree (chopped hazelnuts) and chopped candied lemon. Stir. Pour in the milk-sugar mixture and mix thoroughly again. Freeze in the freezer or ice cream maker.

Raspberry ice cream recipe

The beautiful color of this ice cream matches its taste, which is creamy and sweet.

Recipe ingredients:

Raspberries - 400 grams
cream 40% - 2 cups
cream 10% - 1 glass
sugar - 180 grams
egg yolks - 5
ground cardamom - a quarter teaspoon
salt - a small pinch.

How to make raspberry ice cream at home

Pour a glass of heavy cream and all 10% into the pan, add sugar and bring to a boil, remembering to stir. Leave it alone.

Make a puree from clean and dry raspberries, which you rub through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
In a bowl, whisk the yolks, salt and cardamom. Pour half of the hot cream into the yolk mixture, stirring vigorously. Pour this mixture into the egg mixture and mix thoroughly again. Place over low heat until the mixture thickens.

Pour the remaining cup of heavy cream into a bowl, strain the custard here, stir and cool until room temperature. Then add the raspberry puree and refrigerate for 4 hours. Next, either into the freezer or into the appliance.

Homemade chocolate ice cream recipe

Chocolate ice cream is in fact the most favorite ice cream among many people. And it turns out great at home.

Recipe ingredients:

Cream 40% - 1 glass
cream 18% - 240 ml
sugar - 0.5 cups
vanilla sugar - 3\4 teaspoons
salt - a small pinch
cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons (or chocolate syrup - 60 ml).

How to make chocolate ice cream

Dissolve cocoa in a small amount of warm 18% cream. Heat the remaining (18%), add sugar and heat until it dissolves, pour in cocoa and bring to a boil. Leave to cool. Add vanilla sugar to the cold mixture and stir.

Whip 40% cream with a pinch of salt and add to the cooled mixture. Transfer to an ice cream maker container or container that you will place in the freezer.

Homemade fruit and berry ice cream recipe

Ice cream made from fruits and berries quenches thirst very well. Moreover, it is low in calories. An excellent dessert after a hearty lunch and a delicious treat for the whole family at any time of the day.

Recipe ingredients:

Fruit (berry) puree - 250 grams ( best taste gives puree from fruit mix)
sugar - 200 grams
water - 530 grams
starch - 20 grams.

How to make fruit and berry ice cream

If you are preparing puree from berries and fruits, then pour boiling water over them and then puree them with a blender. Rub through a sieve and refrigerate. Dilute starch with water (from 530 ml). Mix the remaining water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat, pour in the starch, and brew the jelly. Cover with film, cool, and then put in the refrigerator.

Mix the cooled jelly with cold puree. Next, as usual: into the freezer or appliance to completely freeze.

Homemade Eggless Ice Cream Recipe

Maybe someone will say that this is not really or not ice cream at all, so be it. But it’s very fast, very tasty and simple. And you don’t need to cook anything and there are no eggs (many people don’t cook with raw eggs). I think you will like this recipe.

Recipe ingredients:

Any fruits or berries - 300 grams
cream 40% - 300 grams
powdered sugar to taste.

How to make ice cream without eggs

Fruits (berries) need to be pureed. If they have seeds, rub through a sieve.
Whip the cream, adding powdered sugar, until thick and shiny. Add to fruit puree and mix gently. Next, the cooking process is as described above.

Vegan Ice Cream Recipe

This is one of the simplest healthy recipes ice cream for “alternatives”, that is, fans healthy eating and vegetarians. The recipe is also egg-free, but it is also dairy-free and low in calories. The only thing it needs is a small amount of invert syrup, which is easy to prepare at home and is a must-have for every housewife.

Recipe ingredients:

  • raspberries 1 kg (both ripe and frozen are suitable)
  • 0.3 kg finely ground cashew nuts
  • 220 g invert syrup (a little less is possible)
  • a pinch of salt

How to make vegetarian ice cream at home

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Pour into a plastic or metal container and place in the freezer for 0.5 hours. After the specified time, place the mixture back into the blender, beat again and return to the refrigerator for another half hour. Repeat the process 2 more times. The ice cream will be ready 1 hour after the last stirring.

Salted Caramel Ice Cream Recipe

For a snack - amazing tasting ice cream, which cannot be bought in stores, but can be prepared at home.

The combination of sweet and salty creates an unexpected play of flavors and is perfectly refreshing in the heat.

Ingredients for recipe for 10 servings

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • salted butter 1 tbsp. spoon
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

How to make original salted ice cream

First you need to cook the caramel . To do this, boil the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat. Turn off the heat but leave it on the stove to keep it warm. Pour sugar into a saucepan, stirring until it turns golden brown. Fry the sugar until it melts and turns a beautiful caramel color. Then add butter to the sugar and stir until smooth.

The next step is to slowly add warm milk. Stir with a wooden spoon or whisk until the caramel dissolves in the milk. At first it will “sizzle”, but will gradually melt.

Prepare the egg mixture. While the caramel in milk is cooking, combine the yolks, flour and salt in a bowl and whisk a little.

Combine 2 mixtures. When the caramel-milk mixture becomes homogeneous, begin to gradually combine, whisking, the two mixtures together. Add caramel to egg in small portions, about a quarter cup at a time, whisking well after each addition. When the two mixtures are combined, place them over low heat and continue whisking while heating for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and pour through a sieve into a dry, clean bowl. Let the mixture cool.

Beat the cream and vanilla in a blender until stiff peaks form. and put it in the freezer for 4 hours, or better yet overnight (preparing the cream is a preliminary step that is best done the day before).

All that remains is to combine everything and use one of two cooking methods : in an ice cream maker or by hand, by stirring every 20-30 minutes 5-6 times. When the ice cream reaches the desired consistency, add 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, stir again and freeze for another 20 minutes. Just before serving, sprinkle the ice cream scoops with a little more salt.

Ice cream is a product that everyone loves, especially children. Any housewife can make such a delicacy in her kitchen. You will need few ingredients to create the ice cream, so this dessert will not cost much. Ice cream contains cream, eggs, sugar and milk. For people who are allergic to dairy products, you can prepare a treat without milk.

Today there are many options for creating a delicious dessert. You can, as in the old days, make ice cream in a regular freezer. A masterpiece created with your own hands will not only be tasty, but also healthy. It has natural fats and proteins that are necessary for the human body. So, how to make ice cream at home?

Ice cream that our mothers and grandmothers made

In the summer you always want to try something cold and tasty. Therefore, many mothers spoil their children with delicious homemade ice cream. It's very easy to make. The main thing is to remember some nuances of preparation. To do this we need to take:

  • 2 cups country cream, high fat content;
  • 2 glasses of good milk;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 200 grams of fine sugar or powdered sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Important! All products should be cold to make them easier to whip.

Cooking method:

  1. The milk is first boiled and then cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees.
  2. The yolks are thoroughly mixed with sugar or powder, as well as vanillin. Then the homogeneous mass must be beaten well with a mixer. When a dense foam is obtained, it is carefully mixed with milk.
  3. Place the pan with the mixture on a preheated stove and heat until a thick mass is obtained. Be sure to mix everything so that the food does not burn. Then the container must be removed from the heat, kept until completely cooled at room temperature, and then refrigerated.
  4. While the milk mixture is refrigerated, beat the heavy cream thoroughly. Then they are added to the frozen cream and mixed well with a mixer.
  5. The resulting mass is placed in a container with a lid and sent to the freezer.

Now all that remains is to be patient, since it will still take about four hours to completely prepare the ice cream. Every half hour you need to remove the container and mix the contents well. Only after these manipulations will the homemade ice cream be ready. You can serve it with any filling: chocolate, berries, jam.

Ice cream with chocolate and vanilla

If you add berries or cocoa to ice cream, it will acquire a completely different taste. For example, to prepare a vanilla-chocolate ice cream, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 100 grams of pistachios;
  • 200 grams of high fat cream;
  • one vanilla pod (stick);
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • three egg yolks.

Cooking method:

  1. Milk is poured into the pan and cocoa is poured. Both products mix very well. All the seeds are taken out of the vanilla pod and also placed in the pan. Then the container is placed on low heat. It is necessary to bring the mixture to a boil, do not forget to constantly stir it with a spoon. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat. It is necessary to cool the contents to room temperature.
  2. Now add cream to the resulting mixture and quickly beat everything with a mixer for half a minute. The pistachios are finely chopped with a knife, the yolks and powdered sugar are also mixed.
  3. Then both mixtures are mixed together into a homogeneous mass, which is poured into the ice cream maker along with the pistachios. You need to beat everything for an hour.
  4. The finished ice cream goes into the freezer for 60 minutes.

After this, you can eat the ice cream, sprinkling it with pistachios.

Delicious homemade ice cream without milk

Ice cream is made from milk, but now you can prepare a delicious treat without this product. The taste of such ice cream will be completely different, but also very original. To prepare this ice cream you will need:

  • 130 grams lemon juice;
  • three egg whites;
  • 300 milliliters of heavy cream;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 2 apples.

Cooking method:

  1. First, mix sugar and cream in a saucepan, and then put on fire. This mixture needs to be cooked for half an hour at low temperature. After desolation, allow the mass to cool. Then beat it with a mixer for a minute until foamy.
  2. Lemon juice, sugar and egg whites are also whipped into foam, and then combined with sweet cream. Afterwards, everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which is placed in the freezer for several hours. After every hour, remove the container and mix the contents well.
  3. The apples are left to decorate future ice cream. Their pieces will make a good dessert stand.

Homemade ice cream with apricot flavor

Children often love to eat ice cream with different fruit flavors. But ice cream on sale comes with various colorings and additives, so it’s better to prepare such a delicacy at home from high-quality products. For the apricot dessert you will need to prepare the following products:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice 50 ml;
  • half a kilogram of apricots;
  • 100 grams of sugar and 80 grams of powder;
  • whites from three eggs;
  • cream 300 grams;
  • vanilla to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to wash the apricots and remove the pits. Leave a few halves of the fruit, and finely chop the rest.
  2. Pour cream into a bowl and add sugar. This mixture should be simmered for about half an hour over low heat until thickened. Then cool the resulting mass to room temperature.
  3. Now add the remaining ingredients and quickly beat into foam.
  4. The ice cream is almost ready, all you have to do is put it in the freezer for two hours. Then take it out and mix it with a mixer and set it again for 1.5 hours. freezer. When you consume the resulting delicacy, do not forget to garnish with apricot halves.

Ice cream according to state standard

In the Soviet Union, all products were made with high quality according to a certain standard, including ice cream. And the ice cream was very tasty, today many people dream of this.

The product contains the following components:

  • 1 liter of 35% cow's cream;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • 1 jar of condensed milk;
  • 7 grams of gelatin.

Ice cream preparation process:

  1. Pour gelatin with a cold spoon boiled water and leave until it swells.
  2. After combining all the remaining ingredients, mix them with a mixer at low speed. Then beat for a minute on high speed.
  3. Place the prepared gelatin in a water bath to melt. And then slowly pour it into the creamy mixture.

Important! You need to whip the dessert for no more than two minutes, otherwise you will end up with butter instead of ice cream.

  1. The prepared mass is placed in a container and placed in the freezer for 3 hours. But every half hour you need to take it out and stir it. Only after these manipulations will you get a real ice cream.

Ice cream from the past

As you have already noticed, the main ingredient of the ice cream is cream. Therefore, let’s dwell a little on the preparation of creamy ice cream, which is always enjoyed by both children and adults. First you need to prepare 1 liter of chilled heavy cream and 200 grams of condensed milk, also a mixer with a high capacity, since the products will double during whipping.

Pour the cream into the mixer bowl and begin to beat until it thickens. Then pour condensed milk into them, but do not turn off the mixer. You should get a homogeneous mass, which is placed in a container and sent to the freezer. The mixture must be stirred periodically for three hours. When the ice cream is ready, you can put it into bowls or waffle cups.

Ice cream with currants

Ice cream with berries is always a tasty treat. In order to make a currant ice cream, you need to prepare the following components:

  • half a kilo of cream;
  • yolks from 7 eggs;
  • 230 grams roasted peanuts and the same amount of candied fruit;
  • a glass of sugar (200 g);
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 400 grams of currants, preferably black;
  • 130 ml water.

Cooking method:

  1. We start by mixing candied fruits and nuts.
  2. Pour water, honey into a container and add 100 grams of sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. The whites are whipped into a fluffy foam, and then slowly introduced into the resulting syrup. When the whole mixture has cooled, add the nut mixture to it.
  4. The final stage is whipping the cream and mixing it with the rest of the ingredients. Then the ice cream is put into molds and placed in the freezer for 8 hours.
  5. All that remains is to prepare the currant filling. To do this, you need to make a syrup from 100 grams of sugar and 80 grams of water. Grind the currants in a blender and mix with the resulting sugar syrup. Then strain it.
  6. Before serving, pour the finished ice cream with currant syrup.
  1. To prevent a liquid consistency when adding canned fruits or berries to the ice cream, it is necessary to drain the juice completely. And the aroma of berries or fruits can be increased by increasing the number of fruits.
  2. The most difficult thing about making ice cream is whisking it periodically during the freezing process. But without frequent stirring, you will end up with milk ice. Therefore, the easiest way is to use an ice cream maker, which will make your work easier.
  3. There are times when a mixture standing on fire boils quickly and the yolks simply curdle. This mistake can be corrected: pass the entire mass through a sieve, and then add raw yolks, beaten with powdered sugar.
  4. All components that will be added to ice cream must first be cooled in the freezer.
  5. An important point is to prepare the mass in a water bath. For milk, you need to take a glass, fireproof container. By the way, such dishes will also be suitable for the freezer the best option, because it does not give off-flavors to products.

Of course, ice cream is not easy to prepare. But if you have a desire, you are interested in cooking, then you can always try. After all, food prepared at home is considered much healthier and tastier than purchased food. Every mother wants her children to get as little additives from food as possible, so it’s definitely worth trying to make a treat at home!

Everyone will agree that delicious sweet ice cream is a true joy for those with a real sweet tooth. Starting from early childhood, children fall in love with the taste of this culinary masterpiece and few people do not love him even in his old age. But it is known that store-bought products are sometimes quite harmful to the stomach and are not always healthy. Ice cream is also no exception.

Store-bought versions of this delicacy often contain different harmful additives, so this delicacy is not included in the list healthy products for good health. But why buy it on store shelves, since you yourself will know how to make ice cream at home and will be able to create this airy and beloved dessert yourself.

Homemade ice cream recipes are a vast field for all kinds of culinary experiments, the unlimited number of which is especially large in the summer, when it is possible to experiment with various berries and fruits. Therefore, many gourmets will find it interesting and useful to learn how to properly and tasty make ice cream at home.

What you need to make homemade ice cream

In order to make ice cream at home, it would be absolutely useful to purchase a special device - a freezer, this is the so-called ice cream maker. Thanks to this kitchen device, your ice cream will become soft, airy and have a uniform consistency, which is important.

The presence of lumps can lead to rapid settling of the airy cream.

But even the absence of this device, if you strictly follow the recipe and the sequence of preparation points, will not prevent you from making amazing soft homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker.

By preparing this treat at home, you will get a delicacy that you will never find on store shelves. But to prepare it correctly, you should follow several useful instructions and recommendations:

  1. In order to prepare delicious ice cream at home, you must not be lazy, and during the first three hours of freezing, periodically whip or stir it, removing it from the freezer;
  2. When choosing sugar for dessert, you don’t have to use white; you can use brown or honey. Instead of powdered or store-bought milk, you can use natural homemade milk. The same goes for cream. This will make the dessert tasty, healthy and aromatic. In addition, such a delicacy will never give your loved ones a stomach ache, which can hardly be said about a store-bought one, which can easily cause poisoning, given improper storage and repeated freezing;
  3. If you're trying to count calories, you'll have to leave that for later. After all, it is known that the creamy texture and wonderful delicate taste directly depend on the presence of fats. By using low-fat products when making ice cream at home, you risk getting a crystalline texture. An exception may be fruit sorbet, which is prepared without dairy ingredients;
  4. It is not recommended to store homemade ice cream in the freezer for too long. Since the ice cream was prepared only from homemade ingredients, it has no preservatives and should be stored for no more than 2-3 days. But if you want to prolong the life of your dessert, then try covering the container with your treat with a tight lid. But don't try to refreeze it after defrosting. This is not recommended;
  5. Add various extracts and flavors last, when the delicate mousse has completely cooled. As for vanilla, it is better to use a natural pod rather than vanillin or sugar with the corresponding aroma;
  6. As you know, in a slightly thawed dessert the taste is most pronounced, so before serving it is advised to keep it a little at room temperature (10-15 minutes);
  7. To avoid the appearance of ice crystals during longer storage, it is recommended to add a little alcohol to your dessert, for example, a small amount of rum or fruit liqueur. If the delicacy is being prepared for children, then corn syrup, gelatin, starch, agar or honey will not hurt, as they simply will not allow your treat to crystallize. By the way, egg yolks also have excellent thickening properties;
  8. To decorate and add flavor, it is recommended to use grated chocolate, condensed milk, yogurt, cocoa, dried or fresh fruits, nuts, jam, raisins and more. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and you will definitely find your recipe for a real culinary masterpiece.

By following these rules, you can easily prepare delicious homemade ice cream and learn how to properly store it for as long as possible.

Classic ice cream recipe at home

To perform the classic version of this delicacy you need:

  • Whole milk (510 grams);
  • Vanilla pod or vanillin (10 grams);
  • Sugar (55 grams) and powdered sugar (115 grams);
  • 5-6 yolks;
  • 35% - percentage cream (about 350 grams).

So, to prepare the fragrant homemade dessert, you need to prepare a base (English cream). Transfer the milk to the heat and add sugar and vanilla ingredients, stirring occasionally. Then beat the yolks separately and when the milk mass is heated to 55 - 65 degrees, gradually add the egg mousse into it. Stirring constantly, you will see how your liquid mass acquires a creamy texture. Be careful that the liquid does not burn or boil.. After complete thickening, the “English cream” is ready. Remove from heat quickly and cool quickly.

The next step is to whip the cream and powdered sugar. After you get a fluffy creamy mass, add it to the cooled base and put it in the freezer.

Delicious homemade ice cream recipes

We present the most delicious recipes homemade ice cream, which you can treat not only your children, but also yourself. All the recipes presented allow you to make ice cream at home, having all the necessary ingredients.

To make ice cream sundae at home, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Homemade milk (300-350 grams);
  • Sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Vanillin (5 grams);
  • Homemade cream (150 ml);
  • Corn starch (12-15 grams);
  • Powdered milk (35-40 grams).

To make ice cream sundae at home, mix the dry ingredients (sugar, vanillin and milk powder). In another container, mix milk and cream, leaving 50 grams of milk to dilute the starch. Pour the milk-cream mixture into the dry mixture, stirring vigorously so that there are no lumps. Then add cornstarch diluted with milk and cook until the mixture thickens. After this, cool the resulting cream and put it in the freezer. The recipe for ice cream sundae at home is quite simple. After a few hours, your treat is ready to eat. Bon appetit.

To make ice cream at home with milk, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Homemade milk (500 ml);
  • 2-3 egg yolks;
  • Butter (50-60 grams);
  • Sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Starch (1/2 tsp)

Pour the milk into the prepared container, put the butter there and put it on the fire. The yolks need to be ground with starch and sugar and also added to the milk liquid. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil and place in a container with very cold water. By stirring vigorously, you will see how your ice cream at home without cream thickens before your eyes. After cooling to room temperature, transfer your treat to a tray with a tight lid and put it in the freezer.

Delicate nut ice cream

To make ice cream at home with a delicate nutty taste, you should prepare the following components:

  • Homemade cream (300-320 grams);
  • Walnuts (100-110 grams);
  • Maple syrup (170-175 ml);
  • Condensed milk (210-220 grams).

Using a blender or whisk, beat the cream with maple syrup and add the stiffly whipped condensed milk. Place the whipped mixture in the freezer for 1 hour. After the time has passed, take out your cream and beat it again, then add the crushed nuts and put it in the freezer again for 1 hour. After the second hour of freezing has passed, believe me, this simple recipe for homemade ice cream will never leave anyone indifferent. This is truly a heavenly pleasure.

Homemade cream ice cream

To make something truly wonderful creamy dessert you need to prepare the following components:

  • Homemade cream (410-420 grams);
  • Granulated sugar (75-85 grams);
  • Cognac (15-20 ml);
  • 5 egg yolks
  • Vanillin (1.5-2 grams).

Pour the cream into the prepared saucepan, add vanilla and place on low heat. While the creamy mixture is heating up, beat the yolks with sugar until they turn white. We move our yolk mass to the cream and continue heating. Keep stirring to prevent your mousse from burning.

Make sure that your cream does not boil, as the yolks will immediately curdle and the dessert will be completely ruined.

Amazing chocolate ice cream recipe

To make homemade chocolate-flavored ice cream, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • A glass of homemade cream (450 ml);
  • Granulated sugar (150-200 grams);
  • Vanilla (5 grams);
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Chocolate syrup (65 ml);
  • Cocoa (3-3.5 tbsp.)
  • Dark chocolate (105 grams)

Melt the chocolate over a double boiler, add half the cream, chocolate syrup and cocoa. When the mousse is smooth, add sugar and vanilla. Bring your delicacy to a boil. In another container, combine the remaining cream and a pinch of salt, beat well until thick foam and add to the cooled chocolate mass. Whisk everything together again and place in the freezer. After 2 hours, beat everything again and leave for an hour. Serve brown ice cream with remaining grated chocolate.

Popsicle Recipes

To make your homemade ice cream even tastier, you can add any fruit to your taste. Below are the most delicious fruit recipes ice cream

Fruit and berry ice cream at home

You are allowed to experiment with this dessert like no other. Because no extra fruits and berries can spoil this delicacy. You can use the following combinations of products:

  • Fruits (banana, apricot, kiwi, peach, etc.);
  • Berries (blueberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, etc.);
  • Cream (310 grams);
  • Condensed milk (105 ml);
  • 2 yolks.

Combine cream, 2 yolks and condensed milk. Grind all the fruit and berry components and add to the creamy egg mixture. Beat well and freeze for 2 hours. This is truly a berry-fruit explosion. You'll like it.

Homemade popsicle ice cream

It's quite tasty and interesting recipe frozen fruit and berry mousse, for the production of which any fruit and berries are perfect. But the most extraordinary things come from strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, kiwis and bananas. Take equal parts fresh or frozen fruits and berries and blend thoroughly in a blender. To add acidity, you can add a little lemon juice.

Distribute the fruit and berry mousse into any baking molds and place in the freezer to freeze completely, which takes 4 hours. After the time has expired, put the ice back into the blender and blend properly. Then back into the freezer. After an hour, your ice-cold treat is ready. Have a nice…

Ice cream "Raffaello"

This recipe is perhaps one of the most exquisite, since its aroma and taste resembles the famous dessert “Raffaello”, which is why it received the appropriate name. But how do you make homemade ice cream with such a sophisticated taste? And there is nothing simpler. For this you will need:

  • Condensed milk (330 grams);
  • Butter (120 grams);
  • Low-fat cream (150 ml);
  • Coconut flakes (20 grams);
  • Almond flakes (30 grams).

Place condensed milk, softened butter and cream in a blender. Beat thoroughly until fluffy. Place in a container with a vacuum seal and freeze for 2 hours. After that, place the balls in an ice cream bowl, sprinkle with coconut and almond flakes.

Homemade banana dessert

It is unlikely that you will find a person, be it an adult or a child, who does not like banana ice cream, much less one prepared at home. But not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. And there is nothing complicated about it. To complete this tasty task you will need:

  • Peeled bananas (200 grams);
  • 4 – 5 egg yolks;
  • Lemon (1/2);
  • Cream (410 grams);
  • Black chocolate (53 grams);
  • Hazelnuts and almonds (45 grams each);
  • Maple syrup (183 grams).

Combine the cream with the yolks and beat thoroughly. Place in a water bath and stir thoroughly until thickened. Then cool the mixture using a cold water bath. Mash the bananas until smooth, then add lemon juice, maple syrup and beat well. Combine banana mousse with cooled protein cream. Crush the nuts into equal crumbs.

Spread cling film on the bottom of a flat pan and place a layer of half the cooked banana cream, then place nut filling, and place the rest of the banana mixture on top. Cover the top layer with cling film. Place the banana-nut miracle in the freezer overnight. In the morning you will nice bonus. When serving homemade banana ice cream, sprinkle with nuts.

Homemade creme brulee

The excellent caramel taste and the unusual color of baked milk are precisely those distinctive features that will help you recognize favorite treat among many different ice cream desserts. And preparing it is absolutely simple. You need to prepare:

  • Cream (105 ml);
  • Granulated sugar (105 grams);
  • Milk (315 ml);
  • Corn starch (8-9 grams);
  • Powdered milk (35 grams);

First you need to prepare caramel syrup from 40 ml of cream and 40 grams of sugar. Fry the sugar until slightly brown, then pour in the cream. Bring the mixture to the consistency of condensed milk. In another container, mix the remaining sugar and milk powder, pour in the rest of the cream, in which the starch has already been diluted. Pour in milk and combine with caramel mixture. Bring to a boil and cool. Then place in the freezer for 3 hours. Enjoy the amazing taste of homemade creme brulee.

There are many more recipes for homemade ice cream, because the number of them is simply mesmerizing. Everything is subject to your imagination and taste preferences.

Everyone loves him - both adults and children. Ice cream is a product that will probably never cease to be in demand. But the question arises: is it possible to prepare your favorite delicacy at home? Let's figure it out.

History of ice cream

This delicious delicacy, beloved by almost everyone, is already more than 5 thousand years old. Yes, back in 3000 BC, the Chinese elite treated themselves to a dessert made from a mixture of snow, ice, lemon, orange and pomegranate seeds. And the recipe for this delicacy and another, simpler one, made from milk and ice was kept secret for several millennia, and was revealed only in the 11th century AD.

In ancient times, there are also many references to ice cream - both in Greece and Rome. Hippocrates spoke about its benefits. And during the reign of Alexander the Great, people loved to feast on frozen berries and fruits.

Slaves were sent to the mountains to get snow, and they even trained specifically to be able to run fast. After all, it was necessary to fly from the mountains before the snow melted.

And at the very end of the 13th century, Marco Polo brought from his travels to Europe new recipe delicacies for which saltpeter was used to freeze. From that moment on, not a single aristocratic or royal dinner was complete without ice cream.

The recipes were kept in the strictest confidence. And ice cream makers were the subject of envy and cruel intrigue among the nobility; they were even taken away from each other, lured by some tempting promises. And then more - the ice cream recipe, in general, became a state secret.

It’s strange to learn about this now, when dessert can be purchased at any grocery store, and, of course, you can cook it yourself. And it’s easy to make ice cream at home, even without an ice cream maker. The secret has come true.

Types of ice cream

Let's go back to our time. Modern delicacies can be classified according to composition, taste, consistency. For example, ice cream is divided according to its composition as follows:

  • A delicacy based on animal fat (sealing, milk and butter).
  • Ice cream made from vegetable fat (coke or palm oil).
  • Fruit ice. A solid dessert made from juice, puree, yogurt, etc.
  • Sorbet or sorbet. Soft ice cream. Cream, fats and eggs are very rarely added to the composition. Sometimes the recipe contains weak alcohol. Prepared from fruit and berry juices and purees.

There are a wide variety of tastes. Cold sweetness can be chocolate, vanilla, coffee, berry, fruit, etc. In general, there are more than seven hundred dessert flavors in the world. Of course, we are all accustomed to the fact that ice cream is a sweet product.

But in fact, it comes in all sorts of ways: with pork cracklings, garlic, tomato, and fish. The variety of your favorite dessert is simply amazing.

The division by consistency implies the division of ice cream into hardened (production), soft (catering) and homemade. We will look at how to prepare the latter in this article.

Ice cream calories

The calorie content of a product depends on its type. For example, 100 grams:

  • ice cream - 225 kcal;
  • cream ice cream - 185 kcal;
  • milk delicacy - 130 kcal;
  • popsicle - 270 kcal.

And energy value varies due to additives. The chocolate ice cream will already be 231 kcal. And if milk ice cream is prepared with chocolate, then it will have a higher nutritional value - 138 kcal. But still, even if you are on a diet, you can choose the least high-calorie dessert for yourself.

Interesting fact and healing recipe

By the way, it has been confirmed that ice cream is an excellent prevention of diseases such as tonsillitis. And there is one recipe recommended by doctors as a cure for colds. For it you need to take 20 pine needles and raspberry syrup.

  • Thoroughly crush the needles in a mortar, pour them into a bowl with syrup, mix well and strain into an ice cream container.
  • Pour half a cup over the mixture natural juice from an orange, and put a sweet ball on top of it all.

The dessert contains a huge amount of vitamin C. This means that it is an excellent remedy for preventing colds.

How to make ice cream at home in an ice cream maker

With a wonderful device called an ice cream maker, you can easily and quickly make delicious ice cream at home. For your attention - 2 simple recipes for a device with a volume of 1.2 liters.

Needed: a glass (250 ml) of full-fat milk and cream and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Before loading into the ice cream maker, all components are thoroughly mixed; it is better to use a mixer for this. Place the mixture in a container and then cook according to the instructions.

Important! The bowl of the device should not be filled more than halfway.

To prepare ice cream you need: 350 ml of heavy cream, a glass of milk, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 3 yolks. Mix milk and cream, pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan and place on the stove (medium heat). The mixture must be heated to 80 °C, stirring constantly.

Important! Under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil!

Separately, you need to prepare the yolks beaten with sugar. Now you need to equalize the temperature of the creamy milk mixture and the yolks. To do this, first add a little hot cream (stirring continuously) to the yolks, and then pour the yolks into the cream.

The mass must be put back on the fire and continue to cook until it thickens. In advance, you need to place a bowl under this mixture to cool in the refrigerator. Then pour the thick mixture into it. Stir vigorously until cool. And only when the mixture reaches room temperature pour it into the ice cream maker.

These ice cream recipes are basic. They can be supplemented with any flavoring components.

Ice cream at home - step by step photo recipe

Do you know about such a special ice cream as premium ice cream? It is beyond the means of the average buyer and is very expensive. After all, it is made from natural ingredients.

But with a little work, you can create real ice cream with berries at home, without special ice cream makers, no worse than the one you were eyeing without being able to enjoy it.

Which berry would be best in this ice cream? Any, choose according to your taste - cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries. You can maneuver with flavor nuances, highlighting those that you like. For example, 50 g of your favorite chocolate or the same amount of lemon juice will help you with this.

This ice cream recipe can be tweaked slightly to add some adultness to it. To do this, just pour a little liqueur into the cooled mass.

Cooking time: 5 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 5 servings


  • Heavy cream: 2 tbsp.
  • Sweet cherries (any other year): 2.5 tbsp.
  • Milk: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt: a pinch

Cooking instructions

How to make homemade milk ice cream

In order to make delicious homemade milk ice cream at home, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • liter of milk;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a small spoon of starch.


  1. Place the butter in a saucepan, pour in the milk, put it on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. And immediately remove the container from the heat.
  2. Whisk the yolks, sugar and starch until smooth.
  3. Add just a little milk to the yolk mixture. You need so much liquid that it (the mixture) has the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  4. Place the bowl with milk and butter back on the stove, pour in the yolks and sugar. The entire composition must be continuously stirred with a spoon.
  5. When the resulting mass boils, it must be removed from the stove and the pan must be placed in a pre-prepared container with cold water to cool. The main thing is not to forget to stir the ice cream tirelessly.
  6. After cooling, the cream should be poured into molds or placed directly in the pan in the freezer. However, if you put the future ice cream in a pan, you need to remove it every 3 hours and mix the mixture thoroughly. This is necessary to prevent ice from forming inside the ice cream.

This delicacy will please everyone in the family, without exception.

How to make homemade ice cream from cream

With the addition of cream to homemade ice cream, it will become even richer and tastier than ordinary milk ice cream. Here you need to prepare the following components:

  • heavy cream (from 30%) - a glass;
  • milk - a glass;
  • yolks - from 4 to 6 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.


  1. Boil the milk, then remove it from the stove and cool. It should be warm. If you have a special thermometer, you can control the temperature. You need 36–37 °C.
  2. Beat the yolks and regular sugar plus vanilla.
  3. Continuously whisking, pour the yolk mixture into the milk in a thin stream.
  4. Place everything on the stove over low heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes thick.
  5. Place the cooling container in a cool place.
  6. In a separate bowl, beat the cream until scallops form and add them to the cooled mixture. Mix.
  7. Transfer the resulting ice cream into a plastic container, close it and put it in the freezer for 1 hour.
  8. As soon as frost sets in the composition (in an hour or 40 minutes), you need to take it out and beat it. After another hour, repeat the procedure again. Place the ice cream in the freezer for 2 hours.

Before serving the ice cream, you need to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Your imagination will tell you how to decorate it in cups (cream bowls).

How to make ice cream at home

There are many recipes for making ice cream. We'll consider two of them.

This ice cream combines only three ingredients: half a liter of 30% cream, 100 grams of powder (you can take fine-crystalline sugar), a little vanillin. The cream must first be cooled. By the way, the fatter they are, the fewer pieces of ice you get in the ice cream.

All components are whipped for 5 minutes until a stable foam forms. Transfer the resulting mass into a plastic container, cover tightly with a lid or film and place in the freezer overnight. And in the morning, take it out, let the deliciousness thaw a little and enjoy!

For the second recipe you need:

  • 6 proteins;
  • milk or cream (low-fat only) - a glass;
  • heavy cream (necessary for whipping) from 30% - 300 ml;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar;
  • vanillin - optional, quantity - to taste.

Preparation ice cream at home:

  1. In a thick-bottomed bowl, mix cream with milk (or low-fat cream) and sugar (not all, 150 grams). Place the pan over low heat and stir constantly until the mixture is homogeneous. Then remove the dishes from the stove, cool and place in the freezer.
  2. Next, you need to carefully separate the whites. Pour the remaining sugar into a dry deep cup, pour in the whites and beat with a mixer with gradual acceleration. The foam should be such that even when the bowl is turned upside down, the mass remains motionless.
  3. Then you need to get well-chilled cream with sugar and pour the whites into it little by little, mixing everything carefully. A homogeneous mass should eventually form. After transferring it into the mold, put it in the freezer for one hour. After this time, take out the ice cream, stir and return it to the chamber. Repeat the steps after an hour and a half. And just 2 hours after that, the ice cream is ready!

Great video recipe homemade ice cream- watch and prepare!

Homemade Popsicle Recipe

You can make apple ice cream.

For cold apple sweetness you need:

  • 1 medium apple;
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 4 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • lemon juice - added to taste.

Preparation homemade popsicles:

  1. First, soak the gelatin for 30 minutes in 2 tablespoons of chilled boiled water.
  2. Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Mix the swollen gelatin with syrup and cool.
  3. Prepare applesauce.
  4. Mix the cooled syrup with gelatin and puree, add a little lemon juice.
  5. Pour the mixture into special molds that only need to be filled 2/3 full. It should be taken into account that when frozen, the ice cream will become larger in size. Now you can put the ice cream in the freezer.

That's it, apple ice cream is ready!

How to make popsicles at home

In the summer heat, you always want to eat something cold and always very tasty. Popsicles would serve as such a delicacy. This is the name of ice cream covered with chocolate glaze. Or you can get double the pleasure and make a chocolate popsicle.

First we make ice cream. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a liter of milk,
  • half a glass of water,
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder,
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar,
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix milk and water in a bowl. By the way, water can be replaced with cream.
  2. Add dry ingredients and vanilla and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into popsicle molds or an ice tray, or some other tall and narrow device.
  4. Insert a stick into the center of each mold.
  5. Leave the mixture in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

And now the icing:

  1. Take 200 grams of chocolate and butter. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix with melted butter. You need to let the glaze cool a little, but it should still be warm.
  2. Pre-spread parchment paper in the freezer. We take out the frozen ice cream, dip it in the glaze, let it cool a little time and put it on parchment.

Such ice cream, especially if you make it yourself, will allow you to easily and happily survive the hot weather.

Easy Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Ice cream with vanilla according to this recipe is simply finger-licking good!


  • vanillin - 2 teaspoons;
  • cream 20% - glass;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • 2 eggs.

Preparation homemade vanilla ice cream:

  1. Beat eggs in a bowl. Add sugar and work with a mixer until thick foam. Add salt and stir gently.
  2. Boil the milk. Carefully, little by little, pour it into the egg mixture, which is still whisking. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan where the milk was and put it on the stove again, turning the heat to minimum. You need to cook until the mixture becomes thick enough. This takes approximately 7 to 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add cream and vanillin to the pan.
  3. Once the mixture is ready, pour it into molds and cool. It is better to cool the ice cream completely in the refrigerator. And only then move the molds into the freezer.

There is hardly a person who can refuse such sweetness.

Banana ice cream - a very tasty recipe

Bananas are delicious on their own. And if you make such a delicacy as banana ice cream from them, you will get such a delicious treat - “you won’t be able to pull it away by the ears”!

For the dish you need:

  • 2 ripe (you can even take overripe) bananas,
  • half a glass of cream,
  • a tablespoon of powder and lemon juice.


  1. Cut into large pieces Place bananas in the freezer for 4 hours.
  2. Then grind them in a blender until smooth.
  3. Add cream, lemon juice and powder to bananas. Beat well again.
  4. Place everything in the freezer for 2 hours.
  5. During this time, be sure to take out the mixture and stir at least twice.
  6. Ready. Place the ice cream in a bowl and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Bon appetit!

How to make chocolate ice cream at home

No store-bought ice cream on its own taste qualities cannot be compared to a delicacy prepared independently. And even more so for chocolate deliciousness made at home. There are many ways to make this ice cream.

Here you can use dark or milk chocolate as the main ingredient, or just cocoa powder. Or combine cocoa and chocolate in one recipe. We'll look at how to make ice cream using milk chocolate.

So, Components:

  • milk chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • fine crystalline sugar - 150 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • cream (can be replaced with full-fat sour cream).

Cooking process homemade chocolate ice cream:

  1. We first take the eggs and separate the whites and yolks. Melt the chocolate. The yolks need to be beaten thoroughly. While whipping, add slightly cooled chocolate.
  2. Now you need to work on the proteins combined with sugar until you get a fluffy foam. At the same time, whip the cream (sour cream).
  3. Combine both egg mixtures into one uniform mass. Add cream while stirring continuously. Just not all at once, but gradually. Make the composition homogeneous and pour into containers prepared for ice cream. We put it in the freezer, taking the mixture out every hour (2-3 times in total) to mix. After the last mixing, put the ice cream in the freezer for another 3 hours. That’s it, the “amazingly delicious” delicacy is ready!

Important! The more chocolate is added to ice cream, the less sugar you need to use. Otherwise the product will turn out cloying!

A very simple recipe for homemade ice cream in 5 minutes

It turns out that ice cream can be made in just 5 minutes. And you don't need any special ingredients for this.

Only 300 grams of frozen (required) berries, chilled cream, half or a little more than a third of a glass and 100 grams of granulated sugar. You can use any berries, but strawberries, raspberries or blueberries (or all together) are ideal.

So, put everything in a blender and mix vigorously for 3-5 minutes. You can add a little vanilla to the mixture. That's all!

It is not forbidden to serve this ice cream immediately after preparation. And if you freeze it for half an hour, it will only get better.

The legendary Soviet ice cream is a taste of childhood for those born in the USSR. And with our recipe it is very easy to feel it again.


  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 100 gr. fine sugar;
  • 4 yolks;
  • a glass of the fattest milk;
  • cream 38% - 350 ml.

Cooking Ice cream according to GOST from the USSR is like this:

  1. Grind 4 yolks and 100 grams of fine sugar thoroughly until white.
  2. Carefully remove the seeds from the vanilla.
  3. In a saucepan, boil milk with vanilla added to it.
  4. Pour milk in a thin stream into the beaten yolks with sugar.
  5. We put the mixture back on the fire and heat it, stirring constantly, to 80 °C. It is important not to let the composition boil! After this, remove the saucepan from the stove and cool. First, until room temperature is reached, then place the mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. The cream, previously cooled for 12 hours, is whipped fluffy.
  7. Combine the yolk mixture and cream and beat for a couple of minutes. Place the resulting mass in the freezer for 60 minutes. Then we take it out, mix or beat it, and back into the chamber. So 4 times.
  8. The last time you take out the mixture will be hard. That's how it should be. Break it apart with a spoon, stir vigorously, and put it back in the freezer.
  9. After half an hour, we take it out, mix it again and now put the ice cream in the chamber until it hardens completely.

Soviet ice cream is ready! You can enjoy it, remembering your happy childhood.

How to make ice cream at home - tips and tricks

Making ice cream at home means surprising your family with your favorite delicacy and at the same time taking care of the health of your loved ones. Because in this case you will always be sure of the naturalness of the product.

To make ice cream correctly, you need not only to follow the recipes, but also to put into practice some recommendations and tips:

  1. Sugar in ice cream can be replaced with honey.
  2. Instead of store-bought milk, use homemade milk. Just like cream. Then the ice cream will turn out much tastier.
  3. Chocolate, jam, nuts, coffee and many other products go well as an addition and decoration to the delicacy. There are no limits to your imagination. Sometimes all you need to do is look in the refrigerator and check out the kitchen shelves.
  4. Dessert cannot be kept in the freezer for a long time. It is made entirely from natural products, so the shelf life is low. It must be consumed within a maximum of 3 days. Although it is unlikely that he will stay that long.
  5. It is not recommended to refreeze melted ice cream!
  6. Before serving the dessert, leave it out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then its taste and aroma will appear much brighter.
  7. When preparing a treat without an ice cream maker, it must be constantly stirred while freezing. During the entire cycle - from 3 to 5 times, approximately every half hour or hour.

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love ice cream; this wonderful dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. But few people know that making real ice cream at home is not so difficult. There are many recipes for this delicacy that even a novice housewife can implement. Ice cream is prepared with milk and cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, chocolate and candied fruits. In this article we have selected many recipes on how to make ice cream at home, cook deliciously with us!

How to make ice cream at home from milk and sugar

You will need:

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sugar - 250 g (1 glass, faceted)
  • Vanillin
  • 4 eggs.

Making ice cream at home is quite simple, but there are small nuances that you need to understand before you get started. This dessert is prepared only using yolks; it is better to choose homemade milk, but if this is not possible, then it doesn’t matter, take store-bought milk with the highest percentage of fat content. Before making ice cream from homemade milk, it must be boiled - this will kill bacteria and make the product safe. To prevent the milk from “running away” during boiling, grease the edges of the pan with a piece of butter (in a circle).

Cook the ice cream over low heat, stirring constantly, without leaving for a minute, otherwise the yolks may curdle.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take a clean enamel or glass pan, pour cooled boiled milk into it, add 100 g of sugar, and cook over medium heat. The milk just needs to be heated, it should under no circumstances boil.
  2. Next, break the eggs, carefully separate the yolks, grind them with sugar (150 g) until they turn white.
  3. Pour a little warm milk into the beaten yolks and mix well. Then pour the prepared yolk mass into a saucepan with milk, reduce the heat.
  4. Add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the ice cream will taste bitter. Cook, stirring constantly (until the mass thickens), otherwise there is a high probability of the eggs curdling. You should have a medium thick custard anglaise.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the heat, let the cream cool, then pour the ice cream into a plastic container and place it in the freezer.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, the ice cream is mixed, the operation is repeated 4-6 times (until the dessert completely hardens). If you have a special ice cream maker, then the need for mixing disappears by itself.

Ice cream at home hardens in about 6-8 hours (depending on quantity). After which you can take it out and place it in bowls, decorate with candied fruits, chocolate chips, and mint leaves. You can add caramel, fresh fruit or syrup, thereby getting a new interesting taste every time.

How to make ice cream at home from milk in 5 minutes


  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt – 6 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla - 1/4 spoons (if desired, you can prepare it without vanillin, with a different filling);
  • Milk - half a cup;

Also for cooking you will need ice and two cellophane package with clasp. The packages should be of different sizes: one large, the other smaller.

Cooking method:

A large bag should be filled halfway with ice. Place 6 tablespoons of salt in an ice pack. Better to use coarse salt, but if one is not available, you can replace it with a small one. Next, ice and salt must be mixed and set aside for a while.

Then you need to prepare the ice cream mixture. To do this, take a small container, mix milk with sugar in it and add vanilla (or other filling that you have chosen for your ice cream). Carefully pour the resulting mixture into a small bag, making sure there is no damage in it. Close the bag well.

The small bag containing the formula is placed in a large ice pack. Make sure that the entire mixture is completely covered with ice. It is very important! The bags must be shaken for 5 minutes. This is how you make ice cream without a mixer.

How to make ice cream at home video

How to make ice cream at home from milk without cream

Almost all ice cream recipes include such a high-calorie product as cream, but today I want to tell you how to make ice cream at home without cream. It is easier to prepare than ice cream with cream and has fewer calories, and cream is not always on hand.

So, to prepare milk ice cream, we need the following ingredients: milk 700 grams, sugar 200 grams, 3 eggs, vanillin and that’s it.

Bring the milk to a boil and leave to cool. Beat eggs with sugar and transfer to a saucepan.

Stirring constantly, slowly add warm milk and place on low heat.

Stir continuously until the mixture thickens and boils. Now add vanillin and leave to cool.

After our ice cream has cooled, mix it again, put it in molds, I have ordinary silicone molds for cupcakes and put in the freezer.

It hardens quite quickly. Before serving, remove from the molds and decorate to your taste, you can pour jam, jam, melted chocolate, sprinkle with nuts, as your imagination unfolds.

How to make ice cream at home without milk

As you know, milk, and especially cream, are very high-calorie foods. Yes, ice cream made at home with your own hands, according to a recipe using cream and milk, is the most delicious ice cream. But not the healthiest. Especially if you watch your figure or follow a diet in your diet. But still, how sometimes you want to please yourself with this best and most delicious dessert for children and adults.

That's why I'm writing this article, for those people who want to eat homemade ice cream in person. But at the same time they take care of their health, nutrition, metabolism, and figure. This article contains only those DIY homemade ice cream recipes that do not contain cream or milk (products and ingredients). The only exception is non-fat milk, but cream is all very fatty and high in calories.

Ice cream recipes without cream and milk

Mostly desserts that do not use dairy and creamy products, these are fruit, fermented milk, using different berries and fruits in their composition. For example, when the main composition of such ice cream includes mainly bananas and strawberries, nuts and berries. Making dessert at home yourself is not difficult if you have a mixer or blender in your kitchen. But the best thing, of course, is the ice cream maker. But not everyone has it, so we will select recipes that are not complicated.

What to use then if you can’t use milk and cream? For example, in recipes that require the presence of milk in products, it can be replaced with low-fat, or even completely skim, low-calorie milk from the store. There is no need to replace cream with anything; the Internet is full of recipes that contain this very fatty and high-calorie product, but is not listed among necessary ingredients to prepare the most delicious dessert at home.

How to make ice cream without milk and cream at home

By the way, instead of milk, you can also use juice from fruits and berries. So, what do we need to prepare and make ourselves, a simple dish, ice cream dessert.

  1. Milk about 400 ml. Low-fat or completely low-fat.
  2. Egg yolks from preferably domestic eggs. 4 pieces.
  3. Sugar or better powdered sugar. One small glass is enough, if there is powder, then of course a little less.
  4. Just a little vanilla.

Method for making ice cream without milk and cream

  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar (or powdered sugar). Mix well and for a long time. Stir until foam forms. Then add milk to the mixture and put the whole thing on the fire. Only low fire! To this mass, which cooks and becomes thicker and thicker every minute, add a pinch of vanilla.
  2. After the mixture has thickened over low heat, set it aside from the stove onto the table. Wait for the mixture to cool, pour it into the molds and then place it in the freezer of your refrigerator to cool and freeze. The mixture should cool for about 3-4 hours no more. Once an hour, take out the mixture and stir it. The first two times after the first half hour of freezing, and the second half hour of cooling.

Ice cream recipe without cream and without milk, with starch

  1. In order to prepare this delicious dessert, you need to take milk (500 ml) and divide it into 2 equal portions. Add 30 grams of starch to one serving. Stir this portion with starch for a couple of minutes.
  2. In the second portion, add sugar (as much as you like), a little sugar or powdered sugar. Stir the sugar in the milk until it dissolves in it, that is, about a couple of minutes of stirring.
  3. Then, pour one portion into another, mix both portions together. Place on low heat. During the cooking process, add one egg yolk into the vessel where the mixture is boiled. And also a little vanilla. Cook the mixture until it thickens, stirring constantly over low heat.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove. We wait until the mixture cools down. Pour the cream into molds and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. Every half hour, take it out and stir. Do this 2 times, then stir once every hour and a half. After 3-5 hours of cooling, your most delicious dessert is ready to eat. Bon appetit to you and your children.
  1. By the way, a child will really appreciate homemade ice cream served to him, in some interesting and unusual, fun form. They can be ordered and purchased online. With an ice cream maker, by the way, the molds come with the device. There are also containers with lids for storing dessert in them.
  2. Also another tip for making your own ice cream at home. Store and freeze the mixture and cream only in closed containers. So that the delicacy does not pick up the tastes and smells of all the products stored in your refrigerator.
  3. Use only fresh products and ingredients included in the recipe. Buy everything not in the store, but at the grandmother’s market, so to speak. Homemade and natural, fresh and healthy. Homemade eggs and milk, cream if needed, berries and fruits used in the ice cream recipe. All products and ingredients are homemade, a hundred times tastier and fresher, healthier than those from the store.

Ice cream based on fruit juice

Fruit juice replaces milk. And it is used in the recipe for fruit and berry ice cream as a base. How to make the most delicious frozen juice.

  1. Take 700 grams of cherries, currants or raspberries, strawberries or other delicious fruit berries.
  2. Pour berries or fruits (cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, you just need to choose one from the list), so, pour 700 grams of berries or fruits into a blender, and grind them in the device.
  3. In addition to 700g of fruits or berries, add 270g of sugar to the blender. Beat it all until the sugar dissolves in the fruit mass. At the end of the procedure, add 180-200 mg of water to the mixture.
  4. If you are preparing popsicles for yourself and not for children or children, you can add a little liqueur to the mixture for a pleasant taste. Only a little (2-3 spoons), no more, so that the liqueur does not take over the entire taste and does not drown out the flavors of other ingredients in the recipe.

Ready fruit, berry cream, put it in the refrigerator to cool until the cream is completely frozen. That's all, 700g of cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, something from this list. Mix with 260g of sugar, all in a blender. Beat, finally add 200 ml of water, liqueur if desired, freeze and the dessert is ready to eat. The child will be happy with this tasty treat prepared by you personally at home yourself. And what if ready cream Pour the mixture and cool into interesting molds, then the children will be delighted with such fruit ice.

How to make ice cream delicious without cream and milk

So that your dessert does not suffer greatly from the absence of the main fatty and high-calorie foods in the recipe for any homemade ice cream. Namely milk and cream. You need to diversify its taste with some other elements. For example. A sprinkle of chocolate chips on top wouldn't go amiss. And if you add a little milk powder to the ice cream, it will make it tender and airy. You can also sprinkle the top of the dessert with not only chocolate but also nut shavings.

Also add a little liqueur or rum, cognac, or the cream of the preparing ice cream to the mixture. Stir well and beat with a mixer or blender, or an ice cream maker if you have one. kitchen equipment. Naturally, the addition of alcohol applies only to those cases when the dessert is not prepared for a child or children. And for adults, the share of liqueur or rum, cognac in the recipe should not exceed 2-3 tablespoons per kilogram of dish.

How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker

Choosing and buying an ice cream maker turned out to be not the most difficult thing. The hardest thing was to find a universal, simple, not expensive ice cream recipe for ice cream maker. The whole family liked the ice cream recipe, which is posted on this page. But this ice cream tastes best with the addition of milk chocolate. And the simplest and most delicious recipe was for fruit ice cream with banana.

Ice cream recipe for ice cream maker:

  1. 4 yolks
  2. 250 ml milk
  3. 250 ml cream (we use 15% condensed cream with sugar)
  4. 100 gr. Sahara (if we use condensed cream, then there is no need to add sugar)
  5. 1 pinch vanillin

We start preparing ice cream by preparing the eggs. According to the recipe, separate the yolks from the whites and beat until foamy. At the beginning, we used all the eggs (it was a pity to leave the whites, but then we started making a delicious mousse from the whites). Due to the rapid coagulation of egg whites, the ice cream mixture had to be strained, and the finished homemade ice cream ended up with grains.

Beat the yolks into a stiff foam.

Measure out 250 ml of condensed cream. Sometimes we use condensed milk prepared at home.

Then measure out 250 ml of milk.

Now mix everything and beat it well with a mixer.

Place the ice cream mixture over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add vanilla.

Be sure to cool in cold water(this way the mixture does not become covered with a film). And then place the ice cream mixture in the refrigerator (cool). Using the cooled mixture, ice cream in ice cream maker expands well.

Pour the cooled ice cream mixture into the ice cream maker. The ice cream maker must be in the freezer for at least 12 hours at a temperature of minus 18 degrees or lower. (Since we make ice cream quite often, the ice cream maker is always in our freezer.)

Time making ice cream in an ice cream maker 30-40 minutes.

Place the finished ice cream out of the ice cream maker into a suitable container.
Ice cream in an ice cream maker It turns out soft, so it should be frozen in the freezer.

Everyone can make this ice cream. It can't fail. It’s best to start with it after purchasing an ice cream maker, so as not to be immediately disappointed. Banana ice cream with berries.

How to make ice cream from yogurt

If you want ice cream but don't feel comfortable buying it from the store, then there is a very quick and easy easy way make yogurt ice cream at home.

Yogurt ice cream does not require many ingredients to prepare, but it turns out very tasty.

Ingredients for Yogurt Ice Cream:

Yogurt ice cream recipe

Pour drinking yogurt into a deep bowl. You can use any fruit yogurt to your taste. The basis was peach yogurt with a fat content of 2.5%. It has a delicate taste and even children will like it.

Now you need to pour granulated sugar into a bowl of yogurt. In principle, the yogurt itself already has some sweetness, so you shouldn’t add too much sugar. Add a few tablespoons if you still like sweet foods.