Beef soup with tomato. Soup with tomatoes - classic


  • beef 400 gr.;
  • green green beans- 1 plate;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste;

Cooking method

  1. First, take a pan and fry the pieces of beef in it in olive oil. Then add the chopped onion and fry the ingredients for a minute.
  2. Next, add water to the pan and simmer for 30 - 40 minutes.
  3. Salt and pepper the cooked beef and add a cube of broth.
  4. Pour the green beans into the broth with the prepared meat, after washing and cutting off the tails from it.
  5. Cook everything over high heat until boiling.
  6. Reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Grind fresh tomatoes in a blender and pour into meat. If there are no tomatoes, then you can replace them with tomato paste.
  8. Mix the ingredients, after boiling, add chopped garlic cloves and cook for another 2 minutes.
  9. Our tomato soup ready in beef broth. Decorate it with chopped green onion, or parsley. Serve with rice at the table.
Bon appetit!

Ingredients: 300 grams of beef; 3-4 pickles; 1 large onion; pieces five small tomatoes; half a lemon; 2 teaspoons of capers; greens (cilantro, parsley); 1 teaspoon of dill and fennel seeds; half a teaspoon of ground coriander; 1 clove; a mixture of allspice; salt; sugar; vegetable oil; 1 small hot pepper or 1 teaspoon of Abkhaz adjika - optional; olives; sour cream.

We take a beef shank, arm ourselves with a sharp knife and disassemble it into pieces. We methodically cut off all the veins, tendons and films. large pieces- leave for another dish. Those that are smaller, cut into pieces with a thickness of a centimeter and a length of 3-4 centimeters. Veins and other trimmings, finely chopped, fill cold water and put to cook over low heat, covered and without salt.

While the broth is cooking, let's take care of the vegetables. We cut off the tails from the pickled cucumbers, layer them in length, 3 mm thick, and then cut them across - into strips.

Cut the onion into quarters, and just like cucumbers, cut into strips.

Tomatoes, from the side of the “tail”, cut a cross into a cross and put in a deep bowl. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes so that they are completely in the water. After a couple of minutes, when the skin begins to peel off them, drain hot water. Dip the tomatoes in cold water and remove the skin from them.

Cut the tomatoes into slices. If you don't want to mess with fresh tomatoes, then you can take canned. If there are no tomatoes, you can replace them with two tablespoons tomato paste.

We heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and pour a teaspoon of dill seeds into it. In just a couple of seconds, put the chopped meat into the pan and fry it well over high heat. Add chopped onion, mix. Reduce the heat and sauté the meat and onions for a couple more minutes. Stir so that the onion is fried evenly and nothing burnt. We turn off the fire.

In another pan, heat one tablespoon of vegetable oil and over medium heat, begin to fry the tomatoes. We dissolve them to the state thick sauce. Add a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of fennel seeds, half a teaspoon of ground coriander, one clove. Sprinkle with a ground mixture of allspice and put one small hot pepper or a teaspoon (without fanaticism) of Abkhazian adjika. Stirring gently so as not to damage the pepper, cook until the moisture evaporates.

We add fried meat with onions and a handful of chopped greens - parsley and cilantro to our spicy sauce. Add half ladle meat broth. We mix. We continue to simmer over low heat, under the lid until it thickens. The base for our soup is ready.

By the way, the broth should already be cooked. Strain it through a sieve, and give the boiled meat trimmings to domestic animals. We are responsible for those who accustom us to order.

Bring the broth to a boil and add the spicy "meat-tomato" sauce to it. Cook over medium heat for ten minutes. We send pickles and capers to the pan. Squeeze a quarter of a lemon and continue to cook for another five minutes. We try. If necessary, correct the taste for salt and acid. If not sour, add lemon juice if too sour, add sugar. We catch the pepper from the pan. I remind you again, the pepper must remain intact, otherwise the soup will turn out to be very spicy.

It is very good to eat such a soup, and I would even say correctly, putting olives, a circle of lemon, sour cream in a plate and sprinkling with chopped herbs. Interestingly, the next day this soup does not lose palatability and it only gets tastier.

Please note that this soup has a truly healing properties against all sorts of blues and ailments.

Fanze Niuzhou Tang, or Tomato soup with beef, is a popular Chinese homemade soup. It can be seen both in the menu of a small restaurant or even a diner, and in a reputable institution. There are a lot of variants of this soup, the main ingredients are beef and tomatoes, in fact, because of them it got its name. In addition to meat and tomatoes, tomato soup with beef is added onion(or shallots), cut into wedges, and potatoes, also cut into wedges. The soup is salty, spicy (the degree of spiciness can be adjusted by the amount spicy pasta or sauce), with a noticeable taste of tomatoes. The recipe for Fanze Niuzhou Tang is very simple and does not require any special culinary skills. Perhaps that is why he is so popular.

lean beef - 250 g,
tomato - 2 pcs.,
green onions - 3-4 arrows,
hot water or beef broth- 1 l,
pixiang douban spicy bean paste
or Doubanjiang (Tobajiang) horse bean spicy sauce - 3 tablespoons,
peanut or other vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.,
salt (or light soy sauce) - taste.

Rinse the beef and cut into medium-sized pieces, then scald with boiling water.
Wash tomatoes and green onions. Cut the tomatoes into slices, separate the white part from the onion arrows. If you want the tomatoes in the soup to boil into puree, then remove the skin from them before cutting, scalding them with boiling water. If you prefer sliced ​​tomatoes in your soup, leave the skin on.

Warm up in wok peanut butter and fry the white parts of the green onions in it, then add the pieces of beef and fry them until they change color. Add the tobajian paste and tomatoes to the wok.

Stir the contents of the wok and stew the meat and tomatoes a little while stirring the contents of the wok. Add hot water or beef broth, bring the liquid to a boil, lower the heat to medium, cover and simmer for about an hour. At the end of cooking, taste the broth and add salt to taste (or adjust the salt level already in the plate by adding light soy sauce to taste).

Put three or four slices of boiled beef into serving bowls, pour over the broth with tomatoes and sprinkle with green onion rings. Serve immediately.

Tomato soup is a classic. World recipes for soups with tomatoes: tasty, healthy, unusual

You can diversify the menu of first courses with the help of simple interesting recipes cooking soup with tomatoes.

It would seem that he added a tomato to the roast for any soup and you're done. But there are many recipes for making soup with tomatoes using a certain technology. Among them - there are unusual ones that you most likely have never tried.

In each country, tomato soups are prepared according to their own unique recipes. Consider general principles cooking soup with tomatoes.

Soup with tomatoes - general principles of cooking

Regardless of the recipe, the following products are used:

Meat to taste: pork, lamb, beef, chicken;

fresh tomatoes;

Bulb onions;



Vegetable oil;

Salt is common;


How to make Tomato Soup:

1. The meat is washed, cut and put in a pot of cold water to cook the broth.

2. Potatoes are peeled, cut into strips.

3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry the vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil.

4. Tomatoes are poured over with boiling water to remove the skin. Then grind into a homogeneous mass in a blender or mixer. You can cut the tomatoes with the skin into cubes and add to the roast. It all depends on the recipe.

5. When the broth boils, prepared vegetables, spices, and salt are added to it. Before the end of cooking, you can season the soup with small vermicelli, noodles or dumplings. It also depends on your taste, desire and the recipe used.

Soup with tomatoes and chicken

This is the easiest Chicken Tomato Soup recipe ever. Due to the tomato chopped on a blender, the dish turns out to be quite thick. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to add lemon to get a slightly sour taste. Spices are a must Bay leaf and black ground pepper.


Two chicken breasts.

Four tomatoes.


Vegetable oil for frying.

One hundred grams of small vermicelli (cobwebs).

Two bulbs.

Fresh greens.

Two or three slices of lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken fillet is washed and saturated broth is boiled. If you do not like "floating" onions in the soup - add a whole onion, salt.

2. In the meantime, tomatoes are poured over with boiling water, they are freed from the skin and passed through a blender.

3. Garlic is passed through a press and fried over low heat.

4. The resulting tomato mass is added to the garlic and allowed to sweat for another six to seven minutes.

5. Cooked chicken meat is divided into pieces.

6. Transfer the tomatoes with garlic to a separate pan, add the cooked broth and bring to a boil.

7. Small vermicelli and chicken pieces are thrown into the soup.

8. I decorate the finished dish with lemon and freshly cut greens.

Soup with tomatoes "Senior Tomato"

This recipe is especially loved by hostesses in the summer during the summer season. Since stew is used instead of meat, which reduces the cooking time. And fresh tomatoes are rich in any garden.


6-7 tomatoes.

250 grams of any stew.

One celery root or parsley.

3-4 potatoes.

One bulb.

Five tablespoons of grated cheese.

Cumin, pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Boil water in a saucepan. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut into strips.

2. Put the stew, chopped vegetables in boiling water and cook until tender.

3. Chop the onion, cut two or three tomatoes into cubes and fry in oil in a pan.

4. Fried vegetable mix add to the soup along with cumin and pepper. Bring to a boil.

5. When serving, put a few circles of tomatoes in each plate and sprinkle the soup with grated cheese.

Soup with tomatoes and pork

Pork meat broth will turn out to be more saturated and rich in fats. Fresh tomatoes add a summery fresh flavor and sourness to the soup.


400 grams of pork.

Five pieces of potatoes.

One carrot.

One bulb.

One red bell pepper.

Four fresh tomatoes.

Parsley greens.


Cooking method:

1. We wash the pork meat, separate it from the veins and excess fat, cut into medium portions.

2. Pour cold water into the pan, put the meat and set the broth to boil, not forgetting to remove the excess foam.

3. After boiling, put finely chopped onions, chopped potatoes, grated carrots. We leave on slow gas.

4. Remove the core from the pepper, finely chop.

5. Cut the tomatoes into cubes or circles.

6. Add the remaining vegetables to the soup.

7. Leave to languish on slow gas for ten minutes.

8. At the end of cooking, we throw fresh chopped greens.

9. Let it boil and pour hot on plates.

Soup with tomatoes "Mr. Tomato"

If there is an overabundance of tomatoes in the refrigerator, do not rush to put them on tomato paste or juice. Check out this delicious soup recipe. For the broth, you will need a piece of meat, it can be on the bone, or minced meat.


500 grams of minced meat or meat.

Four or five cherry tomatoes or two regular tomatoes.

Three medium sized potatoes.

Two bulbs.

One carrot.

50 grams of rice.

Sunflower oil for frying.

Salt, pepper - to taste.

Two bay leaves.

Fresh herbs (dill, parsley).

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the broth, use beef, pork or minced meatballs. According to taste and desire - chicken fillet is also suitable.

2. When using meat - it is washed, cut into portions and set to boil the broth. When preparing soup with meatballs, first balls of one or two centimeters in size are formed from minced meat, then they are thrown into boiling water.

3. Rice groats are washed several times with running water and added to the boiling broth.

4. Potatoes are peeled, chopped into cubes, added to the soup.

5. Carrots are passed through a grater, the onions are peeled and finely chopped.

6. Prepared vegetables are sautéed in a frying pan with oil on medium gas for ten minutes.

7. Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes and add to the sautéed carrots and onions. Simmer another five or six minutes.

8. The prepared roast is thrown into the broth, left to cook on slow gas for another fifteen minutes.

9. At the end of cooking, bay leaves, salt and pepper are thrown to taste.

10. Fresh greens are washed, finely chopped.

11. The soup is poured into bowls and garnished with herbs.

Soup with tomatoes "Vitamin"

For this easy tomato soup recipe, you will need slightly unripe tomatoes. And walnuts will add sophistication and calorie content to the dish. The soup is served cold, so it will be perfect for dinner in hot weather.


One kilogram of tomatoes.

Three cloves of garlic.

One sweet red pepper.

Half a cup of crushed walnuts.

Salt, fresh herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Pour clean water into the pan and leave it to boil.

2. Tomatoes are cut into small slices.

3. Nuts are crushed and mixed with garlic, passed through a press.

4. Salt boiling water, add chopped peppers, tomatoes and garlic-nut mixture.

5. Bring to a boil and cool.

6. When serving, decorate with herbs and chopped sweet pepper.

Soup with fresh tomatoes "Italian"

As soon as different nations do not use tomatoes in the preparation of first courses. Italians do not pour boiling water over tomatoes for soup and do not fry them. They are added fresh to the finished dish.


Six potatoes.

¼ medium head of cauliflower.

24 beans and peas (in equal weight).

One pod of pepper.

Vegetable oil.

Two or three fresh tomatoes.

One carrot.

One stalk of green onions, herbs, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

1. Cleaned, washed and cut thin straw carrots, onions, greens.

2. Vegetables are sautéed in oil and water.

3. Pods of beans and peas are washed and cut

4. Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into slices and dipped in boiling salted water for ten minutes.

5. Chopped pods, “passivation” and cabbage sorted into small pieces are added to the pan.

6. Let it boil for ten minutes on low heat under the lid.

7. At the end of cooking, put sliced ​​​​tomatoes and salt.

8. When serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs and chopped peppers.

Soup with tomatoes "Chegemsky"

One of the most interesting and unusual recipes soup with tomatoes - with the addition of lentil beans and eggplant. Serve with the first course garlic croutons or toasted bread.


100 grams of dry lentils.

200 grams of eggplant.

60 grams of seed onions.

One red pepper.

Two cloves of garlic.

Two large tomatoes.

Vegetable oil.

Salt - to taste.

White bread.

Cooking method:

1. Lentils are sorted out, poured with two liters of cold water and put on fire.

2. After an hour, add peeled onions.

3. Eggplants are peeled, cut lengthwise into thin slices and added to the soup.

4. Peeled, finely chopped tomatoes are sautéed and dipped into the soup.

5. Cook for fifteen minutes over low heat.

6. Ready soup seasoned with crushed garlic and peeled finely chopped pepper.

7. Bread is fried on vegetable oil, if desired, rub with garlic and serve with soup.

Soup with tomatoes "Pyrenean"

The first dish prepared according to this gourmet recipe, eat with the Pyrenean landscape in front of your eyes. The mountain air and gentle breeze will whet your appetite.


One eggplant.

One pod of red, green and yellow sweet pepper.

Two pods of red hot pepper.

Three fresh tomatoes.

Two cloves of garlic.

Vegetable oil.

Salt, seasoning.

Dry greens.

Magazine colored clipping with Pyrenees.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant into slices and salt.

2. Remove the core from the sweet pepper and cut it.

3. Hot pepper is cut, freed from seeds and cut into rings.

4. Tomatoes are cut into cubes.

5. Onions and garlic are peeled and finely chopped. Fried with hot pepper in oil.

6. Add eggplant, Bell pepper and simmer a little more, stirring.

7. Then the vegetables in the pan are poured with hot water and salted.

9. For a “brightening” aroma that tickles the nostrils, seasoning is put into the soup three minutes before it is ready.

Soup with tomatoes "Tomato"

This creamy soup is especially relevant in the summer-autumn period, when tomatoes and basil greens grown in the backyard are truly juicy. The highlight of the recipe is that the tomatoes for the soup are baked in the oven.


One kilogram of ripe tomatoes.

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

4 cloves of unpeeled garlic.

Half a liter of chicken broth.

One hundred grams of fresh green basil.

Half a tablespoon balsamic vinegar or tomato paste.

Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes are washed and cut in half.

2. Place on a baking sheet covered with parchment or foil paper. Put unpeeled garlic cloves between the tomatoes.

3. Sprinkle olive oil, salt, pepper and put in the oven until baked (for one hour).

4. Cut off the ends of the baked garlic and squeeze the juice into the bowl. Add baked tomatoes, acetic acid or tomato paste.

5. Pour in the broth and turn the whole mixture in a food processor until a creamy mass is obtained.

6. In the process, add the broth, salt and pepper.

7. Puree soup is served both cold and hot with crackers. Sprinkle with basil.

Tomato Soup - Tricks and Useful Tips

1. To make the soup light, it is recommended to drain the primary broth cooked on meat. The meat is poured with cold clean water and brought to a boil.

2. So that the rice groats in the soup do not turn into porridge, they are washed at least five times in cold running water.

3. Catching potatoes or carrots - the soup is checked for readiness. If the vegetables are soft and cooked, you can turn off the fire.

4. It is not necessary to use all the broth prepared. It can be added to the first course being prepared gradually, in the process of boiling off part of the broth. Or pour into the pan after the first two plates eaten. Then the soup must be brought to a boil again.

Step-by-step recipes for an incredible tomato soup with meat and potatoes, rice, smoked sausages and vegetables with fresh and sun-dried tomatoes

2018-03-01 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

8 gr.

26 gr.


2 gr.

280 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for tomato soup with meat

Bouillons based on beef meat cannot be made light transparent. As, for example, from chicken meat. Therefore, they are often painted over with tomato paste or dressing from fresh tomatoes. We will look at both options, but we will start with the classic tomato soup with beef.


  • 550 grams of beef ribs;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 110 grams of tomato paste;
  • coarse salt;
  • laurel;
  • three potatoes;
  • spices "For meat";
  • five or six sprigs of parsley;
  • medium carrot;
  • medium bulb;
  • butter (1 tsp).

Step by step recipe for tomato soup with meat

Wash beef ribs. Place in a tall large saucepan. Pour in water. Add laurel. Boil without adding salt for one and a half hours. During this time (the fire is minimal), the broth will boil out per liter and remain transparent.

10-15 minutes before the end of this part of cooking, peel the carrots, potatoes and onions. Then grate the first, cut the second into cubes, and chop the third.

Fry all the root vegetables in the oil warmed up at the bottom of the pan. This will take about 3-4 minutes.

Remove the ribs from the pan (discard the laurel). Set aside on a plate. Strain the broth thoroughly.

Return, increasing heat to medium, in a clean saucepan. Throw (as carefully as possible) frying.

Also dilute the tomato paste in a sufficient volume of broth. Add to the bubbling first.

Now add salt, chopped parsley and spices "For meat". In addition, add the pieces of beef removed from the bones.

Cook tomato soup with meat for another 20-23 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Serve with sour cream and a fresh slice of crispy bread.

If you do not like the obvious presence of vegetables (carrots and onions) in the first courses, after pre-frying them, stew them directly in the pan, adding a few tablespoons of broth for half an hour at a minimum temperature.

Option 2: A quick recipe for tomato soup with meat

Beef can hardly be called tender. Therefore, it takes a long time to cook. But if you take a lean, cleaned piece, the time can be significantly reduced. In addition, we suggest completely abandoning the preliminary frying.


  • medium carrot;
  • 350 grams of lean meat;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • spices "For soup";
  • three (table) spoons of tomato paste;
  • onion for broth;
  • lavrushka;
  • 330 grams of potatoes;
  • salt;
  • a third of a bunch of any greens.

How to quickly cook tomato soup with meat

Pour purified water into a saucepan. Lay lavrushka and peeled onion. By the way, it is better to add it as a whole, so that later it would be easier to "catch" it and delete it.

While the liquid boils, cut off the films from lean beef and cut into small pieces of 20-25 grams. Wash well in cool running water.

Throw the meat into the bubbling liquid. Cook the broth, removing the foam, for 40 minutes. Then remove the soft onion and laurel.

Now introduce small potato cubes and grated carrots. Pour coarse salt, chopped herbs and spices "For soup".

In addition, pour clean broth into a separate container. Add tomato paste to it. Mix. Return the smooth dressing to the saucepan.

Simmer with a closed (not very tight) lid for an amazing tomato soup with beef for another 22-24 minutes, during which the potatoes should become soft. It is by its condition that a more accurate cooking time can be determined.

As we do fast option It is important to rinse the meat well. By the way, it should be lean. Thanks to this, a minimum of debris will appear in the bubbling broth, and it will not need to be filtered. And this is a significant saving of time and effort.

Option 3: Tomato soup with meat and rice

Don't like potatoes or you just don't have them at the moment? Then replace the popular root crop in our kitchen crumbly rice. It will turn out delicious!


  • two and a half liters of water;
  • spices "For soup" / salt;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • four fresh tomatoes;
  • medium carrot;
  • 395 grams of back of beef;
  • bulb onions;
  • two (teaspoons) paprika;
  • laurel;
  • red hot pepper;
  • oil for frying (butter).

How to cook

Clean the back beef. Rinse, cut into pieces and rinse again. Move to a saucepan. Pour water over meat. To put on medium fire, not forgetting to throw in a lavrushka.

Leave the broth for an hour, during which its volume will decrease by about a liter.

So, at the end of the specified time, clean the vegetables: onions and carrots. Also, blanch the tomatoes.

Grind the prepared ingredients. Then warm up the oil. Throw onions, tomatoes and carrots. Introduce spices "For soup", hot pepper and paprika. Salt and mix.

The next step is to take the beef out of the pan. Throw out the laurel. Strain the broth.

Pour a glass of purified broth into the frying pan. Simmer vegetable dressing with spices for 8-9 minutes.

Return the rest (most) to the stove. Immediately throw in white rice previously steamed in boiling water.

Reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum, cook the cereal for 6-7 minutes. After that, carefully pour the contents of the pan.

Also add beef and cover the tomato soup with meat with a lid. Cook the first one for a few more minutes. Serve warm with sour cream and croutons.

Rice for this first is better to choose thin. Like Basmati or Jasmine. It is these varieties that will not boil into porridge, but will remain in the form of whole grains. Which is beautiful in terms of presentation, and delicious when tasting.

Option 4: Meat Soup with Dried Tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are unusual, but undoubtedly bright taste. Light notes of smoke and a spicy structure will turn a simple tomato soup with meat into a unique culinary masterpiece.


  • 455 grams of beef (medium fat);
  • a can (125 g) of sun-dried tomatoes;
  • two and a half liters of water;
  • some salt;
  • medium (85 g) carrots;
  • three potatoes (105 g each);
  • onion for broth;
  • laurel leaf;
  • dried basil/black pepper;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste.

Step by step recipe

Clean and rinse the meat carefully. Cut into pieces. Transfer to a saucepan, where to put a bay leaf and a medium onion as a whole.

Add the planned amount of water. Salt. Leave on the stove at medium temperature. Cook for an hour.

During this time, peel the carrots and potatoes. Wash. Grate the first, finely chop the second into cubes.

Get boiled meat. Postpone. Strain the resulting broth. Moreover, onions and lavrushka can be thrown away.

Throw potatoes into a clean broth and add carrots. Add dried basil and black pepper.

In addition, lead Sun-dried tomatoes and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste. Mix well the latter so that the dish is homogeneous.

Throw in the beef pieces here. On minimum heat, continue cooking tomato soup with beef. To do this, set aside about half an hour.

Dried tomatoes won't give much color. Therefore, we recommend using tomato paste. However, this ingredient, unusual for our cuisine, which, by the way, can be bought in any store, will saturate the first one with amazing flavors.

Option 5: Tomato soup with beef and smoked sausages

By adding smoked sausages to the recipe, you will achieve an amazing and definitely memorable taste for the presented dish. Be sure to try this option. Perhaps he will be the most beloved.


  • 165 grams of smoked (hunting) sausages;
  • 495 grams of beef (lean);
  • two and a half liters of water;
  • three to four tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • coarse salt;
  • laurel / onion;
  • fresh carrots (medium size);
  • two large potatoes;
  • fresh dill.

How to cook

Place the peeled onion and a large bay leaf in a saucepan. Send prepared pieces of beef there. For this smoked version, only lean meat is suitable so that the first does not turn out to be too fatty.

Pour in filtered water. Put on medium fire. Boil for 45-49 minutes.

At the same time, peel the potatoes. Also peel the carrots. Cut the first root into cubes, and rub the second.

Now remove the film (if any) from the sausages. Chop them into relatively thin slices. Chop the dill.

At the next stage, strain the broth, discarding the laurel and onion, and setting the meat aside. Return the base of the dish to the stove.

Throw in potatoes, sprinkle carrots and add sausages. Introduce salt, given that smoked meats contain this spice. Throw dill. Pour in the tomato paste diluted in water or broth.

At the end, add the disassembled beef. Boil tomato soup with meat for no more than half an hour. Readiness to check on the softness of the potatoes.

If it was not possible to purchase thin hunting sausages, it is permissible to replace them with other smoked meats. For example, dried chicken fillet, salmon or ham. As for serving, crispy wheat croutons are perfect for this soup.

Option 6: Meat soup with tomatoes and vegetables

Cooking tomato soup in the summer, when you can buy any vegetables at the market? Then add as many fruits as possible to the recipe. In our case, it will be potatoes, sweet peppers, onions, green pea, carrots and juicy fresh greens.


  • two potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • large sweet pepper;
  • onion;
  • 95 grams of green peas;
  • a third of a bunch of greens;
  • 550 grams of beef;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • pepper / salt;
  • five tomatoes (medium).

Step by step recipe

Prepare all vegetables for cutting. To do this, remove the peel from carrots, potatoes and peppers. Blanch the tomatoes. Cut off the top of the pepper and remove the membranes. Remove green peas from pods.

Now cut off the fat and layers from the beef piece. Put it in a tall pot. Pour in water. Place on high heat and bring to a boil.

Then reduce the temperature of the stove to an average value. Remove foam. Carefully toss in the diced potatoes and peppers. Cover with grated carrots and chopped onions.

Continuing boiling, throw chopped tomatoes into the pan. Throw in pepper and salt. Bring the dressing to an inhomogeneous puree state.

Pour the contents of the pan into the beef tomato soup. Throw in green peas. Add chopped greens.

Finish the culinary process after a third of an hour. Serve an amazing first can be immediately. At the same time, do not forget to submit garlic croutons or slices of bran bread.

If the tomatoes do not give a strong red color, add a little tomato paste when roasting them. It is also permissible to supplement the composition of this soup with hot pepper and paprika. These spices will also enhance the color.